Chapter 6

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Today at school Flukey and Tanya were at Gym class and exercising together.

To Tanya's surprise Flukey was a lot more fit than he looked and could keep up with her on the track though she was still faster than him.

After a while, they stopped and rested for a bit. 

Tanya: I gotta admit Flukey. You surprised me. You're a lot faster than I thought. 

Flukey: To be honest it surprised me too. I mean, I don't really exercise or anything and I spent most of my time keeping up with school and....moping....

Tanya: Moping less nowadays I hope. 

Flukey: Oh yeah in the beginning....oh my god....I was so....lost and depressed that for a second....I even considered suicide just to make the pain go away. 

Rather than judge Flukey for his moment of weakness, Tanya listened and hung on every word respectfully. 

Tanya: It was that bad huh? 

Flukey: Oh yeah like you wouldn't believe. One of the darkest moments of my life and really showed just how weak I really am. 

Tanya: I wouldn't call it weakness. You said Elise was your first girlfriend right? Well as harsh as this sounds, the first relationship in anyone's life almost always ends bad. It's like some kind of unavoidable phase in life. Given how many people there are in the world I'm sure at least one or two people have had successful first relationships in the world that led to marriage and kids but the chances of meeting someone with that kind of luck is damn near impossible. 

Flukey: True. But it doesn't bother me much now. I know in my heart I'll find someone to loves me for me and supports my dreams. And of course I'd love her for her and support her own dreams too. I don't expect to fall in love again so soon but the next time I do...I'll take things slow and get to know the girl first, starting up a friendship first before seeing about taking things further. 

Tanya: (Heh. I'm proud of Flukey. Certainly learned a lot from his first heartbreak. Not saying that it was his fault but next time he'll be more cautious when getting into a relationship)

Then an outside voice spoke. 

Voice: Oh. So you're the infamous Flukey Thunder that I've been hearing about. 

Flukey and Tanya looked to see a girl with short silver hair.

Flukey: Uh yes that's me. May I ask who you are? 

Silver-Haired Girl: Oh right I apologize. My name is Valerie Harp. I'm actually in your Social Studies Class though I doubt you noticed me with Elise running your life during your relationship with her. 

Flukey: Ah gotcha. Sorry about that by the way. 

Valerie: Oh it's alright. To be honest I've always had my suspicions of Elise but didn't want to assume. 

Tanya: Nah I didn't trust her from the beginning. Sometimes you can just take one look at a girl and know that she's on thotting time. 

Flukey: At least I don't have to deal with her anymore. She's Ryan's problem now. 

Valerie: I agree. 

Then an idea popped up in Flukey's head. 

Flukey: Hey. Not trying to be a creep or anything but you girls wanna hang out after school?

It didn't take long for Tanya and Valerie to give their answer. 

Tanya: Sure. I'm down. 

Valerie: Me too. 

Flukey: Great!

And so the plan was set for Flukey, Tanya, and Valerie to hang out after school. As long as the girls didn't catch wind of Flukey's apartment, everything should be fine. 

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