Chapter 16: Date and Confession?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is Chapter 16. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


A few days later

You let out a small sigh as you currently are leaning against a lamp post which is located outside of the Planeptune Express Station, which is one of the fastest railway train in operation among the four nation. You glance at your watch and realize that it was 5 minutes past the meeting time and Neptune was still no way to be found.

"Well figure she will be running late. Thou that said, she really surprises me a few days back when we return here stating that she was want to go on a date with me. I wonder what make her want to ask me on a date... have she found someone she like? ...That cannot be... right?" You thought to yourself as you felt a small pain in your chest while thinking that Neptune might have felt in love with someone.

As you wonder about the question, you heard a voice calling you from a distance. Turning over to see who is it, you saw Neptune, who was currently dress up adorably who was running towards you at a insane speed.

"Huff...Huff... Sorry [Y/N] ... It took me sometime to prepare...did you wait long?" Neptune ask as she tries to regain her breathing. "No... don't worry about it, that said... Neptune you look adorably cute today..." You compliment her as you look at her from head to toe.

Neptune let out a bashful laugh as she shows off her one-piece skirt. You than glance at the time and notice that it was time to move on as you two would not want to miss out anything for the date today. "Let get moving Neptune or we might be late for the movie screening." You said as you starts heading towards the station which Neptune following behind you.

The journey to your destination took almost about 45 minutes as it was located at the outskirt of the town area. Upon reaching there, you and Neptune proceed to the movie theater to purchase the ticket for the movie of choice.

"Hmm.... I wonder what should we watch? There is Horror, romance, action and wow they even have game genre. I did not know there are so many categories in movie theater." You said as you feel that Neptune might choose the game genre since she is a gamer herself after all.

"Did you not come to watch movie before?" Neptune ask as she glance at you.

"Hmm... if you saying did I come to this type of place to watch before than my answer will be no."

"Oh, where did you watch it then?"

"When I fought against my enemy, I always watching them trying to run and escape while I cut them down one by one. It is quite interesting to watch moreover it is in a live version." You said as you let out a cold smile as Neptune just look at you with a complicate expression.

"Well jokes aside, I rarely have time to come and watch movie since I have to handle guild stuff and all. If I want to watch, I would just go to the rental shop to rent one. Back in the days before you girls are born, there is no such luxury as we are having war with the demons every single dame day." You added on as you glance at the different poster of the movie.

"I see, than how about we watch this romance movie which is call 'Fallen Cupid' ?" Neptune suggest as she pointed to the movie poster. You were taken back by her choice and ask if that was the movie she really want to watch. However, Neptune just nodded without a second thought.

"Hmm...It weird for Neptune to choose a romance movie consider her personality. Well whatever..." You thought to yourself in silence as you purchase the movie ticket for two. After purchasing the ticket, you guys decided to walk around for a bit before heading in.

(AN: I am going to do a time skip here)

Time skip to an hour and half later

"Nepu... I never have thought that the movie has a lot of H scene." Nepu said as she put her head on the table while trying cool her face down. You put a cup of cold drink in front of her and smile wryly. "I guess she cannot stand H kind of movie huh? It is funny to see that she is still pure after a few hundred of years have pass...Thou if I said that, I might be cut into half by her HDD form..." You thought to yourself as you slip your drink through a straw.

As Neptune was trying to cool down, you notice that you guys still have sometime before dinner and decided to ask Neptune what would she like to do. Neptune thought for a moment in silence and told you that she would like to go the arcade center which is located at the floor above you all. You nodded and the both of you proceed to the arcade center.

Upon arriving at the arcade center, you notice that there are lot of people in there and wonder if this arcade is famous or something along the line. As if have read your mind, Neptune explain that this arcade is well-known for their game especially the dance machine.

"[Y/N], that is the dance machine I am talking about!" Neptune said as she grab and pull your hand over to the overcrowded machine. You examine the machine in silence as you have no idea how on Gamindustri does this works. You than notice Neptune when onto the machine and was talking to a guy up there about something.

