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Nenari's POV~

I stared in awe at what stood before me. The room I was given was apparently one of the guest rooms. I walked inside, my bare feet padding on marble and tile as I peered around the space. Furniture and shelves of books filled the space, along with a large, inviting bed. The maid who had lead me to the room bowed,

"If you need anything, feel free to ask." she then turned on her heel and left before I could thank her. I blinked a little as Ember plodded into the space, moving over to the rug and curling up there happily, stretching and growling. I paced over to the bed and reached out with a tentative hand and gently touched the covers. I instantly suppressed a pleased sound at the sheer softness of the material under my calloused fingertips.

I slowly let myself sink into the bed and in that exact moment--the thought go getting up again seemed like an impossible task. I flopped down onto my back and stretched out. Every ache, pain and twinge vanished from my body as I let myself sink into the warm covers. I don't know how long I laid there, just enjoying all of it, when a sharp knock came at the massive doors. I forced myself to sit up and I cocked my head, "It's open."

I watched as the door opened and Marina poked her head in, "I brought food." She held up a wicker basket, "I thought we could have a bit of a girls' night." she giggled as she slipped inside.

I blinked and giggled, "Shouldn't you be with your partner? Or did Sinbad ditch ya?" I asked.

Marina set the basket down on a nearby table and settled on the bed beside me, "He's too busy catching up with his best friend."

"The King you mean?" I noted, before scratching my cheek, "How did a friendship like that come about?" I asked.

"Oh, they had been friends since they were young boys." She said with a giggle, "Sort of a meeting of opposites, Proteus was a prince at the time and Sinbad was an orphan boy who got by through pickpocketing."

"Ah, so the thievery hasn't changed much." I said with a teasing smirk.

"He's gotten better." Marina rolled her dark eyes before she quickly changed the subject, "Enough about Sinbad." she reached over for the basket, "This is a girls night, after all."

We shared some food she had brought from the kitchen, and while Marina drank wine from a glass I was content with just water. Nenari ate some bread and cheese as Marina spoke, Ember having woken up from her nap, was now curled up on the bed with them, just happy to have the company.

"So," Marina swirled her wine in her glass, "I have noticed you and Kale have gotten very close on this voyage." she said casually.

I snorted as I turned my gaze to look out the window, staring out across the sea, "I suppose we have. He's kind." I said.

"My dear, he bought you clothes!" Marina giggled, "He is infatuated with you! And honestly, you'd be mad to not accept his propositions."

"I know, I know." I said, "I just worry. He's a wonderful man, I just don't know if I'm the one for him." I told her.

I yelped and moved aside as a fluffy pillow nearly struck me in the head. Marina glared at me, setting her wine glass down, before smoothing her palms on her pants, "My dear, you are a strong, powerful--very powerful woman. I see no reason why you wouldn't be a good match for him." She offered me a small smile, as she rubbed her neck.

I nodded slowly as I popped another piece of cheese into my mouth, "I just . . . when we find this treasure . . . my past and all that, I just don't know what's in store for me. I don't want him to be hurt." I admitted, "I don't want any of you to be hurt."

Marina reached out and rested her hand on my arm, and gave me a loving and tender smile, "Whatever will be, will be my dear."

I reached up and pressed my palm over hers, "Thank you, Marina." I said.

After Marina left, I was left to my own devices. And while night crept on, sleep did not come to me at all. I was left walking around the massive halls of the palace, while during the day, the columns and floors reflected majestically with the sun. But at night? Everything just looked so big . . . and alone and intense. I stared up at the walls and the beautiful carvings in the marble. I reached up and rubbed my arms, feeling a chill move through my skin. I reached up and pulled my hair over my shoulder, gently playing with it as I wandered the halls. Guards gave me occasional glances as I passed, but otherwise paid me no mind.

I soon found a way to a balcony overlooking the city and the ocean beyond. The stars glittered overhead, creating a beautiful pattern that mesmerized me. I reached up and gently scratched my scars on my arms as I smiled fondly.


I blinked and turned, recognizing the deep voice instantly. There, standing in a beam of moonlight was Kale, waring linen trousers, and bare chested. His sharp eyes glittered in the dark as he approached me, his bare feet padding on the cool floor.

I smiled, one arm still resting on the rail, "You should be sleeping." I whispered.

"So should you." he walked over and rested his massive forearms on the rail, gazing at the city. I assumed the same position, "Sinbad off stealing something?"

"Meh. Marina wriggled her butt at him so that was the last we saw of Sinbad for the night." He said with a cheeky grin.

I felt my cheeks go hot before I sighed and shook my head, "I am not surprised." I giggled stupidly.

Kale let out a low rumbling chuckle as he looked down at me, "The clothes suit you well." He said, looking down at me, smiling gently. I felt that heat rise in my cheeks as I looked down, smiling. Kale leaned forward a little and spoke again,

"So . . .how do you like Syracuse?" he asked softly.

I perked up, "Oh, the city is lovely!" I said, "It seems so unreal." I said, biting my lip.

"Yeah . . . Unreal..."

I felt my body go as stiff as the columns that surrounded us as I felt a large hand press to my arm, slowly turning me to face Kale. He moved closer, a small smile on his lips, "You're a really pretty woman, Nenari."

My cheeks went alight with heat as I stifled a yelp. Feeling my lower back hit the rail, the moonlight illuminating the man that stood so close to me. I felt my heart flutter, but remembered what Marina said. And, standing there, before him, I could not help but melt under his warmness. I felt his hand press to my cheek, and I melted under his warm touch. I sighed and moved closer, reaching up and cradling his face in my hands, "Kale, I-"

"Shhh . . ." he leaned down, "You don't have to say anything."

And in that moment, he kissed me.

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