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Donghyuck sighed as he looked at the number on the card. He sat on his uncomfortable mattress which was on the floor. He lives in a shabby apartment, he works two jobs, and he steals money. In short his life is shit. He bit his lip. Maybe if he makes enough money from this guy doing whatever, he'd have money to get a better place and maybe even go back to college and see his friends. See Mark even. He looked at the photo he kept on the small table by his mattress. It was a group photo of them all, they all were so happy. Then another photo, it was a photo of Donghyuck and Mark. He grabbed it and looked at it. Maybe if I get money I can see them again. He thought and set the photo down and grabbed his phone from his back pocket. He looked at the time. 10 o' clock. Would the guy still be up? He sighed and typed in the number hesitantly and put his phone to his ear flipping the card between his fingers.
He felt his anxiety spike and was about to hang up but he answered.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Uh hey, it's the t-thief..." Donghyuck say awkwardly.
"Have you made your decision?" He asked.
"How much?" Donghyuck asked.
"How much what?" The man asked.
"How much will you pay me?" He asked.
"I'll pay you differently for different jobs. But the pay is high" the man said.
"Okay... okay don't make me regret this" Donghyuck spoke with a shaky voice.
"I won't, shall we meet now?" The man asked and Donghyuck sighed.
"Sure, I'm up anyways" he sighed.
"Alright, I'll text you my address. I hope you see you soon" the man said and Donghyuck could tell he was smiling. They hung up and Donghyuck grabbed the group picture and caressed it.
"I promise I'll see you guys again" he sighed, placed the frame down, got up, put on a black cap, and grabbed his keys and wallet. He walked out locking his door behind him and felt his phone buzz in his hoodie pocket and saw an address. He grabbed his wallet and sighed looking to see only a couple of bucks. He'd have to walk. He walked away from the apartment building. Luckily he knew the area well. He decided to text the man that he'd be late and he apologized. The man said a simple 'it's alright.' Donghyuck stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket. He knew it'd take awhile but he was desperate.

After an agonizing 45 minutes he saw a large mansion and gulped. He felt out of place with his baggy hoodie and ripped skinny jeans and dirty shoes. He walked up to the gate and he saw a man outside. "Are you the thief?" He asked and Donghyuck shook his head yes. The man smiled and led him inside. "My name is Johnny, nice to meet you..." he trailed on waiting for him to give a name.
"H-Haechan" Donghyuck said, he didn't know why he lied, blame it on his trust issues. He was led up a case of stairs, his legs already hurt from walking so long but he didn't complain. He knocked on the door and got a come in. Donghyuck was led into a large room and he saw a man at a desk. He looked up and Donghyuck recognized him as they guy who gave him the card.
"Come take a seat" he smiled and Donghyuck nodded and sat in the chair across the male's desk. He slid over a piece of paper and Donghyuck raised a brow. "It's a contract, please read through all of it" he smiled. Donghyuck nodded and saw the guy named Johnny sit on a couch. He studied the paper reading it.

I am obligated to keep my employers name secret and where he is located, I will not talk about my crimes and jobs given to me by my employer. If contacted by the cops or FBI I will not mention anything about my employer or the employees at all cost, even death.

Donghyuck shivered reading that.

If I want out of the contract I have to sign another promising not to contact anyone who works for my employer nor the employer himself. I will accept all the terms and if I break one of my promises I will receive punishment.

Signature: ______________

Donghyuck bit his lip. "So... I'll make good money?" He asked and the male nodded. "Will I have to kill anyone?" He asked getting nervous.
"No, most likely not. You'll play a different role" the man said. Donghyuck nodded. The man offered a pen. Donghyuck sighed and took it and signed the contract.

Signature: Lee Haechan_____

He slid the contract over and the man took it with a smile and stood up, Donghyuck followed and the male stood. "Welcome to NCT Lee Haechan, I am Lee Taeyong" he said and offered his hand. Donghyuck shook his hand and then froze.
"Wait wait wait... this is NCT?!" He said shocked.
"Yes" Taeyong said.
"Well shit that's nuts" Donghyuck laughed and they let go of each others hands.
"A boy your age who works for me will be coming here soon" Taeyong said.
"Okay..." Donghyuck said.
"Do you need somewhere to stay Haechan?" Taeyong asked and Donghyuck looked at him shocked.
"I have an apartment..." he shrugged.
"Well, a room is always opened" he said "go ahead and take a seat" he pointed at the couch. Donghyuck listened and decided to sit across Johnny. He shifted awkwardly.
"No reason to he scared kid" Johnny smiled warmly.
"O-okay" Donghyuck said shyly.
"Tell me about yourself" Johnny said and took a sip of wine.
"Uh well you know my name, I'm 19 and a thief" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Any hobbies?" Johnny asked.
"I like singing I guess? Oh and playing video games" he answered the older.
"That's nice, maybe you could sing for us sometime" he smiled.
"D-do you have any hobbies hyung?" He asked shyly.
"Crime" he answered simply and Donghyuck smiled awkwardly. Johnny laughed. "I'm kidding with you; I used to DJ a lot, I like to drink with friends, and I like fashion" he shrugged. Donghyuck smiled.
"Oh cool!" He said. The door opened.
"Sorry I'm late" he heard a very familiar voice and froze. It can't be him right? He peaked and indeed it was him. It was Mark Lee. His Mark Lee. He freaked out, he pulled his hood over his head even through he had his hat still.
"It's alright, we got our new recruit" Taeyong said. Donghyuck got up.
"I have to go" his voice cracked and he practically ran out. He was chanting curses in his head as he ran down the stairs and outside the gate. He kept running until he stopped at a street light. "Mark... Mark was right there and you ran away!" He growled at himself and slid down to the ground groaning. He started to cry, it's been so long since he's done so. Then it turned into sobbing. He saw him again, he couldn't believe it.


