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Hi guys..
S-sorry I've been gone for the past 5 days...
I've been really upset lately..
I-I had to break up with Duo..
M-Madison I'm so sorry..
I had too..
I would keep lying for you I swear! I-it's just that..
My parents looked through my phone, even though I tried so hard to keep everything a secret, even delete so stuff to hide it from them..
But they found it..
And their making me leave you..
I-I love you so much.. I just can't be your girlfriend right now..
And I've added many more scars to the many existing on my wrist...
And I've kinda been crying and cutting for the past 2 days..

And the bullies at school are giving me hell and it's only the 2nd day..
I-I'm so sorry..

And the only reason I've come back for now, is that I come to tell you that I'm sorry..
And if I continued to hide it, they would cut all my contact with you..

And to all my followers and friends:
I-I'm sorry I left without telling y'all anything..
I was so upset and angry..

B-but I do want to tell all of you that my birthday is coming up in 6 days..
It's on the 15th..
You don't have to do anything, you don't even have to tell me happy birthday..
Just please go comfort Duo-The-Thief
I don't even care if you don't know her, go comfort her or just go be encouraging towards her...

I might come back for my birthday to see you guys, but I might also quit Wattpad..
I just hurt people..
The only thing I've done on Wattpad since I've joined is hurt people..
And I don't want to hurt anyone anymore..

I'm really sorry guys...

Please understand if I do go..

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro