‣ 2.5

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all the trainees began to filter into the room
they had been in 2 weeks ago, yet this time
the set up was different.

there were 6 chairs glowing blue
centered around one obviously larger
chair that was glowing pink.

lastly there were two strict lines
of unlit chairs against the back wall.

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; hey guys! long time no see!

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; I was starting to forget you guys existed!

MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ; are we that forgettable...?

NARUU [ #06 / LIGHTS ] ; I don't think so...

HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ; don't look so down, takumi forgot where the bathroom was this morning

JACKIE [ #05 / NEON ] ; yeah and it's not like it grew legs and walked away

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; okay this isn't bully takumi hour-

HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ; takumi's making us already have scandals

HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ; if it helps myungjoon was singing baby in the shower the other day

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; is that a problem?? that song is amazing

RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ; hyunjin what were you doing in the bathroom with him?

HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ; who said I was in there with him? I could hear him through the walls

DANIEL [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ; sorry to interrupt, but since when did you guys have 8 people?

oh yeah, the LIGHTS trainees didn't know about the new member...

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; *squints* is that haru???

but wait... why does a member of LIGHTS know him?

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; i was surprised to see him

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; cause it's been what? half a year since I last spoke to him

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; but it's great to see another one of our members here

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; especially since our disbandment was so heart breaking for all of us


byulyi's past group is the same as haru's?

as we know byulyi debuted in the group
JaCKs and turns out haru did to

HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ; you guys didn't tell me baby byulie was here

HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ; not only that but he's in LIGHTS ???

HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ; our talented twinkle toes isn't in the 'debut' team???


the two groups had fallen out of their
distinct groups as the room became
chaotic with conversation

JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ; what do you mean hyeon and rowan are basically lovers?

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; i mean i'm pretty sure they almost kissed in the kitchen earlier

ROMAN [ #03 / NEON ] ; huh?

HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ; roman did you try to kiss me when i was getting the milk out of the fridge?!

ROMAN [ #03 / NEON ] ; no?

HYEON [ #12 / NEON ] ; then what's with the hesitation hm?

sorry to ruin your fun guys but
we gotta get this show on the road!

music began to play in the room, drawing their
attention to the screen at the front of the room

HARU [ #16 / NEON ] ; is that our dance practice?

yes, indeed it is

NEON's dance practice began to play on screen

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

xingyu as choi in ( red shirt )
haru as seungyeop ( gray jacket )
ryuhwan as rano ( white shirt )
mikael as baekgyeul ( all black )
jackie as romin ( pants white stripe )
hyeon as wonhyuk ( blue hair )
takumi as wonjun ( dirty blond )
roman as yejun ( baggy all black )


MYUNGJOON [ #04 / LIGHTS ] ; the intro made me tear up...

HYUNJIN [ #13 / LIGHTS ] ; how are your knees? [ laughs ]

ROMAN [ #03 / NEON ] ; bruised.


there wasn't much time for the responses of the
trainees as familiar faces appeared on screen

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ; they are having continuous spacing issues

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ; but their timing is great

HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ; i was watching those at the back and good thing this song's concept is more serious

HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ; because they don't carry through their energy when they aren't in the front

HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ; if they had LIGHTS' song they would get marks off for that

HAEIN [ MC ] ; really, i think a few of them kept up with their facial expressions

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ; i think she's right

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ; also i think most of them wouldn't be able to sing properly with this song because they are releasing too much energy

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ; this isn't a vocal test though so i guess we don't need to include that thought

HAEIN [ MC ] ; ok rate the trainees teamwork and then we will watch their individual clips


QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ; but we didn't film individual clips???