"Oh my god doctor will he be okay?!" Hendery yelled and the doctor sighed.
"Your friend is alright, he just broke his ankle, it should heal fast with a cast" he said.
"Can I see him?" Hendery asked.
"Of cou-" the doctor started to say.
"KunKun I brought you some snacks!" Hendery raised a brow and looked at the doctors name tag. It said 'Qian Kun.' He turned to see a short male walking towards them.
"Ten I am working; go ahead and get your friend. He's allowed to leave" he directed his attention to Hendery. Hendery nodded and got inside the room and saw YangYang crossing his arms pouting.
"You're alive!" Hendery yelled. YangYang sighed.
"Yeah but my ankle is broken" he sighed and got up and grabbed the provided crutches and stood up. He used them and Hendery helped him out of the room. They saw the doctor and the short male bickering.
"Get well soon kid, get plenty of rest and don't go dancing until that ankle is healed" the doctor lectured and YangYang nodded. Hendery and YangYang walked to the front desk and signed a bunch of papers. Hendery being the nice friend he is, helped YangYang pay the hospital bill.
"I'll pay you back" YangYang yawned and they went to Hendery's car.
"It's fine" Hendery smiled.
"No it's not, I'm paying you back" YangYang sighed and Hendery smiled. They drove away and decided to stay at a hotel so they wouldn't get in trouble.


Renjun had led the two others to the jewelry store he picked and he snuck around the cameras. It was 12 o' clock in the morning and it was cold out. He managed to get in using a lock pick and led the two inside, thankfully the security measures the shop took was shit. They shut the door behind them and Renjun snuck to the security room and disabled the camera. "Okay they're out" Jaemin said loud enough for Renjun to hear after he saw the red lights on the cameras go out. Renjun was glad he didn't have to disable each and every one by hand. They went down to where they kept the diamonds, they were in a room blocked by a metal door, there was a passcode and keyhole on the knob. Renjun sighed but Jaemin smirked and took out some powder and blew it onto the keypad.
"Always prepared aren't you?" Jeno whispered.
"I used to do this a lot" he smirked. He saw the code and quickly typed in the numbers, the door unlocked and they snuck in after cleaning the keypad with a wet wipe Renjun had and shut the door behind them. Jaemin used the lock pick set and unlocked a drawer in the wall and slid it out. He pouted seeing rubies and opened the next. Jeno and Renjun took their own sets and started unlocked some.
"Bingo" Jeno said and the males quickly shut the other drawers making sure to lock them. They walked over to see Jeno unlocked three drawers and saw the diamonds. They high fived each other and quickly filled their velvet pouches with the small jewels. Of course Jaemin stole some rubies and sapphires and other jewels.
"Okay that's good, let's go" Renjun said. They locked up the drawers and quickly left the room and made sure the door was locked. Renjun went back to the security room as Jeno and Jaemin left and he turned on the cameras once more. He made sure everything was in place like it was and snuck out dodging the cameras and left the building. His heart was pounding like crazy and they locked the door. Jaemin and Jeno were already in the car and they quickly left after Renjun got in the back. Jeno drove avoiding the street cameras near the shop.
"I got some pretty ones" Jaemin smiled.
"Oh my god" Jeno and Renjun groaned. Renjun grabbed Jeno's phone and texted Sicheng that they were okay and that he didn't worry Renjun and he helped Jaemin. Sicheng sent a thumbs up and said he was getting on his flight home.
"He's getting on his flight" Renjun said and returned Jeno's phone.
"Wondered why he needed them" Jaemin said.
"I wish I knew too" Jeno sighed and they continued driving home.


Jungwoo sighed as he walked around the bar taking orders for drinks at different tables. He had decided to get a job at Sun&Moon so he could eavesdrop over conversations. "Hey!" Someone shouted and Jungwoo walked over to the half circle table seeing a bunch of old men.
"How can I help you?" He smiled.
"Get us some tequila shots" one man with a cigar said.
"Okay, how many?" he asked with a fake smile.
"20" the man said and Jungwoo nodded and walked over to the bar making their shots. He put them on a tray and carried them to table and set the tray down and started placing each one in front of the men.
"JB contacted me again about his stupid project" one man said. Jungwoo tried his best to look like he didn't care what they were talking about. He pressed the recorder on his hip pretending the tuck in his shirt and continued putting the shots on the table.
"That stupid JJ Project?" Another asked with a scoff.
"Yeah, guess their taking some route of another gang" one shrugged.
"What was that kids name they have working for them? Bambi?" One spoke. Jungwoo placed all the shots down.
"It was BamBam" the guy with the cigar said.
"Enjoy, call me if you need anything" Jungwoo smiled and put the tray under his arm and bowed slightly and left. He turned off the recorder with a smirk. I'll have to show Taeyong tomorrow. He thought and put the tray away and helped his colleagues at the bar. He went back to work, satisfied with the information he was given.


Lucas's phone went off and he groaned and saw his alarm clock said '3:00.' He grabbed his phone and saw it was Yuta. He answered. "Hyung I don't mean to be rude by why are you calling me at this time?" He sighed and laid on his back.
"I'm sorry but I was so dumb before to forget about the phones! I found one on the guy and I need you to hack into it, please Lucas" Yuta begged. Lucas sighed, his hyung sounded like he was going crazy.
"Hyung, you need to relax okay? Go to bed. I'll meet you at the station tomorrow and I'll help you okay? Get some rest" Lucas said and rubbed his eyes.
"Okay, okay fine I will. I'll see you tomorrow. Does 10:00 sound good?" He asked.
"Mhm, night hyung" Lucas said.
"Night" Yuta said and they hung up. Lucas instantly fell back asleep.

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