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"Ten, you've been here for almost two days now" Kun sighed as he walked out of his bedroom in pajamas only to see Ten lounging on his couch eating some chips.
"And? I'm following doctors orders and resting until I'm back in shape" he said and picked up another chip and put it in his mouth as he channel surfed.
"You're not gonna be in shape if you continue eating snacks" Kun lectured and went to his kitchen. Ten mocked him. Kun sighed as he made himself some toast. How did a doctor and a hit man meet you may ask? It all started when Ten was paid to kill Kun, didn't work out in the end.

"Listen kid, I'm gonna pay you and you're gonna kill this son of a bitch" the guy stopped to point harshly at a photo of a Chinese male "Qian Kun" he finished with a glare. Ten raised a brow.
"The price is going to be high since he's a medical professional" Ten said crossing his arms lounging in the chair across from the rich guy's desk. "I don't mean to pry but why would you kill a doctor?" Ten questioned.
"He killed my wife" he glared. Ten nodded not really caring, cash is cash. The man handed over the photo, the money, and the doctor's address and hours. Ten smirked, damn he really wanted him dead. He nodded and stuffed the money in the inside pocket of his jacket. He held the small photo and card with the address, along with a photo of the mans deceased wife. It was already pretty late, it should be easy. He left without a word and to his black car across the street. He got in and headed straight to the hospital.

He had been waiting in the parking garage for a long time until an hour later the target had came out from the building and started to walk to his car. His dress shoes clanked against the concrete lightly and he unlocked his car using the button on his key as he continued to the car. Ten silently crept out from his hiding spot and came up behind the man and shoved a white cloth dosed in chloroform. The man started to struggle and kick but soon fell limp. Ten dragged him to his black car and put him in. He shoved him in the back seat and went to the drivers seat and drove off. He kept checking his rear view mirror to see if the man would wake up. He finally made it to the abandoned house away from others, grass overgrown, weeds coming up from the stone steps, rust on the railing, and shingles missing on the roof. He parked and unbuckled and got out shutting his car door. He went to the backseat door and opened it to look at the male. He still had his doctors coat on with an I.D, dyed blonde hair, and a strong jaw. Ten grabbed him by his ankles and dragged him out of the car, his body fell onto the ground harshly. "Sorry man, no hard feelings" he said mostly to himself as he shut the car door and dragged the doctor into the abandoned house. He tested the door and surprisingly found it unlocked. He was glad he wore gloves since it seemed pretty disgusting. He opened the door all the way and dragged the unconscious male inside. He let him lay on the floor as he jogged back out to his car and grabbed rope from the trunk, along with two lanterns since it was extremely dark in the house since it was already late at night. He shut the trunk and walked back inside humming slightly. He turned both lanterns on as he went to find a chair. He walked around the old creaky and dusty house and found a suitable wooden chair. He carried it over and set it down. He grabbed the doctor and placed him in the chair and started to the tie his legs and ankles to the legs of the chair and then tied his torso to the back of the chair and finally his arms behind him. He set the lanterns on either side of the male and studied him once more. He crouched down a bit to poke the man's cheek. "Wakey wakey" he said. The male didn't even stir. "Qian Kun it's time to wake up" he said and continued to poke the man's head and cheek. He cupped the man's cheeks and shook him harshly. "Hey! Time to wake up!" He shouted and the man cringed and started to slowly bat his eyes open. He looked around very confused.
"W-who are you? Why am I here?" He questioned. Ten chuckled and stood up crossing his arms.
"Well you see, someone wants you dead" he smiled. "And I think this is a fitting place" he looked around and then back at the confused and scared male.
"What? Why... I don't remember anything I've done to want someone to k-kill me" he said with a frown. He was shaking in the chair. Ten grabbed the photo of the rich man's wife and held it in front of Kun's face.
"Ring any bells?" He questioned. Kun seemed to study the picture and then looked at Ten.
"No, not at all" he said. Ten raised a brow.
"You're Qian Kun right?" He asked and Kun nodded. "Then you should know her" he said.
"I-I don't" Kun said very confused.
"Don't tell me the fall made you forget" Ten sighed and pulled the picture away.
"Fall?" Kun asked.
"I dropped you when I was getting you out of my car" he shrugged.
"Oh... s-so does the woman want me dead or something?" He questioned. Normally Ten would've kill him by now but something seemed off.
"No because she's dead, Park Industries ring a bell?" Ten questioned. Kun seemed to think.
"Was her name Annabelle Park? The foreign wife of Park Yoon?" He asked and Ten nodded. Kun's whole face turned into one of annoyance. "So you're telling me, I was kidnapped, brought into a disgusting abandoned house, tied to a chair, and threatened over a woman who overdosed on heroin and died before she even made it close to the hospital?" He glared. Ten blinked a few times.
"The man said you killed her" he stated with a shrug.
"That man is delusional, he ran into the hospital and pinpointed the first doctor he saw—which happened to me me—and told me I didn't do my job and went on and on about how his wife died because a doctor didn't save her" he snapped. Ten was taken aback. "I'm not suppose to disclose stuff like this but my life is on the line I suppose and I still have many more lives to save so I'll tell you. Mrs. Park was a hardcore drug addict, she had come to the hospital many many times and was constantly bailed out of jail, before she even entered, by her husband so he wouldn't lose face. She did cocaine, heroin, meth, opium, all the hardcore drugs you could think of. She was in the ambulance when she died" he said with a sigh. "So I recommend you don't kill me, I won't tell anyone of this encounter" Kun tried to make a deal. Ten stood there thinking. There is no way this man came up with this elaborate story on the fly. He stared the doctor down and then sighed.
"Fine," he said. He normally killed them but this guy kinda scared him. He started to untie Kun but then pressed a knife to his throat and Kun froze taking a deep breath. "Try anything stupid and I won't hesitate to kill you" he said and Kun nodded. He untied him fully and Kun massaged his wrist and stood from the chair.

