Chapter 30: Final Battle

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(The heroes are confronted by Superman, Black Adam, Wonder Woman and Salem. Then Kevin becomes Super Sonic and attacks Black Adam. Superman doesn't hesitate to beat Hiro, The Flash tries his best against Wonder Woman, and the rest attacks Salem. Super Sonic throws Black Adam down. Then he lands as the king of Khandaq gets up)

Kevin: You should have stayed in Khandaq. It would be less humiliating.

Black Adam: I underestimated you for the last time. Prepare to regret your actions against me!

(Meanwhile, Superman is still beating Hiro. Then Baymax saves him)

Hiro: Still mad because you got imprisoned, aren't you?

Superman: If Tadashi didn't stand in my way, he would be still alive!

Hiro: So you don't regret your actions, huh?

(Hiro activates his upgrades which coats his suit with kryptonite)

Hiro: Now I will have no problem dealing with you!

(Hiro holds his own against Superman thanks to the kryptonite which coats his suit. But Superman refuses to give up and beats Hiro without any remorse.)

Superman: Disobedient children will be punished!!

(As Superman is about to kill Hiro, The Flash and Green Lantern work together and hold the man of steel long enough for Supergirl to help Hiro.)

(Meanwhile, Kevin is still fighting Black Adam. Thanks to his fighting experience, Kevin manages to deal with the ruler of Khandaq)

Kevin: So much wisdom...wasted.

(Then he communicates with Oscar)

Kevin: (communicates) Oscar. How is it going?

Oscar: (communicates) Bad. Superman almost killed Hiro. Salem is easily defeating the other heroes.

Kevin: (communicates) I got a plan. Tell Supergirl to meet me at Neo Beacon Academy.

Oscar: (communicates) Got it!

(As Kevin ends his communication, he is confronted by Wonder Woman)

Kevin: No more secrets!

Wonder Woman: Do you think I wanted to join that witch?

Kevin: From someone like you, anything can be expected!

Wonder Woman: To pacify the world, the weak must perish!

Kevin: Peace? More like a war!

Wonder Woman: A war I seek to win!!

(Back to Superman, he is backstabbed by Colonel, who kicks him)

Colonel: You tried to use my sister for your personal gain!

Superman: I just wanted to bring peace to the universes!

Colonel: He was right. You're delusional!

Superman: And you think independence isn't an illusion?

Colonel: I can see why Luthor, Barry, Billy and Hal abandoned you!

(Colonel fights Superman. He fights with the honor of a soldier, but Superman uses his freeze breath and defeats the leader of the Repliforce)

Superman: They will pay with their miserable lives!!

(Then Supergirl receives a calling)

Supergirl: (communicates) Yes?

Oscar: (communicates) Kevin wants you to find him at Neo Beacon Academy.

Supergirl: (communicates) This gives me an idea.

(As Supergirl ends her communication, she is confronted by her cousin)

Superman: Since you decided to oppose me, I will not forgive you!

Supergirl: You tried to harm a child!

Superman: Whoever opposes me deserves to die!!

(Then Supergirl goes to Neo Beacon Academy as Superman follows her)

(Meanwhile, Kevin fights Wonder Woman. Despite being the newest goddess of war, she was simply no match for the faunus hedgehog, who outsmarts her)

Kevin: Your war ends here!

(Then Kevin throws a ring and goes through it. Then he quickly arrives at Neo Beacon Academy. Then Supergirl arrives at the location as well.)

Superman: You led me to him!

Kevin: (comes in) Of course she did!

(Then Kevin is seen in his newest form, the Mastered Ultra Instinct)

Superman: You...

(Superman attacks Kevin, but the hedgehog easily blocks his attack and throws him)

Superman: That's impossible!

Kevin: I mastered my ultra instinct. One last chance!

Superman: NEVER!!!

(Then Kevin punches him hard.)

Kevin: Too bad for you, Superman! And to think your father saved you from joining your own race...

Superman: Jor-El is not my father!!!

Supergirl: What? How could you deny Jor-El like he was nothing?

Salem: (comes in) It looks like this Jor-El guy was no different than Ozpin is.

Kevin: (growls) Salem...

Supergirl: At least Ozpin is trying his best to save the world from you, just like Jor-El tried his best to save Krypton from General Zod!

Superman: If Jor-El was like Zod, he could have saved Krypton! Now I'll save this planet!

(While Salem easily beats Supergirl, Kevin uses his mastered Ultra Instinct and brings Superman down to his knees)

Kevin: It's over, Kal-El. I have the high ground!

(Then Kevin and Salem confront each other)

Salem: I knew you could handle him, my dear Kevin.

Kevin: So you knew he would backstab you.

Salem: You know I can't be killed, don't you?

Kevin: I know. But I never quit a fight!

(Kevin fights an epic battle against Salem. Despite her immortality, Salem couldn't handle Kevin's mastered Ultra Instinct and lost the battle)

Kevin: You're done, Salem!

(Then Salem gets up, only to be knocked out by Kevin Rose. Then Supergirl and Oscar come in)

Supergirl: Are they alright?

Oscar: They're fine. Salem is immortal.

Supergirl: Kal can't be saved...

(Supergirl cries as Kevin and Oscar hug her, comforting her.)

(The long battle to save the multiverse is finally over. Thank you once again, Freedom Force)

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