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It felt unreal for Mark. It felt so unreal to be by Donghyuck's side once more, to have him so close. They sat in the car waiting for the client to arrive. They sat with their fingers intertwined on the center console. Mark rubbed the top of Donghyuck's hand with the pad of his thumb. He finally was able to speak.
"Where have you been?" Mark dared to ask. Donghyuck gripped his hand.
"I... I've been staying in an old shitty apartment" he gave a laugh of embarrassment.
"How did you find Taeyong?" Mark asked and looked at Donghyuck. Donghyuck turned to him and smirked.
"I pickpocketed him" he said. They stared at each other and then laughed. Mark didn't know how to describe it. Donghyuck was like his... his best friend. His soul mate. Everything seemed to fit when they were together. Another car pulled up and they watched as a middle aged man got out. Tattoos covered his arms, his cheeks sullen, and raggedy clothing.
"Must be him" Mark said and let go of Donghyuck's hand, it felt colder without it. He got out with his hood up and beckoned Donghyuck out too. They met the man halfway.
"There's only suppose to be one of ya" he said in an odd slang. Mark sighed.
"This is my partner, hope you don't mind" he said and took out the small bag filled with cocaine and waved it between his fingers. The male's eyes locked onto it.
"Not gonna pull some funny shit are ya?" The man asked and Mark sighed.
"No. Now, would you hand over the money?" He asked. The man took it out of his pocket and counted it and shoved it towards Mark. "Give it to my partner" Mark said and the male raised an eyebrow.
"No" he said.
"Why not?" Mark questioned.
"I don't trust him" he said with disgust. "Now why would you need a partner for a drug deal huh?"
"We all start somewhere don't we?" Mark asked getting aggravated. The man offered the money to Donghyuck and the shorter reached for it. The man pulled the money back and something from the front of his jeans and at that time Mark pulled his own gun half a second later putting the cold barrel to the man's head. He glanced at Donghyuck to see his face paled, the man had a gun to his head. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Mark said coldly. The man looked at him with a nasty smirk.
"Why not? He's just a partner right? You said he needs to start somewhere so he must be new eh?" He taunted. Mark and the man locked eyes. All of a sudden the gun in the guys hand was knocked out and switched on him. Two gun barrels at his head. Mark looked at Donghyuck with hidden shock. When did his Donghyuck learn that? Mark noticed the shaking in Donghyuck's body. The man raised both hands. "Okay okay! I won't pull nothin' now give me my gun back" he glared at Donghyuck.
"Money first" Donghyuck said and the man scoffed and handed the money over. Mark shoved the small bag into the man's other hand and kicked him in the gut sending him to the ground gasping. The man groaned and clutched his ribs and coughed. Mark crouched down and shoved the barrel at the guys temple and pushed it.
"Wanna pull shit like that again?" He questioned and the guy groaned in response. He nudged his temple again. "Huh? I fucking dare you" he taunted and the man glared.
"I-I won't I swear it man, just let me go" he coughed and Mark stood and the man scrambled up and Donghyuck handed over the gun and the man gave him a funny look but a glare from Mark made him bolt to his car and drive off almost hitting them. Mark sighed and suddenly he was engulfed in a big hug making him drop the gun so he could hold Donghyuck. He was shaking. Shaking so much and Mark felt something in his chest for the first time in a long time.
Fear that Donghyuck would leave again or if he was hurt.
"Hey hey are you okay?" Mark asked and tried to pull away but Donghyuck clung onto him shaking like a leaf.
"I-I was terrified" Donghyuck whispered into Mark's neck, warm breath hitting his skin. Mark held him protectively.
"It's okay, it's okay" he rubbed his back "not all deals go like that. That guy was an ass. Normally there is no talk" he promised. It was silent for a long time as Mark swayed them rubbing Donghyuck's back and holding his nape.
"I stole the bullets" Donghyuck whispered and Mark gently pulled away.
"What?" He asked. Tears were in Donghyuck's eyes but he wiped them and dug in his hoodie pocket and there was clanking. He bought up his hand and opened his palm to show a couple of bullets. Mark chuckled. "How the fuck did you do that so quietly?" He asked.
"I'm magic obliviously Canada" he joked using Mark's old nickname he gave him. They laughed together and Mark picked up his own gun and they got in the car. Mark shoved the gun in the center console along with the bullets Donghyuck stole. Donghyck grabbed Mark's hand and Mark let him.
They drove away.


