CHAPTER EIGHT, no scientific bias whatsoever - part two

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(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter)

Winnie currently sat in the kitchen next to Brooke at the island while Ashley stood by them. Brooke picks up the head scratcher and uses it. "This thing really can't be that good." She closes her eyes and sighs in content. "Why would anyone do anything else?' Winnie laughed a bit, smiling at her with amusement.  

"Tad never gives himself credit for anything." Ashley said. "It's infuriating. Last week, he got a B+ on a history test, and he gave me all the credit for it."

"What's wrong with that?" Brooke asked, setting down the head scratcher. 

"I tutored him in math." Ashley pointed out, grabbing the popcorn that was done out of the microwave and walked back over to her friends.

Winnie nods. "Okay, yeah, that's a problem." 

"I just want Tad to believe in himself." Ashley frowns, opening the bag of popcorn and pouring it in a bowl for her and her friends. "He's successful because of his talent and hard work, not because of some stupid sweatband. But the only way to show him that would be to duplicate, and then swap out the headband without Tad's knowledge."

Winnie takes a handful of the popcorn and eats some. "How would we even do that?"

"And what if it makes them lose?" Brooke worriedly adds. "I mean, we need to win every game to get to the playoffs."

"Switching the headband will have no effect." Ashley reassures her friends. "No study in the world has ever proven that magic is real."

Brooke laughs. "I know a David Blaine special that would beg to differ."

"A TV special is not technically a scientific study." Ashley tells her and Brooke tilts her head to the side, staring at her with confusion. "You see..." She pauses, realizing that Brooke or Winnie wouldn't understand what she says so then she smiles and says, "We'll circle back. Right now we need a plan."

Silence filled the air for a few moments before Brooke speaks up. "Got it." She smiles. "We go to the game, sneak on to the field, swipe Tad's headband off his head, then without him or any of the four hundred fans or your uncle noticing, we sneak the fake headband back on Tad's head."

"Why do we need to sneak onto the field when Winnie will already be there?" Ashley asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I would say good point, but I always have to be ready to play in case Coach wants me to." Winnie replied and Ashley nodded in realization.

"Can we actually pull that off?" Ashley inquired, glancing at Brooke.

"Oh, who knows?" Brooke smiles excitedly. "This is so exciting."


(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter)

The next day Ashley sets her backpack on the kitchen island, holding up a headband with a smile. "See what I got here."

"Tad's headband." Brooke notices and her eyes widen. "You kidnapped Bandy?"

"Nope. This is Bandy Two." Ashley grinned.

"Wow." Winnie said with surprise. "It looks identical to Tad's headband."

"I took a brand-new sweatband and matched it to this picture." Ashley gets her phone out and shows a picture of Tad's headband to her friends. "Soaked it in tea overnight." She laughed.

"Ooh!" Brooke grins. "I like bad Ashley." She glances at the headband. "It looks right...But, well, what about the smell?"

"Yeah," Winnie sighs. "He could probably easily tell it's not his headband without the smell."

"Got that covered." Ashley points at her friends. "Pungent body odor is caused by a chemical compound called trimethylamine which is also found in many household foods," She walks over to the fridge with a smile. "Eggs, milk, beans, and most famously..." She pointed at her friends, gesturing for them to finish her sentence.

Winnie shares a confused look with Brooke before they both look back at Ashley. "Why would you think we know that?" Brooke questioned.

"Shellfish." Ashley got out shellfish from the fridge and closed the door. 

"Of course." Brooke slowly nodded.

"Right, 'cause we would've totally known that." Winnie sarcastically said. 

Ashley then began to rub the headband over the shellfish. "You know, before you moved back, I didn't spend my days like this." Brooke admitted.

"Yeah, me neither." Winnie chuckled.

Ashley sniffs the headband. "It's not quite Tad. Something's missing." She opened a magazine on the table pulls off an Axe Body Spray sample and began to rub it on the headband.

"Good call on the Axe Body Spray sample." Winnie nodded.

Ashley holds up the headband for her friends to smell it. "Bold, yet understated." Brooke comments. "With a hint of fish."

"Bandy 2.0 turned out to be perfect." Winnie smiles. "Now it just needs to be lucky." Ashley sends her a look. "Totally kidding." Winnie quickly added with a chuckle.

When Victor walked in, Ashley quickly handed the headband to Brooke and she hid it. Victor wore a fancy blue suit which surprised Winnie because she didn't think he would wear something like that. "Hey, girls." Victor greeted with a smile.

"What's with the fancy suit?" Ashley inquired.

"Oh, this old thing?" Victor smirked and did a 360 spin. Winnie snickered when she noticed the tag on the back of it. 

