Chapter 7- 'Black Demon' secret have been found out!

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is chapter 7. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"We are back girls." You said as you enter Neptune house as you carry Neptune in. "Oh my! What happen to you all and why are you hurt NepNep?" Compa ask with a worried tone as she and Iffy came to the door and greeted you.

"I will fill in the detail later, for now can you look at Neptune injury? She need some medical treatment before her wound get infected." You said in a serious tone as you put her down on the sofa. Compa nodded and went ahead and treat Neptune injury as Iffy walks up to you and ask about Nepgear.

"They went ahead and submit the guild report and should be back very soon." You said as you turn to look at Neptune and look at her with a worried expression. "Are you feeling better?" You ask her. Neptune nodded and smile at you.

"Hey, [Y/N]. Did you just say 'They'?" Iffy ask as she frowned her eyebrow. You nodded as you all hear the door unlocking. "We are back." You heard Nepgear voice coming from the hallway and decided to go and greet them.

"Welcome back girls. How was it." You greeted them as you watch Nepgear and Kiria approach you all. "Everything goes smoothly, Onii-chan." Kiria said as she smiles at you while you went to pat her head. "Who is that girl and why is she calling you Onii-chan?" Iffy ask as she look at Kiria.

"Don't tell me you go and give a candy to a girl who is on the street and ask her to-"

"Stop right there with whatever though you have Compa! Who do you take me as!" You said as you put a hand up in front of them and sigh while thinking how did Compa jump into that conclusion. You then explain to them about your relationship with Kiria.

"Do you guys know that she is the famous Black-mmm"

You went and cover Neptune mouth and said "Well leaving that aside, so that how it is. Kiria is just my little sister and don't get any wrong idea." Compa nodded and apologise to you. You shrug and told her it okay and she need not worry about it. You then turn to look at Neptune and ask how is her leg.

"Oh, about that, I am feeling a lot better already. Thanks for carrying me back from there." Neptune said as she smiles at you. You let out a small smile of relieve and went to pat her head. "No problem Neptune." You said as Neptune face turn slightly red. Just as Neptune was about to say something, you heard your phone ring. "Hmm? Who could be calling me at this time?" You thought to yourself as you took out your phone. You then notice that Ito name was shown on the screen.

You sigh and wonder what does this asshole needed from you. You then walk out to the balcony and answer the call. "What on earth are you calling me for?" You ask in an annoy tone.

"What up with that foul mood? Did something bad happen?"

"Yes. You calling me is bad enough already. Every single time, when you call me, it will only mean bad news for me." You said as you look at the busy traffic 2 block away from your location.

"Well...this time will be a little different."

"......I am not surprise anymore. Speak."

"Planeptune is been targeted."

"By Who?"

"Diablo, Dragon of death."

"Did I not kill that bastard a few year ago? What in the world is-" You said with an annoy tone as you notice a black cloud is approaching Planeptune in a distance. "What the hell is that black cloud in a distance?" You wonder as you told Ito that he will contact him afterwards. You then walk into the house to notice that the TV was broadcasting an emergency news.

"We are now on live at Planeptune. A weird black cloud has appeared in the border of Planeptune and it is destroying everything in its way and it is approaching the city fast..."

"We are going to take a look at it." Neptune said as she transfers into her HDD form. "You are not going anywhere with that injury." Iffy said as she glares at Neptune and pointed to her leg. Nepgear, who was already in her HDD form, nodded and said "Nee-san, you should stay her and rest. With that injury I doubt you can defeat the enemy now."

"But Nepgear... I cannot let you go yourself. I do not know how strong is the enemy is and plus I am the goddess of the Planeptune. If I do not go and stop him, who will?" Neptune said as she struggles to leave the house.

You then walk up to her and put a hand on her shoulder and said in a serious tone "You stay here and get your leg treated. That goes with Nepgear. This is not an opponent that you guys can just go and fight. I will stop this bastard."

"Kiria, go back and prepare. I will follow in a while." You said as you turn and tell her. She nodded and headed back home. Just as you were about to leave, you heard Neptune calling out your name.

"[Y/N], what do you mean by this is not an opponent that I nor Nepgear can handle. Do you know about this enemy we are fighting? Plus, if it is an enemy that we cannot defeat, what make you think that you can defeat it." Neptune ask with a slight annoy tone.

You sigh and said "The enemy that you guys will be facing is Diablo, dragon of death. He or I should say it is an enemy that me and Kiria have fought a few years ago. At that time, we have defeated it but...for whatever reason, it seems that it has been revive..."

"I think I have heard of Diablo the name from somewhere before...if I was not mistaken, that Diablo that you speak off it the one that the guild has hire the 'Black Demon' to defeat it. Wait a minute... if you say you are the one to defeat it then don tell me that you are..." Iffy look at you in surprise as she speaks of it.

You close your eye and smirk. "Why aren't you the smart one, Iffy..." You said as you open your eye and look them. "Why yes. Just as you have guess, I am the famous 'Black Demon' that everyone is speaking about."


Okay let stop here for now. The next time we shall see how reader deal with Diablo. Until then, Peace out! 😊

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