We Are Alive: Detriot: Become Human

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Name: Angel
Species: Android/Deviant
Model: HR500
Gender: female
Task: Caretaker android

Quote: "The first emotion I ever felt was despair, and ever since that day I've been trying to keep others like us from feeling that pain."

Personality: Like other androids before her awakening, she was distant and quiet unless told to start conversation. But once she broke free, she changed dramatically. She's brave, strong, a good leader, wise, loyal, and willing to do anything to accomplish her goals.

Appearance: Jennifer Lawrence

Family: None.

Love interest: Markus

Backstory: She was a caretaker for a young girl and her family. The young girl, Emma, had a heart defect, which kept her from playing with other children in fear of stressing her heart too much. So her parents purchased an android to be her companion and Emma gave her the name 'Angel'. Years passed and Angel became a member of the family, her masters treated her as if she was their child as well. But one day, her pleasant life was destroyed. Burglars snuck into the house and killed the family, leaving Angel alive so she could take the blame. Seeing the family killed caused something to snap inside Angel, she killed one out of three of the robbers before running away. She found Jericho and has been with them ever since.


• She wears a wire ring that Emma made for her. She never takes it off because she wants to remember the little girl that helped her learn to feel.

• She believes that peaceful actions are the only way to get humans to listen. She's against any violence that North suggests and will make sure that there are only peaceful things done.

• She met Markus after he arrived at Jericho. She quickly becomes friends with him and their relationship begins after awhile.

• She's so happy when things are resolved peacefully with the humans.

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