"Disgusting, my clothes are dirty now" he said and dusted off his butt.

"Stop bitching" Ten spoke and grabbed the lanterns shutting them off and walking out of the house, Kun followed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"How hard did you drop me?" Kun asked.

"You were basically dead weight, cut me some slack" Ten rolled his eyes and put the stuff in his trunk and got in the front seat. Kun joined him, obliviously nervous.
"So, does that mean you're not getting paid?" Kun asked.

"Already got the money" Ten smirked and put the car in drive and drove off. 

Throughout the first few months Ten had sneaked into Kun's house multiple times and ate his food, slept in his bed, and used his medical supply. Kun tried multiple times to get rid of him but was unable to. That was two years ago.

Kun came back to the living room and sat down on the couch with his toast and a glass of water. He set the water on the coffee table and started to eat his toast. "Just pick a channel" Kun sighed and rubbed his eyes. Ten mocked him but settled on a k-drama. They watched it together on Kun's couch. "How's the wound?" Kun asked and side-eyed Ten.
"Better now, thanks doc" he said.
"What was the mission? How does a hit man like you manage to get hurt?" Kun said with criticism. Ten rolled his eyes and put the now empty bag on the coffee table.
"Someone didn't pay his gambling debts and he was even trying to conspire against the man he owed. The guy caught on and had hired me to kill the guy. Guess he was jumpy already and had a knife on him. I was a bit reckless I guess" Ten shrugged. Kun nodded along and finished his toast.
"Make sure to get-" Kun started.
"-a weeks worth of rest and eat healthy, yeah I know doc" Ten laughed as he finished Kun's sentence. Kun smiled.


Yuta looked down at the dead body they had just discovered at the original crime scene where the rich businessman was killed. This time the man's face was completely messed up. Large cuts, dried blood all over, black eyes, and bloated. The thing that caught their eyes was the single, perfectly signed king of hearts card, stabled three times on the man's forehead. Like always, the card read "King 127 - TY." He gulped and frowned, his head still hurt from the night before drinking with Lucas. "So... he must've found the impostor we talked about" Jaehyun said awkwardly. 
"Yeah" Yuta answered shortly.  
"Taeil should be on his way soon" Jaehyun looked down at his phone probably reading a message from Taeil. 
"I'm still wondering why someone would try to even attempt to be TY" Yuta said and pushed his hair back. 
"TY didn't look happy about it" Jaehyun spoke back.
"Hopefully we catch him soon" Yuta sighed.

