A short story

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In fifth grade, we had to make a creature, then write a story about it. I got a prize for mine! So I decided to post it, but I didn't think it was long enough to make whole nother book. So I'm posting it here! Hope you guys like it!


¨Do you think they'll survive?¨ Riverbed asked Featherherb. Her amber eyes glinting with worry.

He looked out at her cubs, and replied, ¨There's a high chance they will. They're strong and healthy.¨

¨I hope you're right,¨ she sighed. Then called to her male cub, ¨Poisonmoss! Stop climbing on the Chiefs' den!¨ Riverbed trotted over and plucked him off. She scolded the green and white cub.

¨Sorry Riverbed, I was just having some fun,¨ he apologized, his blue eyes' pleading.

She turned around and flicked her bushy blue and brown tail for him to follow. She called to her other cubs, Mellowstone and Goldentree, to come inside. As she headed to the nursery, Moontrial and Graytree stopped her in her path.

¨We're worried about you, Moontrial says you need a break,¨ her mate chided.

Either she was exhausted, or she didn't want to leave her cubs to make trouble.

¨I'll watch your cubs and you can go hunting,¨ Moontrial told her. She was white and gray with a slash of yellow, the same color of her eyes, running down her side.

¨Thank you, Moontrial.¨

She and Graytree headed out of the flat and stony camp and into the middle section of the Owl Tribes' territory. The path was a straight, flat stone that allowed Doom Felines to come and go. Riverbed could feel her mates eyes' burning into her river and earth colored pelt. She looked back at him and smiled warmly, enjoying his company. His thick, gray, brown, and green fur fluffed out against the cold, making him look huge.

They sniffed the cold, stony air in unison. She didn't smell any prey. Then she saw alarm flash in Graytrees' eyes. ¨Intruders,¨ he warned. ¨This way!¨ And he bounded forward with vicious fangs bared and his enormous claws unsheathed, with Riverbed on his tail. They came into the Owl Pines and raced along, weaving through the trees. Graytree came to a halt and sniffed the air, ¨I've lost them.¨

¨What! Then we have to find them and chase them out! We can't have them stealing our prey!¨ She exclaimed.

¨I know, but I can't smell them, which is bad.¨

¨But we were right on their trail. Do you know what tribe it was?¨ Riverbed queried.

¨No,¨ he sighed, ¨Let's go back till we smell them again.¨

They searched Owl Pines and the middle trail. Once they found the scent trail again they followed their noses. It led to the rocky river, a stream that went all throughout the Mountains of Doom and had jagged rocks poking out of the frigid water.

¨Heat Tribe,¨ Riverbed noted. That's odd, she thought, why would they come here? They're far away and it's too cold for them here.

Ears back, they trotted on in a steady, but swift, pace. Then they saw them. Three male Doom Felines, pacing the clearing by the river. A growl rose in her throat.

¨I don't like it,¨ An orange Feline with large red paws and claws, with a deep voice meowed, ¨They should be coming after us by now.¨

¨Yeah,¨ a red and gray one with green eyes agreed, ¨Owl Tribe is usually as alert as, well, an owl."

¨But this means we'll be able to ste-, ¨ a brown Feline stopped himself, ¨Borrow, their prey and get away.¨

¨Oh no you won't!¨ Graytree growled under his breath and launched himself at the one who'd just mewled.

Startled, they had no time to dodge. Riverbed and Graytree were on them like fleas. But despite the cold they were warm, forcing her to loosen her grip. Her mate seemed to have the same problem. Letting the Doom Felines from Heat Tribe get away.

She and Graytree followed them, racing though the stones. Then, without warning, the brown one disappeared downward with a heart wrenching cry and after a few heartbeats, a sickening thud. Then the other two went over.

¨They're gone,¨ she whispered. Riverbed knew they'd died.

Then a red paw with enormous claws flashed out and grabbed Graytrees' hind leg. He tried to wrench his leg free, but the paw held him fast. She batted and pulled with all her strength and fury. But her mate was slipping, and she knew his fate. With his strong fore paws he held onto the edge, fear in his blue eyes.

¨I love you, Riverbed,¨ He said to her, ¨Our cubs will grow up to be strong and fearless.¨

And with that, he was pulled over. She watched him fall. He looked calm as though he was asleep.


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