"The tag's still on." Ashley points out. She glances at the tag. "Nordstrom Rack? Ooh-la-la."

"Oh, don't pull that off." Victor stops her from pulling off the tag. "This has to go back." He hid the tag under the suit.

"Does this new look have something to do with a Sports Illustrated interview tonight?" Ashley questioned. 

"Yes," Victor nods. "I gotta make sure I look like a winner, and for insurance, I have a few tricks up my sleeve...And one in my pocket." He pulled out a set of keys to a Ferrari.

"Woah." Winnie's eyes widen with surprise. "No way."

"Did you buy a Ferrari?" Ashley asked with surprise.

"I did...." Victor smiles. "For ten hours."


(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter) 

The football game has been in full swing so far. Winnie was on the field in position as quarterback and the whistle just blew. "Ready? Set....Wait, no." She stands, earning confused looks from the opposing players, but her teammates knew exactly what she was doing since this was how they planed this play. "This ball doesn't look right. It looks flat. We can't play with a flat ball. Let me see?" She walked over to the player on her team in front of her, who handed her the ball. She nodded and made it look like she was walking over to the ref. 

"Yep, yeah." She grimaces. " Definitely flat. Should give this to the ref to check it out."

"Oh, yeah, but I should mention that first I'm going for a touchdown!" She exclaimed excitedly as she took off into a sprint with the football heading to the touchdown. The players on Narbonne's football team exchanged confused and surprised looks before they all quickly ran after her. Everyone on Crown City High side of the crowd cheered loudly as Winnie got close to the goal. 

Winnie's teammates were quick to follow, blocking the others from trying to get to her as she reached the goal. "Touchdown!" She shouted excitedly, jumping up and down out of excitement while the whistle blew. She was happy that her plan actually worked. She didn't think it would but she was relieved it did. 

"Great plan, Win!" Tad cheered as he jogged over to her and she grinned back at him while they did their secret handshake. 

Then it was halftime. Winnie and the rest of the players went to the sidelines where she was able to take off her helmet, running a hand through her blonde hair. Stick pulled Winnie into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Babe, that was awesome!" 

She blushes, but hugs him back, her heart skipping a beat at the term of endearment he used. They've been dating for a few weeks now, but she still hasn't got used to the terms of endearments. "Thanks, Stick." She smiles brightly as they pull away, but only at arms length. "I'm honestly relieved that plan worked. I didn't think it would." She admitted with a laugh. 

"You didn't think that would work?" Tad asks with surprise. He chuckles. "Well, then I'm beyond glad that it worked." He grins. "It was one of the best plays we've had." He commented and the rest of the players on the team nodded in agreement.

"Oh, stop it." Winnie grinned, waving a dismissive hand. 

"Winnie, just the girl I wanted to see." Victor called out to her with a smile, gesturing her over to him where the Sports Illustrator reporter was at. Winnie pulled away from Stick, but not before she kissed his cheek and walked over to Victor, leaving a flustered Stick behind. 

Winnie smiles. "Hey, Coach."

Victor smiles back at the reporter. "She's the quarterback I was telling you about."

"You're the quarterback...That just scored the touchdown?" The reporter asked with surprise.

Winnie grins. "Sure am."

"But you're a girl." The reporter stated the obvious, staring at her with surprise.

Winnie narrows her eyes, feeling her blood beginning to boil. One thing she hated about being the only girl on a football team full of boys were the reactions like this one. "Yeah, what about it?" She shrugs and crosses her arms. "Girls can play football too."

"Fair point." The reporter nods, looking impressed. "Wow." She smiles. "That play you did was sneaky yet devious. I liked it."

"Thanks." Winnie smiles widely and pats Victor on the shoulder. "I learned from the best."

"Oh, please. I'm not the best." Victor chuckles and waves a dismissive hand as if he was embarrassed by the compliment. Then he smiles. "Okay, yeah, I kinda am the best."


Winnie knew that Ashley and Brooke were successful with switching the headbands since during the plays she noticed Ashley sneakily putting the headband on Tad by distracting him with the head scratcher, and Brooke was talking with Stick to get him away from Tad so he wouldn't find out what they were doing. Winnie hoped that Ashley's plan will work because they needed to win this game, but just moments once Tad got on the field, Narbonne Bears intercepted. Winnie was then starting to think that maybe his headband really was lucky. 

And two bad plays later by Tad and Crown City High is down by four. Winnie felt bad for Tad, he kept doing bad plays. One time he even threw the ball to Coach on accident thinking Coach wanted him to throw the ball at him when in reality Coach was telling Tad to throw the ball at Bernie. Winnie was on the sidelines, standing by Stick who had his elbow rested on her shoulder and they both watched with surprised as Coach suddenly started yelling angrily. 