Johnny sat at the bar. It was a nice ass restaurant with a nice ass bar and drinks so why not? You can go to places like this when you make good cash. He sipped from his fancy margarita and saw a guy sitting at a table looking nervous. A blue tucked in button up with black slacks and nice shoes. He was fiddling with his phone and pushing his hair back. Johnny wondered who he was waiting for. Maybe his date, he seemed fixed on correcting his appearance. He wondered if the woman was tall or short, long or short hair, dyed locks or natural?
"Right this way sir" someone said and Johnny turned towards them to see them leading someone he knows well.
Kim Doyoung walked in following the waiter, his black hair styled, a button up that fitted his wide shoulders nicely and slacks with nice dress shoes. He stopped at the table where the man sitting alone is. Doyoung sat down across from him with a polite smile.
"How are you officer Jung?" He asked. Johnny narrowed his eyes. Why the hell is he talking to the cops?
"Please call me Jaehyun" the officer laughed and Doyoung gave a smile. The started talking and Johnny quickly sent a text to Doyoung.

Why are you talking with the police?

He watched as Doyoung excused himself and took out his phone. He looked up and looked around and Johnny locked eyes with him with a questioning look. Doyoung rolled his eyes and tapped rapidly on his keyboard. "Sorry about that, I'll shut it off now" Doyoung spoke to Jaehyun and powered off his phone. Johnny's binged and he opened it.

Kim Doyoung
You forget I am also technically part of the police
He asked me on a date and I accepted

He sighed and glanced at Doyoung again seeing him smile smugly and Johnny secretly flipped him off and went back to drinking.


The next day the trio and their hyung talked. They sat on the plush couch of Sicheng's apartment and waited for the older across from them to speak. Jaemin had an arm wrapped around Renjun's shoulders since he sat in the middle. "Thank you for helping me, means a lot" Sicheng smiled and the boys quickly said it was no problem.
"If I may ask, why did you need that many diamonds?" Renjun questioned. Jaemin looked down at his own hands studying the small rings he had on his fingers, one with the pretty ruby he stole.
"I made a business deal with someone, they needed some diamonds and I had already given them their other request" he shrugged.
"What was the other request?" Jeno asked and Sicheng smiled.
"Drugs, specifically cocaine" he answered and the boys nodded. Jaemin could feel Renjun's discomfort. Renjun may not say it but he isn't one to be criminal, he wasn't a thief nor a drug dealer. Jaemin rubbed his shoulder and the small Chinese gave him a look that expressed 'why' and then 'thank you.' He smiled at the smaller. Jeno and Sicheng continued talking about the whole ordeal until Sicheng declared he was going to see his boss soon and had to go. They left before him to go to their own apartment and Jaemin stretched while walking to the car.
"I don't want to study" he groaned.
"You have to" Renjun said back and Jaemin pouted.
"Can't we have a break?" Jeno questioned.
"If you want to fail" Renjun smirked as Jaemin and Jeno groaned.
"Injunnie" Jaemin groaned hooking their arms.
"Not gonna work Nana" Renjun said and Jaemin pouted and rested his cheek on Renjun's shoulder as they continued through the parking lot.


Yuta was in his own head at the moment. He stood in his at home office looking at the board he put together. A picture of a default profile picture in the center with the label "TY." Then strings connected to places such as Sun&Moon and jewelry stores, crime scenes, and the people they found dead with the famous card. He pushed back his hair and studied it. He felt hopeless. He was getting nowhere with any of this. It aggravated him to the core. How can someone be so out there but unknown? He took a sip of his coffee and set it on the wooden desk. He needed to get out or he felt he'd go mad. He quickly went to shower and dressed casual.
He left his house and was walking through the markets looking around. Should he buy new clothing? Maybe books? He sighed and bit his lip. He needed to get his mind off of TY, he feels he might go crazy. More murders have been happening, drug deals, and threats. The gang world is rising. Suddenly he was snapped out of his thoughts running into someone. He groaned and held his shoulder and looked in front of him to see another man collecting himself.
"Sorry man I wasn't watching where I was going" he apologized. The other looked up and Yuta studied him because he is indeed handsome. Sharp jaw and nose, big eyes and a small scar under one. He looked like he was shaped by the gods. The other smiled.
"It's alright, I wasn't either. I apologize" he said and Yuta nodded dumbly.
"Well uh, sorry" Yuta apologized once more and the males parted. Yuta didn't know why or how but that man felt familiar, had this vibe that made him feel like he knew it from somewhere. He brushed it off and took a deep breath and walked to the book store. My as well find something other than work to occupy his mind.