BYULYI [ #02 / LIGHTS ] ; the editors probably made separate zoomed in clips of us

QINGYU [ #11 / NEON ] ; oh-


the screen didn't flash to the judges
individual critiques, instead the
LIGHTS' dance practice appeared

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

minhyuk as hongjoong (orange)
daniel as seonghwa (bucket hat)
jinu as yunho (gray sweatshirt)
hyunjin as wooyoung (black shirt & cap)
byulyi as san (beanie)
naruu as yeosang (no hat)
korain as mingi (light colors & black cap)
myungjoon as jongho (blue)

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; who let korain be mingi? i just wanna talk

MIKAEL [ #15 / NEON ] ; about what?

TAKUMI [ #14 / NEON ] ; my hospital bill.

JINU [ #01 / LIGHTS ] ; wait minhyuk i didn't even realize you did so well in this take

MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ; [mumbles] i wouldn't say well...


HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ; ok i feel like i should clap just for the energy alone

HAEIN [ MC ] ; agreed

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ; i can't say the dancing was spectacular, but this is in fact an example of energy making a performance

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ; i think **** still lacks large amounts here but is able to blend his lack of skills into the background

HAEIN [ MC ] ; **** is the only one that isn't keeping up with the energy completely


once the video ended, chatter erupted

DANIEL [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ; why did they even show those critiques?

DANIEL [ #09 / LIGHTS ] ; when they aren't going to share the theme song test ones

MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ; [shivers] i'm kinda glad they didn't share those-

RYUHWAN [ #07 / NEON ] ; did you do bad?

MINHYUK [ #08 / LIGHTS ] ; uh... i can't say i did good?

the trainees' attention was once again
caught when our mc entered the room,
presenting herself on stage like platform

HAEIN [ MC ] ; hello again everyone!

HAEIN [ MC ] ; today we are going to give you the results of the reevaluation

HAEIN [ MC ] ; are you ready?

??? ; yes!

??? ; no!

??? ; never!

??? ; possibly!

HAEIN [ MC ] ; starting off, the screen shows the trainees who continue to be in their current grades

HAEIN [ MC ] ; we also had a total of 6 trainees change grades

HAEIN [ MC ] ; please look at the screen

immediately after this announcement,
another video begins to play

( most of these clips have been
shown in the previous part )


FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ; based on how much he improved and how much work he put into it, I think we can move him into NEON

HAEIN [ MC ] ; hm... are we trying to grade them on potential? cause I thought we already passed that mindset

HAEIN [ MC ] ; if we start grading them on what we see in the background then we're going to end up with a bunch of unfinished trainees in NEON

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ; he is still rather mediocre at best right now


HAEIN [ MC ] ; surprisingly, he's one of our most well rounded ones

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ;; surprise? you're surprised?

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ;; i distinctly remember telling you this

HAEIN [ MC ] ; if i'm being honest, i don't always listen to you

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ;; can someone pass me the blue ink pad?


HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ;; you're telling me he only had 3 days

HEEYUN [ rap mentor ] ;; now come on ! where's the NEON stamp ?


FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ;; he can't dance alone, how can we trust him to dance with a group

FANGJUN [ dance mentor ] ;; i'll hold off until the dance practice, but he completely gave up dancing here and I don't think that's acceptable


TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ;; it's a shame he couldn't dance for this

TAEWOO [ vocal mentor ] ;; but his vocals really aren't helping him...


once the video ends, haerin
begins to speak again

HAEIN [ MC ] ; no matter what these reevaluations show you, i just want you to know that i'm happy about your effort

HAEIN [ MC ] ; while some of you still lack in certain categories, we have seen you improve and i hope you continue on that track

HAEIN [ MC ] ; because as long as you keep working hard, you continue to be on the same playing field towards debut

haerin pauses, leaving the
room in a dramatic silence

HAEIN [ MC ] ; now, enough of the mushy stuff!

HAEIN [ MC ] ; let's get on with our part selection,

HAEIN [ MC ] ; specifically, choosing our center!


NEXT TIME ON neon lights !

??? ; woAH i feel like i just ate a whole pack of skittles

??? ; and here i was thinking you've already tasted the rainbow before

??? ; and the center is... ***** !


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