Chapter Six

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I looked out the window during math class. It was snowing.

As the snow piled up and up, the sky grew darker. The snow got deeper and deeper. Nervous glances shot around the room as the snow covered the top of the grass. The intercom beeped on.

"Attention, everybody, we will be dismissing class early today due to the incoming blizzard. Please stay in your classrooms. We will call your parents to pick you up!"

I groaned. This meant I would have to go to Gran's house. She had a mansion, but it was kind of far away.

My little sister and my brother would be going as well. When I was called on the intercom, I picked up my stuff and left. I walked outside. Her stretch limo was waiting outside. I climbed in next to Stella and Chris.

Gran is super rich. When she was young, she was a really famous singer. Now, she owns five acres of land and a big mansion. There is a lake on the property and a big hill. We all have our own big rooms at her house.

The driver began to drive to her house. After about a half-hour, we pulled up on the long driveway. Every time I see her house, it blows me away. It is really big and shaped like a castle. My bedroom here is even in one of the towers, and has a balcony. When I was little, I would pretend I was a princess. I still do, sometimes.

Gran's maids came and took our backpacks inside. They know us well by now. We walked through the snow to the inside of the house. I went straight to the fireplace.

In the castle, there are two parts. One part, for Gran to be rich in. The other part is smaller, the size of a regular small house, about one floor, where she can just be a grandmother. That part is where the fire is.

Gran made hot chocolate for us with a lot of whipped cream and marshmallows. We drank it slowly. Stella ran up to her room and put on a princess dress, then ran back down. I guess I am not the only princess here!

Gran took me to her private library. She and I both took books off of the shelves to read. I took off a romance called Forever Yours, about a teen girl who is moving away, and her boyfriend tries to convince her parents not to, and they try to do long distance but it does not really work.

When I finished a couple chapters, Chris and I decided to turn on a movie. We watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. When it was done, we went into the kitchen. Gran's cook had made our favorite food. Pesto tortellini. We ate it quickly, then had a piece of chocolate cake and ice-cream.

"You guys are going to spend the night. The snow made it so your parents can not come pick you up," Gran said.

We were happy with that. I got my homework done, then the four of us sat on the couch and watched a TV show. When it was over, I went up to my room and went to sleep.

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