After shopping he went home and set his bags on the table with a heavy sigh and plopped down on his couch. His phone rang and he answered it seeing it's from the chief of their police department.
"Mr. Nakamoto, I realize it is your day off but I wanted to inform you that I am sending you and your partner uncover tonight at Sun&Moon. We've gotten reports some shady business goes down there." The chief said. Yuta repressed a sigh.
"Yes sir."
"Be ready by 9:00. See you soon." The chief hung up and Yuta groaned.


YangYang yawned as he busied himself with his paper typing away about some rare plant. His discord app on his phone dinged and he grabbed it and unlocked it to see he had a text from his long time friend online.

I'm in Korea finally, wanna hang out?

He smiled and looked at Hendery to see he had also seen the message in their group chat. They smiled and YangYang shot a text back.

Of course, where at?

There is this really cool arcade that just opened

Sounds good, are you paying?

Hendery.... you have more money than me.


Well shoot. We pay for our own?

Ugh I'll chip in since I invited you guys, when do you wanna go??

I have to write a paper tonight so maybe this weekend?


I have to accompany Lucas for a photoshoot Saturday

Sunday then?


Sounds good

Can't wait :D

See you guys soon, I have work to do!


See ya soon!

YangYang smiled and set his phone aside and groaned going back to writing his paper. He hated writing papers. Maybe he'll pay someone else to do it? Nah he can't get in trouble. He sighed and took a drink of his water, cracked his knuckles, and went back to work.


Jungwoo sighed, it was late and he was yet again working at Sun&Moon. He carried drinks to tables and studied almost everyone there. He was tasked with going downstairs to the basement where they held gambling, strippers, and a nice bar. He saw girls dancing sensually and winking at men as the men piled money on their tables. He went to the bar and sighed. He got behind the counter and a man called him over. "Gimme a shot of vodka" he said. Jungwoo looked up and raised a brow. They man's eyes widened and his friend nudged him. "Jungwoo?" Yuta questioned.
"Yeah, what are you doing here?" He asked curiously.
"Uh... well" Yuta started until the friend spoke.
"Who are you?" He asked Jungwoo. Jungwoo gave a smile towards him.
"My name is Kim Jungwoo. It's nice to meet you..." he ended it with a question.
"Call me Yoonoh for now" he whispered. Yuta leaned in.
"Listen we're undercover right now" he whispered and Jungwoo nodded and leaned in towards both of them.
"I can tell. You're dressed too formally for them and the way you hold yourself is too... superior" he said and the two blushed. "Follow me" Jungwoo said and he got out from behind the bar and the two followed him to the back room. Jungwoo went to a locker and grabbed a few accessories and walked back over taking Yuta's blazer off.
"Hey wait what are you doing?" Yuta questioned.
"Making you look like you belong here" he smiled and started unbuttoning Yuta's shirt. The Japanese blushed. He only undid three buttons and clasped a gold chain around his neck. He messed up Yuta's hair a bit causing him to cringe. Jungwoo stepped back and smiled. "There you go. You over here" he beckoned Yoonoh over and the male got closer. Jungwoo untucked the back of his dress shirt and unbuttoned one button and put a neckless under his collar and styled his hair a bit more party like. "Much better."
"Uh thanks a lot Jungwoo" Yuta said and Jungwoo smiled. Maybe he can get some information.
"No problem! Just try not to cause too much trouble okay?" He asked and the two nodded. He lead them out and they walked away from the bar and Jungwoo went back behind the counter.
"Who were those two?" Baekhyun—his coworker—asked.
"Close friends, they've never been to a place like this so I made them look more like the others to help them fit in" he said and the shorter nodded believing it.
Jungwoo got back to work.


Taeyong sighed sitting at his desk tapping his pen. There was a knock on his door and he watched as Sicheng entered. He smiled. "Welcome back" he said and the Chinese shut the door behind him and smiled walking to the desk.
"Thank you" he said.
"Any new information?" Taeyong questioned.
"Big gang in China wants to take you down. I made a deal with a close mob boss and he said he'd take care of it. Also, about that JJ Project" he started. Taeyong gave his full attention. "I learned they get their supplies from a guy named Jackson, since he's Chinese he mostly does the talking to foreign allies" he said and grabbed a folder from his backpack and handed it over. Taeyong opened it and studied the notes over the male and smiled.
"Thank you Sicheng, you've helped a lot. Go ahead and get some rest now okay?" He said and the male nodded.
"Yes sir" he said and they talked awhile about different things until Sicheng left. Taeyong yawned and went through the files making sure to analyze everything.
He'll catch them no matter what.

A/N: shorter than normal chapter, sorry :(

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