Chapter 14: Faceing the past and the present

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is chapter 14. So, sit back relax and enjoy the story.


"Neptune, what are you apologising about? Can someone fill me the detail on what happen during the duration I was gone?" You ask as you look around with a confuse expression. You notice that everyone was looking away with a trouble expression and decided to ask Tia about it.

"Care to explain Tia?" You ask as you pat on Neptune head lightly as she continues to buried her face in your clothes. Tia look at you and let out a sigh and said "Promise me that you will not to get mad at all first on  what I am going to say."

"Depending on what it is..." You said as you look seriously at her. Tia let out another sigh and nodded. "Well the truth is, they actually ask me about the change in you right after you gain back your power and I explain to them. In the process, they sort of ask you about your past and of course by past I mean not just your normal one but the past you and Lapis too." Tia explain as you glare at her in silence trying to control the anger in you.

"You what? Don't tell me you told them everything including that event that happen on that day?" You growl at her as the atmosphere in the room suddenly tense up. Tia gulp nervously and nodded as you continue to glare at her. However, you let out a depressing sigh at the end as you look at the wall with a distance look on your face.

"I see...You did huh...Indeed it all happen on that day, the incident where we took on the demon king 950 year ago. On that day, the 5 of us along with Lapis enter the castle to face off the demon king. I knew that it would happen and yet...I...Keh!" You grin your teeth in sadness as you recall her last word to you before vanishing into the air.

"...Hey Onii-Chan, can I ask something?" Kiria, who was silence until now, ask as you look at her for a moment and nodded. "Can you explain to us what actually happen on that day? Tia said that you blame yourself for killing her, the girl that you love, but I don't understand what she means so..." Kiria stop her sentence as she looks at you with a worried expression.

You thought for a moment in silence and nodded as you do not want to keep Kiria in the dark since you regard her as your precious little sister and the solo family member that you have. You than put Neptune apart and went to sit down on the nearby chair before begin to explain.

(AN: Note that everything that base on emotion is referring to Share Core/Power.)

"Tia have told you everything on that day that happen right? If so, I will get straight to the point but first... Have girls ever wonder that why the demon race has not longer exit in this world anymore?" You ask as they look at you with a confuse look.

"You see, unlike the goddess existence who rely on share power, the demon race existence rely solo on their king. If their king died, they all will cease from this world as if they are a myth or something. On that day, when we defeat the demon king, all demon on that moment start to disappear from this world which resulting the world that you girls are currently living in. Of course, I would not say that all demon has wipe out but at the least, about 95% of their race have been cease off this world." You said as you notice that Vert have a question to ask. You signal her to voice up.

"[Y/N], what do you mean by 95% have been cease? And what about the remaining 5% of the population? I thought you said that the demon relies solo on their king? If their king has died than how come they are still surviving?" Vert ask in confuse as you let out a smirk.

"Ah...Allow me to explain in detail from the start than. Demon are a race that born from the world negative emotion for the starter and while we have the negative emotion, we must have the counterpart which is the positive emotion. When we have this both emotion energy, then the world is balance right?" You ask as the girls nodded. You than continue.

"Remember that I told you that Share Power is born from the positive or rather pure emotion of people which will give the goddess power right? Now I am sure you hear before Negative Share Power which I believe in your term it is call 'Negative energy' right?" You ask as the girls nodded again.

"Now than here is the catch. Negative Share power is born from the negative emotion which create shadow of you girls. I am sure you girls knows what I am talking about so I am not going to go into detail about Dark CPU and all that crap. The point is Negative Share power in fact is born from the negative emotion but what born the negative emotion than? That I will explain later and let you girls think for a while." You said as you wait for their answer.

"Hold on if we have share core or crystal as our medium and positive emotion give birth which resulting we goddess to form and negative share is the medium for those Dark CPU that we encounter before which is the born by negative emotion then what the hell is a demon than? What the hell are they born as?

Judging from your explanation, if we, goddess is born by share core than demon should born by negative share. However, that does not sum up as instead is the Dark CPU that is been born and if the demon king were to be dead 1000 years ago than why is negative share around? Just what is going on?" Blanc ask as she rub her head in annoy while you smile at her, knowing that she is cracking her brain a little. You than clap your hand and all the attention goes back to you.

"Blanc for the starter, you are at the right track and that is what I am going to explain. Like I said, this world need positive and negative energy or emotion to balance and hold it up. If positive is love, happy, joy etc and negative is opposite of positive which is hate, sad, despair etc than what about 'desire'?" You ask as the room currently was surrounded in a cold and creepy mood.

"Desire? Is that not a negative emotion? Well it is like Greed is it not?" Neptune ask as she look at you which you just smile.

