Chapter Four

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I walked downstairs. Mom was at the kitchen table, helping Stella with her homework.

"Hey, Mom? I need to go to the mall with some friends, can you please take me?" I asked.

"Need to?" Mom said sharply, "Why?"

"Because I told them I would be there," I replied simply.

She sighed. "Okay, go get in the car!"

"Yay! Thanks, Mom!" I said gleefully.

I grabbed my purse and ran out to the car. I had seventy dollars and my phone in my purse. Mom and Stella came outside and hopped in the car with me. 

"Stella and I will be in the play area or in one of her stores if you need us," Mom informed me.

"Okay," I said.

I hopped out and ran inside. I went to the bench right in front of She's, an accessory store. We always meet there. Amanda is already there.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hi! We just have to wait for everyone else now," Amanda said.

Trisha and Lexi walked up and sat down with us. After a few minutes, Raegan and Aparna showed up, then Ainsley and Anusha.

"Perfect. Everyone's here. Now first, we need to get Addie some new tops!" Amanda said, taking charge.

We all walked to Macy's. We went straight to the girls section.

"Ooh, this is cute!" Raegan said, pointing at a white dress with black bows and a black belt.

Raegan is the one with the most style. Whenever we all play that game where, if someone died, which stuff we would claim from them, everyone races for Raegan's wardrobe.

"You're right!" Amanda said, checking the price tag, "It's on sale! Only $7! Addie, we're getting this for you!"

I  looked at it. It was gorgeous! Amanda grabbed it off the rack. We kept looking.

"Check out this shirt!" Ainsley called from the other end of the section.

I ran over. It was a cute, long, blue, short sleeved shirt with a zipper on the back. Amanda grabbed it.

"Perfect!" Amanda said.

 We found a couple more things, and I took them into the fitting room and tried them on. I walked out first wearing the dress.

"Ooh, you look great!" Anusha said.

I looked in the mirror. She was right.

I went back in and put on the blue shirt and my jeans. I showed everyone. They said it looked great. After I was done, we bought the stuff, then walked out of the store.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"Aeropostale," Amanda said.

We all walked in. We found a cute tee shirt with a picture of the eiffel tower on it.

"Okay, forget you, I need that shirt!" Amanda said, grabbing two of them.

We paid for them, then walked out.

"Let's go to She's!" I said. I loved She's. It had so many cute accessories (A/N If you actually know me, live where I do, and go to that mall, you should totally go there, it is awesome!). 

We walked in. We went to the headbands first.

"That one is cute!" Trisha said.

"Yeah," I said, grabbing it.

It was a big, fabric headband. After the headbands, we went to the jewelry.

"Oh, check out that necklace!" I said.

A worker was walking past. 

"Excuse me, ma'am, but what type of stone is that in the center there?" I asked, refering to a necklace with a blue center.

"That's a sapphire, the birthstone of September," the lady said.

"Thank you," I said.

The sapphire was my birthstone. I picked up the necklace and checked the price tag.

"Five dollars. I'm getting this!" I said.

Nobody objected. When we were done, we paid and left. We were done.

"See you at school tomorrow!" Amanda said.

"Bye!" We all said.

I went to the play area and then to the car with my mom and sister.

Author's Note:
She has a brand new look! Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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