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Every story has its beginning. This one's was just a bit different.

Paris, France

"EMBRASSE MON CUL Roi Louis XVI de France! Je ne t'èpouserai jamais!" I screamed behind me at the gobsmacked King Louis XVI who stood just at the entrance of the palace doors.

[Kiss my ass King Louis XVI! I'll never marry you!]

Around the king stood many guards unsure of what to do. Snapping out of his shock the king looked to his guards in fury.

"Quelle vous vous débrouillez! Arrête-la de ne pas les laisser partir!" The king screamed at guards thinking they would catch me.

[What are you doing just standing around! Catch her do not let her escape!]

I simply gave them all a cheeky smile, as well as stuck my tongue out just to antagonize the king further. My bare feet thumped against the ground as I charged into the forest and away from the Palace of Versailles. Hundreds of boots rang out behind me, chasing me. I couldn't help but compliment myself on my seemingly perfect French.

My hands gripped the huge 1600's dress I was wearing, holding it up so I could run better. I blew my hair out of my face as I cleared a log and charged deeper into the forest. An arrow flew past my head, embedding itself into a nearby tree. More arrows followed as well as a halberd.

I grinned idiotically. I was having an absolute blast! I loved the thrill, the feel of my angelic grace running through my veins. But it was dangerous; my thirst for adventure was dangerous.

I allowed my angelic grace to take full control of my body. I felt the familiar feeling of pure and utter power coursing through my bones. I could feel my eyes start to change color, soon my eyes were an extremely bright blue almost white color.

Turning around I smirked at my army of pursuers. I couldn't help but laugh at expressions; both shock and fear shone in there eyes. Not even a second later I watched as everyone started to run in the opposite direction without even firing so much as one more arrow.

"Wimps." I scoffed under my breathe at the retreating guards.

With a roll of my eyes I greeted the familiar pull of my body as I travelled through the winding roads of time itself.

New Orleans, Louisiana

With a small sigh of relief I appeared back in my current year; 2015. I stood in front of my parents large estate, that I had the fortune of living in.

Within the blink of an eye I teleported into my own room. I stood still for a second waiting to see if my mother sensed my presence. I smiled when I thought that my mother hadn't noticed. Mind you I said 'thought'.

"Adriel Pembroke where have you been!" My mothers voice boomed from all around me causing the entire estate the shake, quite literally.

I cringed as multiple knickknacks of mine fell from shelves and onto the ground. Turning around I watched as my bedroom door flew open and my mother walk in with my father on her heels. While my mother had an expression of fury, my father wore an amused smile.

"Okay before you say anything I brought you back a gift." I held out my hand as a pair of horrendous looking 1600 heels appeared from thin air.

The truth was those had actually been my own shoes before I took them off to run from the kings guards. I watched as the shoes turned to ash courtesy of mother before placing my hands behind my back in a sheepish way.

"I mean if you didn't like the shoes you could've just said so."

"Adriel Pembroke! How dare you defy me! I told you you are not to leave this property without my permission! Let alone go to an entirely different time period!" My mother exploded.

"Mom I was only gone for like five minutes." I technically wasn't lying.

I came back to the year 2015 just five minutes after I had left to year 1663. I made sure to time it just right.

"Maybe you've only been gone from 2015 for five minutes, but how long were you in whatever time period you were in? Hmm?"

"Two days." I whispered lowly but my mother caught it.

"Two days! Do you not understand that you are a Nephilim! You are illegal to even exist! You have a literal price on your head!" My mother roared out.

My father then decided to step in and placed a comforting hand on my mother's shoulder. My mother immediately calmed to his touch.

"Yeah mom I know I'm a Nephilim. A Nephilim to both an archangel and Wizard, you know the power I possess is beyond comprehension. I can quite literally obliterate anything that attacks me with a single glance." I pointed out.

"I understand that, but you still have weaknesses. You may be immortal to the laws of time, but you can still be killed." My mother told me softly.

"Mom trying to kill me is even harder than trying to kill a leviathan, close to impossible. I can pretty much guarantee you I'll be around for trillions of years."

"But it can still be done." My mother snapped.

"I only ever get to leave the estate if it's to go to school, help dad with the witches, or go with you to grocery store." I exclaimed.

"I'm fifteen and I'm not allowed to go anywhere but school by myself, I only ever get to leave the city for dad's annual hunting trips which only come once a year, the only 'friends' I have are Alexius and Balthazar whom I met while sneaking off to a different time period, I want adventure! I need to get out of Louisiana mom!" I exclaimed becoming frustrated at the fact that the only time I ever get to truly leave is when I sneak away or dad takes us hunting.

"Don't you bring you bring up that Anti-Christ and the drunken fool of an angel-" Before my mom could say anything further my father cut her off.

"Sariel she's right." My father said surprising the both of us.

"She is?"

"I am?" My mother and I said in sync.

"Yes she is. Sariel the only times Adriel has left a fifteen mile radius of the house is when she's sneaking off or I take her hunting. We both know Adriel is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, I say we let her explore a little. You and I both know that if we ever needed her back all we're to do is call and she'll hear us. And not to mention you can time travel as well, you can go to her anytime you want."

"Is this about Albus Dumbledore?" Is all my mom asked.

