Part 1

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3 years ago, a prophecy said that: in the kingdom of Aurelia, the more beautiful people are, the more good people they are, and vice versa, the more different and less attractive the people are, the less good people they are. Therefore, the kingdom is divided into 3 main classes with 3 regions: Region 1 or Perfect Region for people with both beauty and greate personality, Region 2 - Average region for ordinary people and Region 3 - Region Different for people who don't have beauty and kindness. Prince Henry is one of the Perfect Princes of the Kingdom. His brother - Crown Prince Hector fell in love with a girl from the Middle Region. Henry arrogantly wanted to find a perfect princess to surpass his brother whom Henry had always been at a disadvantage with since childhood. However, none of the most beautiful girls in Region 1 are compatible with Henry. Henry wants to find someone who is perfect, in terms of personality and feelings for him. Hearing that Prince Henry was looking for the " True Princess" (the name everyone gave to the person who would be so perfect that Prince Henry would marry), the whole Kingdom was seething. One day, while walking in the Royal Palace, he overheard a conversation between Prime Minister Beurou and his wife.

 - Husband, I found medicine from Region 3 

- Medicine from Region 3? Is my beloved wife misunderstood ? There are all kinds of people there 

- But there are also many talented people, especially Magicians and Pharmacists. I have searched all over areas 1 and 2 but no one has medicine to treat this goiter

 - Don't be silly, I will Don't use medicine from Area 3, here it's no different, we're in the Perfect Area. 

Henry snorted: "Why did she went all the way to Area 3? Coming to that Strange place is full of bad people, tsk".

However, Henry still secretly observed the Prime Minister. What happened was that just 2 months later, the lump in his neck disappeared completely. Henry had someone follow him and it was true that Prime Minister Beurou had used medicine from Region 3 to treat himself and not thanks to the doctors or sorcerers in regions 1 and 2 because no one could have cured him like that.

 - So Region 3 is full of talented people? What if there was a sorcerer who could help... but that place is too dangerous, the less attractive the people are, the more dangerous they are, right? That's what the prophecy said. 

Then Henry dismissed the thought of seeking help from someone from Region 3, but he still worried all night about using Magic to find the real Princess. The next day, Prince Hector held a press conference about his wedding. When asked about marrying someone from a lower region, Hector gave a very emotional answer 

- The person I'm marrying is thought by some in society to be of lower status than me, but she is certainly not inferior in kindness and compassion to anyone. I believe that no matter what my love looks like, I will love her, her personality has moved me. I know there may be people better than her out there, but I believe we are the best match, I am the lucky one here.

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