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As the night covered the sky, the stars poked out against the deep blue heights, shining out like a thousand diamonds, the moon, which at the time was a crescent, hung so perfectly in the sky, as if someone had struggled for hours upon hours to hang it there just right. The Crew of the Chimera had a neat little fire going to keep them warm seeing as the night--though beautiful--was chilly and cold. Marina sat next to Sinbad with Spike at their feet, the others were all laughing and telling jokes and stories to pass the time.
    They enjoyed the mini paradise they'd found, and they all enjoyed a good story once in a while. Sinbad glanced to the fire, then scratched the back of his neck,
"So . . ." he looked to the jungle, which wasn't as inviting as it was during the day. "Who wants to get more firewood?" he asked hesitantly.
One by one the crew all turned their heads to the jungle, it was black and the sounds of wildlife didn't come in cute chips or squeaks, they came in loud moans and screeches.
    "Nope." Luca said in a quippy tone, "Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm too old for venturing into a possibly hostile jungle." he folded his arms.
Kale rolled his eyes and stood, "I'll go," he chuckled, "I'd doubt any of you go in otherwise."
"Thanks Kale!" Sinbad called, "You're a life-saver!"
Kale rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, the Titan of a man knelt down and took up his knives and slid them into the blue band around his hips. Kale walked into the jungle and almost instantly vanished from view.
"He'll be fine!" Sinbad assured them, "Kale's well . . . " he stuttered, "Kale! nothing fazes that guy!"
Marina peaked an unsure brow, then sighed before standing, "Alright, I'm going to turn in." she walked off a ways.

    Kale shoved a branch aside, and sighed as he stepped over a log. Kale turned back the way he'd come, making sure he could still see the glow of the fire, which he could, he then bent down to scoop up a branch when he saw something just to the left of the stick. Kale ran his large hand along the dirt, outlining what looked like a very large dog track.
"Great. " Kale muttered, "Wild dogs."  Kale scooped up the branch then scanned the jungle with watchful eyes, he couldn't see anything, but he was definitely put on edge for the sight of such a large track.
He continued on his way, collecting large branches and sticks, huge palm leaves and ferns brushed against his skin, making Kale even more jumpy and uneasy if that were possible. 
    Kale decided the amount he had was enough, and he began to back out of the jungle, following the trampled grass made by wild animals he'd used before to enter this place. Kale turned and walked quickly, ducking branches and wincing as he was tingled by branches. The undergrowth tore at his yellowish britches, and his boots made harsh thudding noises.
    Something stalked Kale, it's green eyes  watched with an ever-present attentiveness that could give anyone chills. It was the wolf-dog from before, her green eyes taking in Kale's every feature, the loose rope collar hung around her neck and swayed back and forth as she walked adjacent to Kale, her fur concealed by the darkness of the jungle.  The dog wasn't young, nor old, but she did display an array of scars from claw marks to deliberate whip lashes. Her muzzle was long and thin, but it wasn't as thin as a wolf's it had a squareness to it that reminded anyone of some sort of fighting dog.
    Kale froze, feeling a set of eyes watching him, at first, he pushed it off as merely a harmless animal watching with concern but, he soon began to second-guess himself. Kale picked up his pace, until he finally busted though the trees and out onto the soft sandy beach.
    "Hey, look who survived!" Sinbad whooped.
    Kale rolled his eyes as he approached the others, he set the fire wood down, then threw a large branch into the flames. Kale looked over his shoulder and back the way he'd come.
    "What's wrong?" Sinbad asked, confused.
    Kale set his jaw before speaking, "I saw some Wild Dog tracks back there," he said, "the last thing we need is hungry, dangerous animals to worry about."
    Sinbad laughed, "Kale, we took on a goddess  I think we can handle a few hungry mutts!"
    Kale sighed shaking his head, sometimes Sinbad's pride would get in the way of the real issue. Kale glanced back at the jungle one more time before shaking his head, trying to assure himself there was nothing to worry about.
The wolf dog waited patiently in the undergrowth, until one by one, each of the crew lolled off to sleep. The dog then crept out into the open and scuttled closer to the sleeping sailors. The dog wasn't unfamiliar with humans, but aside from her mistress these were the first she had seen in many years.
The dog began sniffing around the camp, searching the bags and satchels for something to eat, she pulled out a larger bag and ripped it open, revealing a stash of salted meats, the dog's tail began to wag as she scarfed down a few chunks before taking a the entire bag and dragging it back into the jungle.
I think it's safe to say, Sinbad and the crew aren't the only ones on this Island.

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