They took photos as they waited for Taeil to arrive. Soon Taeil's car pulled up and he got out and walked over and smiled at the chief and bowed. He greeted the others and Yuta watched as he walked over to himself and Jaehyun. "Another murder? Same spot?" Taeil questioned and came closer and frowned seeing the body. "They didn't take it lightly" he spoke with a sigh. 
"Yeah, I know... TY must've been angry someone tried to be him" Yuta sighed.
"Judging from what I see right now, the man must've been a drug addict" Taeil said and pointed the the needle marks on his arm, "but what would give someone the drive to fake being a mafia boss if they know they're going to be in danger?" Taeil rubbed his chin deep in thought. 
"Maybe he was too high on drugs and thought he owned the world?" Jaehyun said trying to find one solution.
"I don't think so" Yuta spoke tiredly.
"Or maybe he was...forced to? By another gang?" Jaehyun asked once more.
"That sounds a bit logical" Taeil said. "We should wait for the autopsy though, just in case. We also need background on him, did they find his I.D.?" Taeil questioned.
"Yeah, in his wallet but that's in an evidence bag now. We have to take everything to the station and take the body to the morgue" Yuta said back. 
"Alright, we'll all meet there then and talk about it, who found the body?" Taeil asked.
"A janitor" Jaehyun answered shortly.


Multiple loud bangs were heard on Taeyong's door. He frowned and looked at the door and then at Johnny who was sitting on the couch in his study room, along with Mark. "Johnny Seo I swear to god if you are in there I am killing you!" Doyoung's voice boomed.
"Sir step away from the door!" One of the guards who work for Taeyong said.
"Don't touch me you imbecile!" Doyoung snapped.
"Let him in" Taeyong spoke and the guard hesitantly opened the door and Doyoung burst in seething. Taeyong excused the guard and he shut the door. "What's the problem Mr. Kim?" Taeyong asked confused. Instead of answering Taeyong he looked at Johnny and started walking towards him. Mark stood but couldn't even move before he was pushed away by Doyoung.
"What the fu-" Mark started to yell but stopped seeing Doyoung's heated glare. Doyoung grabbed Johnny's collar and pulled him up from his seat on the couch, they were only a few inches apart.
"I did not give you those bombs to put them in a fucking metro!" he growled. Johnny's face showed confusion and then he looked at Taeyong who looked at him with a mirrored expression. 
"We didn't plant those" Johnny spoke.
"Bullshit! They were the same as I gave you!" he shouted.
"They can't be the one's you gave us" Taeyong said and Doyoung looked at him with a glare.
"What do you mean Lee." 
"I'd watch the way you talk to him" Mark said.
"I don't give a damn, you kid, you need to respect your elders" Doyoung said. Johnny gently took Doyoung's hand off him.
"It can't be the one's you gave us because they're right there" he said and pointed. Doyoung looked. He departed from Johnny and strode over to the crates and sat on his ankles as he took the lids off and started to count the number of bombs. He studied them carefully, each and everyone. It took forever though. He put the lids back on and stood.
"Then who planted them?" he asked.
"Leave the police to it then if you don't know" Mark said.
"I can't, I stole the evidence" Doyoung sighed and walked to Taeyong's desk and set down the custom made card. "I found this on one of the bombs, I got there before the bomb squad" he said. Mark and Johnny got up and walked over.
"It must've been the one the guy dropped" Mark spoke.
"If that's what happened... who's posing?" Johnny asked. 
"I'll get Jungwoo and Sicheng to look into it, anything else Doyoung?" Taeyong asked looking down at the card. If looks could kill that card would be shredded by now. 
"I apologize for getting hot headed, but you understand my anger correct?" Doyoung asked and Taeyong nodded and stood, placing his hands on his desk and looked into Doyoung's eyes.
"You fear nothing do you Doyoung?" he asked a smile tugging at his lips.
"I fear a lot Taeyong, one of them is getting caught selling bombs to a mafia boss" he smiled. Taeyong laughed.
"It's good to see you again Doyoung, you never come over for a drink" Taeyong said.
"Yeah" Johnny agreed.
"Hush you two, I have reasons. I can't be caught with you all, I could get in major trouble, lose my job, and go to jail" Doyoung rolled his eyes. He then placed a hand on Mark's shoulder.
"Sorry for pushing you Mark, wasn't my intention" he apologized and Mark raised an eyebrow.
"It's alright hyung" he said a bit awkwardly. 
"What is your plan with the bombs?" Doyoung questioned "and don't say 'that's confidential.'" Taeyong chuckled and nodded towards Johnny.
"We needed the bombs because a rival gang is delivering some drugs to Japan, unfortunately they decided to pick our path" Johnny said. 
"Took our territory" Mark said. Doyoung nodded.
"I should go, be careful you guys. Tell Jungwoo and Sicheng I said hi." Doyoung stated and walked out shutting the door behind him.
"Hyung is..." Mark started to say.
"Strange" Johnny finished.
"Believe it or not, he's an actual genius when it come to explosives. He probably got so angry because he's constantly overworked" Taeyong sighed. "I don't know why he won't work for me" he sat back down and swirled the card on his desk.
"He's smart in general" Johnny said, "well when he isn't angry" they laughed.
"Now just to find the impostor" Taeyong said looking down at the card. 


