I'll Be The Best: My Hero Academia

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Name: Seyuki Togoma
Age: (depends on the RP)
Gender: female
Species: human.


• Body manipulation. She can change her body's appearance and density. For example, she can change her skin into wood, fire, water, steel, diamond, ice, you name it and she can change into it. When in different forms she maintains control over that element or material.

Quote: "I want to be a pro hero. I want people to look at me and feel hope in their hearts."

Personality: she's a shy girl when you first meet her, but she's truly kind and will defend her friends no matter what they face, she is very brave and sometimes acts before she can think.


Family: Yukiyo Togoma (mother, alive), Tagoto Togoma (father, alive), Mayu Togoma (sister, alive).

Love interest: Izuku Midoriya

Backstory: Her father was a hero. He taught at UA for a few years but resigned the hero role after Seyuki was born. His quirk is very similar to Seyuki's, he can change his hands into whatever element he pleases. So when Seyuki's quirk came in, she had a lot to learn to keep herself under control and from hurting herself and others. Years later, it's Seyuki's dream to go to UA and become a pro hero like her father once was. When she gets in, she is so happy and determined to be the best hero she can be.

• She doesn't like spiders at all. She finds them creepy and dangerous.

• She loves being with her friends.

• She loves making people smile.

• She's not very confident about her quirk, despite its many uses.

• She loves writing. She finds it very calming.

• She met Izuku during the examination day at YUUEI, giving him a small smile and a wave before the combat exam started.

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