Science Fiction Results

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Hola to all Sci-Fi participants who've been waiting for the Sci-Fi results!

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Unexpectedly, in the first place, we have 2 winners who have tied with the same score.

The books that have won first place are:

The Refuge: dilenu  

Cover: 8/10

 Plot: 10/10

 Story Presentation: 10/10

 Grammar &/Punctuation: 10/10

 Creativity & Originality: 10/10 

 Does the story makes sense: 10/10

 Structure & Character Development: 10/10

 Overall Delivery: 10/10 TOTAL: 78/80

Review: A Chef's Kiss!!! An enjoyable story with a common plot that was delivered with such literary intrigue that it was a total euphoric read, nothing cliché here! The writer has masterfully created a dystopian society with good use of literary devices, sentence constructions, and engaging characters that are so relatable and engagingly realistic that it's like you are living every moment, every scenario, and every occasion. A superb delivery of a fight for survival mixed with just the right splice of Christian belief. As both protagonists strive to make it through their struggles you are left championing their efforts as they are so far-fetched from your typical hero/ heroine striving to fight against their dismal life and their selfish government. A well-served treat thus making Refuge your number-one read because it's a savory literary delight that will have you eating up every line, every dialogue, and every scene. Amazing!!!

- (Judge: birdeyze)


Crossing Over: melissadyb

Cover: 8/10

 Plot: 10/10

 Story Presentation:10/10

 Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10 

 Creativity & Originality: 10/10 

 Does the story makes sense: 10/10

 Structure & Character Development: 10/10 

 Overall Delivery: 10/10 


 Review: Wow, this is the icing on the cake for me! I was caught up in Millie's needs, confusion, hopes, determination, and overall will to reach her true purpose (won't give away any spoilers). A well put together novel that keeps you hooked as you scroll through the chapters in the need to see if Millie is going to make it through to getting her heart's desire. The writer compels you to travel on with Millie in every one of Mr. Chau's experiments and then that little twist with Jason just makes it all the more exciting. It's like watching a movie with all the right components that ensure an enthralling plot that comes alive with each scene and diction. A truly splendid read that brings you face-to-face with Millie's conflicts, trials, and possible triumphs. Great job on spelling, grammar, and literary devices thus making Cross Over an epic read with a nice spin on the Sci-Fi genre. Love it!

- (Judge: birdeyze)


Here are your respective stickers!!

The book that has won second place is:

Seranid: Junypr




Story Presentation:8/10 

Grammar & Punctuation:8/10

 Creativity & Originality: 10/10 

 Does the story makes sense: 10/10 

 Structure & Character Development:10/10

 Overall Delivery: 10/10 

 TOTAL: 76/80

 Review: An emotionally compact and drama-filled story that takes you on a journey that compels you to want to fight with the main MC and the Resistance. I must admit I was totally taken in by Terry and the Professor and the supporting characters they added substance to the plot and brought it to life. As you read along and made discoveries you are taken on an emotional rollercoaster of a child who is now a teenager and has to fight against corruption in its vilest form. I was hooked on her strength and dedication as I am sure this is by no means what one wants to be doing in their teenage way, yet she step up to the plate like a real stalwart. A lovely dystopian novel with intriguing bits of science and technology to take you on a marvelous journey as you root for Terry and The Resistance's victory. A very engaging read that will reach a monumental end. Lovely.

- (Judge: birdeyze)

Your sticker:

The book that has won third place is:

World On Fire: AdrielleReina

Cover: 10/10 


 Story Presentation:9/10

 Grammar & Punctuation: 8/10

 Creativity & Originality: 9/10 

 Does the story makes sense: 10/10 

 Structure & Character Development: 8/10 

 Overall Delivery: 10/10 

 TOTAL: 74/80 

 Review: A writer who shows dedication and care for her work thus creating an engaging dystopian novel that gives you all the hate, pain, and turmoil befitting such a setting. I found the opening of the first chapter could have had more build-up to showcase Emma's loss and the pain she is feeling from her dream, it fell short of this because it was so abrupt. However, as the chapters continue I found it to be enthralling as I could see where the writer made a better attempt to make you feel the turmoil that is unfolding in the MC's life. A very interesting storyline that has been featured in different genres but to add it to a dystopian plot creates such an intriguing flow of emotions a reader cannot help but empathize with and feel compelled to want to rip away all the sorrow and loss that Emma has been enduring and charter the course of fighting for all her desires with her. World Of Fire is a gripping story that is worth the read!

- (Judge: birdeyze)

Your sticker:

The remaining two books did not make it to the top three, but at least you tried:

Cursed With Power: awesometales

Your sticker:

Memoirs Of A Middle Child: @Butterflies1980

Your Sticker:

So congrats to all winners!

You all have done well!

Keep up the great stories!!

- Kavin/ NerdyReviews (Host)

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