"So when are we gonna do it?" Jeno whispered to Renjun making sure to lean in so he didn't have to speak out loud. Renjun sighed and looked at Jaemin on his other side who also had a questioning look. 
"Focus on your work, we'll talk about it later" Renjun whispered.
"Aw come on please Renjunnie" Jaemin whispered frowning. Renjun rubbed his temple and continued with his homework. 
"I'm not playing you two, we have to focus on our school work for now. We'll talk plans later" Renjun whispered back annoyed with his friends' behavior. Jaemin hooked his arm with the shorter and Jeno set his hand on Renjun's thigh.
"Please" they begged causing Renjun's eye to twitch.
"Guys, calm down. We still have time, hyung wasn't able to book a plane right away so he's still away" he said as he tried to ignore them, although it was hard with Jaemin holding his left hand and Jeno's hand on his leg. He continued to write down answers on his assignment, currently they were in one of their classes with a work day to catch up on projects and assignments. 
"Bu-" Jaemin started.
"And why are you so eager?" Renjun scolded. 
"I enjoy jewelry" Jaemin smiled brightly.
"Yeah Jaemin used to raid tiny jewelry stores" Jeno chuckled.
"My friends are criminals" Renjun whispered reflecting on things.
"But you love us" they both said and clung onto the Chinese.
"Listen you hooligans! We'll talk about it later, I mean it. Now get to work. Jeno you have a paper to write and Jaemin you have a speech to work on" he lectured. They groaned and took their hands off of him and continued to work with pouts on their face. Renjun sighed, finally able to get back to work. Suddenly two classmates ran in looking worn out and barley decent.
"Sorry we're late!" the two shouted and the professor glared.
"You're lucky it's a work day you two. Now go sit down before I give you more work" the professor lectured. Renjun watched with boredom.
"Yes sir" they bowed and dragged themselves to their seats.
"Jeez, Hendery and YangYang look tired..." Jaemin commented.
"I heard they sneak out at night" Jeno whispered back.
"YangYang dances outside sometimes right?" Renjun asked.
"Yeah" both Jeno and Jaemin answered.
"Wonder if he's ever met Jisung" Renjun mostly wondered to himself. They shrugged and got back to work seeing the distraction was gone. 


"Let's go visit Mark hyung after school" Chenle said as he played a computer game on the schools Chromebooks--they were actually suppose to be doing a paper. 
"I'll have to ask my mom if I can go out" Jisung said as he was also playing a game. 
"Okay" Chenle smiled "do you have dance class tonight?" he asked.
"Yeah, 6-8" Jisung answered and bit his lip trying his best to pass the level he was on.
"Cool, can I come?" Chenle asked and Jisung nodded.
"Sure" he said. Chenle whined and threw his head back.
"Dang it!" he shouted getting mad he couldn't pass the level.
"Zhong Chenle!" the teacher yelled "quiet back there!" Chenle shrunk in his seat with an embarrassed blush. Jisung laughed at him causing Chenle to punch his arm. They went back to playing games. Jisung suddenly sneezed.
"Looks like someone's talking about you behind your back" Chenle said as he restarted his game.
"What does that mean?" Jisung questioned.
"My mom said when you sneeze it means someone is talking about you behind your back" Chenle said. 
"That's stupid" Jisung said.
"You're stupid" Chenle said with a smirk. Jisung glared playfully.
"We'll play Super Smash Bros and see who wins after school" Jisung challenged outstretching his hand.
"Deal" Chenle said and shook his hand. 


Jungwoo sat at his desk in his room as he bit his lip looking at the recordings. He had put his headset on to listen to the audio. He had bugged a man's phone so he could eavesdrop. He had done this because the man was the head of a rival gang and well, Taeyong needed a bit of help so he helped him. He listened carefully trying to find anything. He wrote down notes and played back some parts of the audio. "What are they planning?" he spoke to himself as he frowned. He paused it and grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He made a quick call. On the forth ring the person answered.
"Hey it's me Taeyong, I think I found something that's related to the metro incident you told me about" he spoke softly into the phone. 
"What did you find?" Taeyong questioned.
"I'll bring it to your place tonight" Jungwoo answered.
"Alright, I'll tell the guards to let you in. See you in a bit" Taeyong said.
"Alright, bye Taeyong hyung."
"Goodbye Jungwoo," and with that they hung up. 

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