"Okay maybe a little bit but-" my dad was cut off by mom screaming at him.

"Cormac no! I don't know how Albus Dumbledore managed to get a letter this far into the future, let alone find about Adriel, but I am not letting our daughter do this task."

"Sariel do you understand how many deaths can be stopped if we let Adriel do this. Adriel is half-witch I can guarantee you she would enjoy attending Hogwarts for a little while." My dad argued with my mother.

I recognized the name Albus Dumbledore as an extremely powerful Wizard who died around 1997 I believe. Around the time Lord Voldemort was defeated.

Hogwarts; however, that was a name I definitely recognized. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was only one of the best Wizarding schools in the world. I had always dreamed of visiting the place.

"Wait? What about Albus Dumbledore." I questioned my parents in confusion.

My parents both looked at each other before my dad turned to me. Reaching inside his pocket he pulled out a folded piece of parchment and handed it to me. I unfolded the letter and began to read it.

Dear Mr. Cormac Pembroke,

The year is currently 1997 and I fear the Dark Lord has risen to power once more. If my spell was successful then the year will currently be 2015 for you. I understand that you and the Arch-Angel Sariel produce a Nephilim in the year 2000. An Arch-Angel witch hybrid I can only imagine the power she must hold. Now back to the topic at hand. I know that after I die Harry Potter will defeat the Dark Lord once and for all. However, that will not change all the death and destruction he has caused. I am under the impression that your daughter can time travel. I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm afraid I must. I ask that your Nephilim go back to the year 1942 and make an attempt at changing Lord Voldemort from his evil ways, or at least stop him from killing as many as he did. If she accepts please have her come back to the date March 21, 1997 first so I may speak to her about her mission first.


Albus Dumbledore.

After reading the parchment I looked up and stared at my parents. A grin soon covered my face as I looked to them excitedly.

"Yes. Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yelled excited about both thought of attending Hogwarts and going on a new adventure.

My father gave my mom a look that said 'I told you so' whilst she simply glared.

"No." Is all she said deflating my mood completely.

Before I could utter a single word my father beat me to it.

"Sariel listen to yourself. Let the girl live a little." My dad told my mom.

"And allow our daughter to end up dead! No way in Hell Cormac!"

"You know as well as I do Adriel is more powerful than the both of us combined. I have no doubt that she'll be fine." My father argued knowing he was right.

With a sigh of defeat my mom uttered the one word I had been waiting for, for what seemed like my whole life.


"Yes! I'm going to Hogwarts!" I screamed hugging my parents who both laughed at my excitement.

"Okay, but take a shower first you look and smell disgusting." My father said with a wrinkled nose.

I looked down to my 1600's dress that was covered in dirt and my bare feet that were practically black. I simply shrugged my shoulders as if saying I hadn't noticed.


After my shower I changed into a plain t-shirt and jeans. I walked bare-foot down the marble steps of our estate and into the living room where my parents sat feeling much cleaner than before.

"Okay so what's the plan?" I asked pulling up my wet hair.

My mother set down the book she was reading while my father stopped writing in his journal.

"We've decided after you pack that you will go to March 21, 1997 and we'll allow Dumbledore to take care of you from there. But you must make it known to Dumbledore that you have no wand and not a clue on the customs of any form of magic, with the exception of the New Orleans Witch Coven." My father told me sternly while I just nodded eagerly.

Pulling out black backpack from behind the sofa my father handed it to me.

"Here this bag has an extension charm on it. It is filled with the currency of British Wizardry money along with muggle clothes from the 1940's. You will need to get books, robes, your wand, and other Wizarding supplies that Dumbledore will inform you about, at Diagon alley in the year 1997." My father informed me.

I gave eager nod and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back tightly, pulling away he ruffled my hair. I smiled at him and turned to my mother. She pulled me into a warm hug and whispered the words "I love you." into my ear.

"I love you too." I said back pulling out of the hug.

"Now get out of here before I change my mind." My mother told me close to tears.

I simply smiled at my parents and threw the backpack around my back. Instead of travelling to the year 1997 like I was suppose to I simply teleported to my bedroom.

I looked down to my bare feet with a snicker wondering how my parents didn't notice my shoe-less feet. I set the black backpack down on my bed and unzipped it. Without even batting an eyelash I watched as multiple items from around the room started floating into my backpack.

Photographs, shoes, clothes, as well as various other items floated right into the charmed bag. Feeling like I had pretty much everything I needed in the bag I zipped it back up.

However, a certain thought crossed my mind that caused me to grin mischievously. Looking to the desk that sat in front of my window the familiar aluminum rectangle caught my eye. Walking over to my cell phone, I grinned down to it.

Grabbing my phone along with the charger I stuffed them into the bag. I knew if my mom knew how much 'future' stuff I was bringing back to the 1940's I most likely wouldn't be allowed to go.

I also understood how idiotic I was being for bringing all new clothing and new technology, but what can I say I'm a fifteen-year-old girl from 2015, what else would you expect? I swung the backpack which was surprisingly light over my shoulder getting ready to travel to 1997 until I remembered something important.

With a blink of my eye I watched as a pair of slip on Vans gradually appeared on my feet. With a deep sigh I allowed the familiar feeling of my grace to take me exactly where I wanted.

March 21, 1997.

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