"It's Narbonne!" Victor yells, taking off his blazer angrily and throws it on the ground. "Nobody losses to Narbonne! I mean, we had this game in the bag!"

Winnie's eyes widen as he yells and kicks his blazer across the field. "Well, there goes his good interview." Winnie commented and Stick nodded in agreement.

After realizing what he did, Victor looks at the reporter with a nervous smile and laughs nervously. "See?" He puts a hand on his hip, pointing out at the field. "And that's an example of the kind of tantrum I don't have anymore."

After the couple got told Coach's car got towed, Stick walks away from Winnie to walk over to Coach. He puts a hand on Coach's arm. "Bad news, Coach. The Ferrari you rented just got towed."

"Of course it did." Victor grumbled.

Soon it was only fifteen seconds left in the game and they were still down by four. Winnie was put back into the game for the last fifteen seconds. When Winnie got the ball, she threw it at Tad, who was open, and he started running towards the goal. Winnie followed along wtih the other teammates, and like the rest of her team she blocks the opposing team from going after Tad. Despite the opposing team players getting close to Tad, he always broke free and kept getting closer to the goal. 

Winnie stops running, cheering along with the others once Tad scored a touchdown. She high-fives her teammates who were nearby before they all ran over to Tad to congratulate him and celebrate winning the game. Winnie was so relieved that they won the game. She was worried that since Ashley and Brooke switched out Bandy that they wouldn't win, but Tad still came through and won the game. 

Now Winnie and the rest of the team were on the sidelines, still celebrating their win. "We won!" Winnie cheered, giggling when Stick attacked her in a hug, picked her up and spun her around.  

"You were incredible out there like always." Stick commented as he set her down, his arms still wrapped around her.

She smiles softly, a faint blush on her face while she wraps her arms around his waist. "Thank you, honey." Stick blushes a bit at the term of endearment but still smiles brightly at her. "See? I didn't even hurt myself worse. You had nothing to worry about."

"I know." Stick sighs heavily. "But that's just what I do." He pulls her in for a hug, resting his chin on top of her head. "I worry about you, can't help it." 

She giggles and lays her head on his chest. "And I appreciate you for doing that." She smiles softly. "You're sweet."

Stick grins. "Can't argue with you there." Winnie laughed a bit and rolled her eyes playfully.


Winnie follows her teammates into the locker room where she had her own private area since she was the only girl on the team and she loved it they all respected her and her privacy.  "Yeah, great job, Tad." Victor laughs as he pulls Tad in for a bro hug. He then grins at Winnie, pulling her in for a hug afterwards. "You too, Winnie. That play you came up with was fantastic."

Winnie smirks and once they both pulled away she dramatically bowed. "Thank you, thank you."

Victor and Tad chuckle and smile at her with amusement. Victor turns to Tad with a smile. "Hey, you really dug us out of that hole that you got us into in the first place."

Tad smiles widely. "It's like something just came over me."

"It's a perfect night." Victor grinned.

Stick walks over, handing Victor a piece of paper. "Here's the address to the impound lot."

Victor looks at him with annoyance, taking the paper. "Way to keep the party going." He then walked away as Tad called Ashley over. By this point some students like the cheerleaders and other students in the crowd had came to the locker room to congratulate the football players. 

After talking with some of the other players and students, Winnie went to sit down on the bench her best friends sat on. "What'd I miss?" She smiled. 

"Tad almost gave himself credit and then Bella showed up." Brooke replies. "Tad said she made him feel like a winner."

"Oh." Winnie smiles and then she realizes the bad part of that situation and frowns. "Oh." She glances at Ashley sympathetically. "Ash, I'm sorry."

"I think this'll help." Brooke smiled and did the wave.

"Ooh, I love the wave." Winnie grinned and did the wave with her.

"Oh, come on," Brooke tries to coax Ashley. She grins. "It's coming around again." 

"Yeah," Winnie smiles widely. "You don't wanna miss it." 

Ashley couldn't help the smile on her face as she did the wave with her best friends. Brooke laughs. "Did it help?"

Ashley smiles a bit but then she frowns. "Not at all."

"Aw, man. I was sure that would help." Winnie frowned. As Ashley leaned her head on Brooke's shoulder, Brooke leaned her head on hers and Ashley linked her arm with Winnie. 

A/N yes i got inspired by this play from the one in the show bella and the bulldogs! i know nothing about football but i loved that play in the show & i wanted to somehow add it in here

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