A new broom

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About a week later after the troll incident, Rowan gave Nesta a huge lecture about how lucky she is to be alive. Aelin calmed him down for now, but he promised to make her wish she was in Gryffindor.

And he had. Everyday after school, the Quidditch team would practice in the stadium for the Gryffindor match. The Chasers (#rd years Manon, Asterin and Danika) would practice with the Hufflepuff Chasers. The Beaters, (2nd years Aelin and Lorcan), would practice with the other teams' Beaters. The Keeper (Rowan), would practice with the Chasers and the Hufflepuff Keeper and Nesta (the Seeker), would practice with the golden snitch.

During one of their practice games, Nesta noticed the golden snitch hovering over her and chased all around the stadium to get it. Unfortunately, when she tried to grab it, she didn't realize that she was in the middle of the Chasers until Danika and her accidentally collied with one another. The impact caused Danika to slip a bit on her broom but quickly regained her balance. "Sorry."

"Just get the snitch." Danika said rubbing her head,

However, when Nesta recovered from the blow, she realized that the Hufflepuff Seeker (who's name was Sam Cortland), retrieved the golden snitch.

Nesta, cheeks read with embarrassment, facepalmed and flew into the stands. When the other Slytherins came back, she expected them to get angry or scream at her, but Danika only ruffled her hair and laughed. "It's alright, Seeker. The snitch likes to go to other places at random."

"Danika's right." Rowan agreed as Danika gasped. "I am?"

"For once." Everyone laughed at Danika's pouty face.

Rowan placed his hand on her shoulder. "No matter what happens, we're glad to have a Seeker like you."

That was yesterday. Today was the day of Nesta's first Quidditch match. All week, they've practice. All week they've went through drills, warmups, and broom polishing (and a few bruises). Now the Slytherins were ready. Well, except for their Seeker.

Right now, Nesta was sitting in the Great Hall with Emerie, the Bedara twins, and Nora. Tomas had to talk to Professor Viviane about his Transfiguration class and Bryce was having Nesryn tutor her in Charms. "Nesta...Nesta?...ARCHERON!"

"Present!" Nesta called out as the twins laughed. "Good one, Nora." Emerie giggled as Nora smiled. "Thanks. I have a real good Tamlin voice." Nora added as she deepened her voice and began to speak. "There will be no foolish wand waving. Or any annoying antics in my class." The girls laughed. "Do the one with the coffee."

"BAH! What is the, Catrin!" Nora said still in character. Catrin, catching on, faked a stutter. "C-C-Coffee?"

"This is pure coffee. I want it black...like my soul." The girls had to work double to not laugh out loud. Nesta and the others were having so much fun that they failed to notice someone behind them. "I'd prefer dark." All the girls froze at the voice. The Slytherins slowly turned around to see Tamlin with his stone face.

No one spoke for a moment until Tamlin turned his attention to Nesta. "Good luck in your first Quidditch match with Gryffindor. It can be quite...brutal." Tamlin said as he walked away.

The girls all breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close."

"Can you imagine if he took away all of our house points?" Emerie asked as she and the others shivered at the thought of it.

Nesta cleared her throat. "Okay guys, we need to talk." Nesta said as the girls turned to Nesta. "What about?" Catrin asked as Nesta looked around to see if anyone was listening. "Remember that troll that we faced off a week ago?" A chorus of 'yes' filled the group except for Nora who wasn't there that night. "You're not gonna face off another troll are you?"

"No, no, of course not." Nesta clarified as Nora hugged her from behind. "Actually, it's about Professor Tamlin." All of the girls froze at the mention of his name.

Throughout the year, Tamlin has made this year hard for the first years. Especially to the Gryffindors. Nesta may not like them very much, but even she knew that Tamlin was being cruel.

Gwyn raised her brow. "What did he do?" she asked as Nesta gulped and whispered softly. "I think he was the one who released the troll."

The girls gasped. "Him? I mean, yeah he's terrifying as hell, but why him?" Catrin was the one who asked that.

"Well, when we walked out of the bathroom, I noticed a scratch mark on his leg. He tried to cover it up, but I still saw it." Nesta explained as Emerie facepalmed. "Darn it! I knew I noticed something about Tamlin when he walked in. I just didn't wanna say anything in front of my Perfect."

"Welcome to the club, Em." Nesta replied, never forgetting Rowan's glare that night.

A faint meow sound filled the room as the Hufflepuffs began to yelp and shout. "Woah!"

"Hey, watch it!"

"Ow! That's my foot!"

The girls looked across the table to see Lucky zooming towards Nesta. But that wasn't the only thing that surprised everyone. Lucky was carrying something in her jaws. Something huge. Lucky stopped when she approached Nesta. She meowed and placed the item down. "What is it, girl?" Nesta asked as Lucky hopped onto the bench and curled up in ball on Nesta's lap.

Nesta picked up the item from the floor and put it on the table. "What's that?" Nora asked as Nesta shrugged. "I don't know."

"Let's open it." Gwyn suggested as the girls nodded and worked together to open the package.

Once they've finished opening it, it was revealed to be a polished broom stick. Everyone except Nesta, gasped. "Guys, it's just a broom stick."

"That's not just any broom stick. It's a Nimbus 2000." Gwyn exclaimed as she squealed in delight.

So that's what the kids were looking at a few months ago. "But, who would..." Nesta began to question herself as Lucky meowed and pointed towards Professor Viviane who smiled at her. Nesta looked back at Lucky. "Was it her?" she asked as Lucky nodded. A Nimbus 2000. Perfect for her first Quidditch match.

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