Slytherin Test

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The three girls followed the sound of the wings. They had to travel down a couple of stairs until they've reached a long hallway. As the fluttering sound grew closer, the girls arrived into a room...filled with rather very unique birds.

"That's weird." Emerie said. "I've never seen birds like these before." Nesta took a closer look at these 'birds'. "They're not birds. There keys." Nesta declared as the three of them watched them flutter with curiosity.

"Maybe one of them fits through that door over there." Gwyn theorized, pointing to the locked door that the keys were fluttering around. "Let's try unlocking it." Gwyn suggested as she and Emerie walk tothe door. Gwyn tried it first: "Alahomara!" The lock didn't budge. "Did I do it wrong?"

"No. You did it just fine. The lock is probably too busted." Emerie replied.

"Hey guys! Look!" Nesta raid or she pointed to a random broom that was floating in the air.

"It's probably a test Nesta." Emerie thought.

"Maybe you have to catch the right key in order to open the door." Gwyn added.

Nesta thought about it. The Devil's Snore was a test as well. Maybe that test was for Emerie. She is the smartest out of all of them. And the room had a flying broom near the keys. That is no coincidence. This is a test. This time, it's Nesta's.

Gwyn examined the lock on the door. "We're looking for a rusty old key. Just like the lock."

"There!" Nesta called out as Emerie and Gwyn turned back to her. "You found it?"

"Yeah. The one with the broken wing." Nesta said, "Woah. You really are a Seeker." Emerie said as Nesta blushed.

The moment Nesta's fingers made contact with the broom stick, the keys had begun to flutter faster. Almost like the knew one of them was about to get caught.

Nesta, never backed down from a challenge. Quidditch taught her that. "Alright then, let's play."

Nesta hoisted herself onto the broom and launched into the air. Gwyn and Emerie cheered for her from below. "Woohoo! Go Nesta!"

"You got this girl!"

Nesta smiled. She did have this. She wasn't a Slytherin Seeker for nothing. Flying around like this made her miss the games she played with her team. No. Her family! The Slytherins were her family. And so were Emerie, Catrin, and Gwyn. She was going to save Hogwarts for her family.

Nesta saw a tiny rusted key with a broken wing. Smirking, she reached out and grabbed the key! "Gotcha," she yelled in triumph.

Gwyn and Emerie begun to cheered. "Nesta, toss it over here!" Gwyn called out as Nerta threw the key. It landed in Emerie's hand. "Quick, unlock the door!" Nerta shouted. Emerie shoved the key into the lock.

Nesta jumped off the broom and joined her friends, "Hurry! The keys are not happy that I took one of their own."

"There! I got it!" Emerie declared. The girls zoomed into the next room after Emerie opened the door. The moment Emerie closed it shut, the key couldn't get through and they were stuck on the other side.

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