"When did she get up there? Well no matter, I am sure Neptune felt the itch to play it or something... I kind of pity the guy who is currently challenge by her... or was it the other way round?" You thought to yourself as you watch the game start.

Sure enough, the guy was defeated by Neptune in a flash. You could not help but to be impress with Neptune gaming skill but at the same you found it normal since she did play all kind of games for 24/7 without doing any work. Just as Neptune was giving you a peace sign and walking up to you, you felt something amiss in the air and you decided to look around for it.

"...I am sure I felt something in here... An it more like a presence... Probably a conceal magic or I should say this guy conceal himself or herself in another dimension but how? Such magic nor skill does not exist in Gamindustri...Unless this person is from-?!" You thought to yourself in silence when Neptune suddenly pop up in front of your face causing you to filch in surprise.

"What wrong [Y/N]? Are you tired?" Neptune ask with concern upon looking at your expression. You shook your head and ask her what should you two play while wondering what was that weird presence that you felt. As your date go on to the late evening, the both of you decided to go for dinner as you guys wanted to avoid the crowd. Afterward, you two decided to go to the nearby park for a walk.

"Whew the food there was good don't you agree [Y/N]?" Neptune ask as you nodded while following her from behind. As you two walks around the park in silence, you start to notice that Neptune was getting a bit restless and decided to ask her about it.

"What wrong Neptune? You look like you want to say something but could not get it out." You ask as you look at her with a concern expression. Neptune turn around and look at you for a moment.

"Say [Y/N], do you have anyone you like?"

"Eh?" You ask in surprise upon hearing her question.

"What is wi-"

"The truth is that I like you and I mean it in a romantic way. Today, I ask you for a date is because I wanted to impress you and at the same time to see if you hold any feeling for me. However, I guess it was kind of hard to tell as you seem all casual about it." Neptune said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"So that is why she call me out on a date today and even go as far as to dress up and watching movie that she has not much interest on... Wow she is so direct wait that is not the point thou... she like me huh... It been a while no... very long time since I have those 3 words... I thought that I might still hold on to the feeling for Lapis but at some point those feeling have been replace by Neptune huh..." You thought to yourself as you give her your reply.

"Hey Neptune... I like you too... I like you not as a goddess or whatever but you as a girl." You said with a embarrass smile on your face as you turn and look away from her. However, you felt a bit pathetic as you could not bring yourself to explain your love for her.

"Eh... [Y/N] like me too?" Neptune ask as you nodded your head in silence. "...I am so happy to hear that..." Neptune said as she started to cry in joy as you let out a smile while you went and wipe her tear from her face. "Well I suppose we are officially dating now right?" You ask as Neptune let out a soft nod.

As the two of you continue to walk in the park as couple, time went pass quickly. Seeing that it have starting to get late,  the two of you decided to have a slow walk back home as you two held each other hand in happiness. You decided to ask Neptune how did she plan for the date today. Neptune than explain to you everything including the conversation with Tia and the rest.

"I see... so basically they told you to confess your love to me on today date?" You ask as Neptune nodded with a slight blush. "I swear they... well but thanks to them we manage to become a couple so I guess that is-!?" You immediately stop your sentence as you felt the weird presence again and turn around. However, you could not see nor sense anyone the moment you turn around.

"[Y/N]?" Neptune call out to you as your immediate turn around and apologies as you thought you saw something a while ago. "Again...what the heck was that? It somehow gives me the chills... Somehow.... I have a really bad feeling about this. It is as if someone is planning something big behind the scene and no one knows about it...Guess i will have to put my guard up huh..." You thought to yourself as you glance back at the empty road behind while the two of you head back home.




"As expected from the people from another world... he seems to be able to sense me. Kekekeke... nice this is really nice... I, Endon, Rifter of Nightmare shall prepare a stage for us for the right time when we face off. The people who holds the power of Seekers... I wonder how strong are they and how well their blood will taste. Hehehe..." A guy in a Purple suit name Endon let out an eerie and cold laugh as he walks into a rift portal.


Okay let stop here for now. The next time, we shall see what will happen to the reader. Until then, Peace out! 😊

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