"In theory yes but not in this world that is. You see desire can be either positive nor negative. For example, you can desire for power but you can use it to help people or destroy people, you can desire for money but you can use it to help others or for your selfishness. All this desire can lead to a conflict in the mind of one which could result in upsetting the balance of this world. Hence, in the long run, this resulted in a third emotion which we call it "Neutral" where the root of evil is been born and the place where demon is been born.

Now since Neutral emotion give birth to demon than how did the demon king come about? Well the emotion itself is fuel with who knows how many people feeling which resulting in the first demon king to born. Since it is been born as the third party in this world, they have no method to survive in here.

Hence, they decided to reproduce by themselves. In a way it like how one give birth, the demon king plant a fragment of his power into every single human in this world and whenever a human has a neutral emotion being produce, it will give the fragment a life resulting in a demon to be born.

The greater the human neutral emotion grow, the stronger the demon will be born. Since then, the process keeps going on and on resulting the birth of the demon clan over the era. And that is how the demon was born into this world or to be exact yours. So far you girls understand?" You ask as the girls nodded together understanding where you are coming from.

"Now because we kill the demon king, since the source have disappeared, the demon that was once form from his fragment now lose it existence since the main creator is gone. Hence, most demon have ceased. As for the 5%, they are half breed. The reason that they still roam in this world is because they were not a fully demon when they were born.

There are a couple of reason but we believe is that because of the host original emotion, be it to be positive or negative, have overwhelm their neutral emotion, this cause the demon to obtain half of those original emotion which means that the demon not only will be able to feed on their king but at the same time feed on the core that exit base on the emotion that they were born with.

Hence, when their king is gone, they still can survive by feeding on the core power. That said, it won't really affect much of you girls power nor the negative share power since they can only feed on a small amount." You said as Tia serve you a cup of tea.

"I understand your point now but I don't see how Onii-chan is held responsible for Lapis-san death. I mean you all Seeker kill the Demon King, together right?" Kiria ask as you put down your cup as you look out of the window.

"No...I was the one who deal the final blow to the Demon King even knowing that Lapis will disappear once this is over. I...I...really love her...but I also know that if I don't kill the demon king, this world might continue to face danger and you girls probably won't be here even.

You know...truth to be told, ever since she and I have become lover and she told us the truth, I always feel like just running away the battle along with her in order to spend more time, in order to find a way to let her live. Yet I did not...Hahaha...I am such a pathetic person, right? The man who is the most powerful person in the 5 Seeker yet cannot find a way to save her but to only watch her final moment before she disappears from my arm..." You said as you let out a pain expression while looking at you cup.

You than felt a warmth hug from the back and to your surprise, you see Neptune was hugging you from the back. Her action surprise you as you ask her what is she doing.

"Listen [Y/N], I may not know you from the past but I understand the pain and frustration for unable to do anything for the people you care about. However, the past is in the past. There is not point in looking at the past now. Look at the present [Y/N].

Yes, you may lose the person that is most precious to you in the past but what about the present? You have us, your little sister, your battle mates that you will always be close with. Time may not heal your scars completely but we will be always there for you.

If no one will stand at your side or if you have no one to rely on, you can always count on me. I will be the number one person that you can count on! So please don't make that painful expression...It kind of hurts for me to see you blaming yourself like this." Neptune said in a gentle smooth tone as she closes her eye and hug you.

Everyone in the room including you went shock upon hearing word. You nor the rest have ever since Neptune acting like this. However, being unable to read the mood well enough, Noire decided to voice up.

"Hey Neptune, are you okay? Do you have a fever or something? It is unlike you to be such a smooth talker so..." Norie said as Neptune jump upon hearing her voice.

"Nepu? W-W-What am I doing? Hahahaha...Sorry about that [Y/N] ...That must be very embarrassing right?" Neptune try to laugh it off as you shook your head and smile.

"No... Thank you Neptune, your words and cheerfulness have somehow cheer me up almost every time whenever I feel down now I think about it. I guess I will take up your offer than. I will be relying on you from now on whenever I am feeling down than." You said as you flash a gentle smile at her which you did not realize it yourself.

Neptune blush upon seeing your reaction and burst out of the room leaving you seating there in surprise. "I wonder what is that all about?" You ask as you look at the door while taking another slip of tea.

"Hmm~ It seem like this will be interesting. If things go well, we might see something interesting in a few days' time..." Tia said as she flashes you a playful smile. Upon looking at her expression, you could figure out that she is planning something unpleasant and have a really bad feeling about it. However, later do you know that in a few days' time, you are in a hell of a surprise.


Okay let stop here for now. The next time, We shall see Neptune POV and find out what is her reason for her weird action. PS: The next chapter will only focusing on Neptune POV in a third person point of view style. So there will be no Reader POV. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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