Princess Mela factoids

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Okay, I know you don't know who she is but I do, and I think that she is pertty cool. She's a charecter I made up a little bitty while ago. I might make her the main charecter in watty2015 story if I do one.

Name: Mela

Status: princess, youngest.

Age: eleven.

Species: fairy

Breed: bat


Eyes: light purple

Hair: shoulder length, black and silky

Wings/horns: glossy black bat wings

Skin: pure white, veins visible. Veins glow.


Hearing: well, she has bat ears so her hearing is pretty great.

Sight: pretty good, in extremely dark situations = night vision.

Strength: good for her age

Strength enderance: okayish

Speed: fast

Speed enderance: in flight, two hours. Running, twenty mins.

Skills: speed attacks


Weapon of choice:  melee, sometimes uses a bow.

Favorite tactic: taking the enemy by surprise.

Favorite attack: anything twirly.


Friends: Jazar

Siblings: Flare

Parents: king and queen of the bat fairy realm


Personality: diffedantly a goofball while with Jazar and Flare, but displays her status around others. The kind of charecter you want to impress on first sight. But once you to know her she pretty great but can be hard to be friends with.

If they were compared to famous person: Luxa from Gregor the Overlander.

Can be in: I'm still thinking of a story for her, promise I'll try to make it cool.

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