24 - The Study Partner

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Draco had found us a classroom in the dungeons.

We pushed two desks opposite together, our homework spread out in front of us, with Trevor watching on; looking at Draco hopefully for more beans.

"He only seems to like the disgusting ones," Draco chuckled, as Trevor turned his back on a bright red one that looked like it could be strawberry flavoured.

"He has a unique taste," I smiled, looking down at Trevor fondly. "It's part of why I love him."

I felt Draco's eyes linger on me. When I looked up at him I was shocked to see an odd, pained expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I took him away from you," he murmured softly. "You didn't deserve that."

Our eyes locked and I felt the air thicken, causing the breath to catch in the back of my throat. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was.

All I could think about was our kiss and I wondered if we would do it again.

"How's your Potions essay going?" Draco asked, breaking the tension as he cast his eyes down at the blank piece of parchment in front of me.

"I hate Potions," I sighed resignedly, chucking my quill down upon the desk, "I'm just no good at it. I can't wait to drop it next year."

"I'll miss you if you drop out," Draco murmured, his voice silky soft, making my heart flutter.

"Snape won't," I said morosely, "he hates me,"

"It's not personal," Draco said, a slight smirk twitching at his lips, "he hates all Gryffindors. Haven't you noticed?"

"Like you, you mean?"

"That's not true," he said quickly as if realising whose company he was in. "I don't hate all Gryffindors... obviously."

Our eyes met again, and this time, I felt the air physically crackle.

"Let me help you," Draco said, scraping his chair back and dragging it round the table to position right next to me.

I shivered as the scent of expensive cologne hit me. He obviously noticed because he stilled, his own breathing becoming shallow above my ear.

"Neve?" he murmured, his voice coming out low and husky - almost like a growl.

I lifted my head, tilting my face up to meet his, and almost instantly, he leant in, catching my lips in his.

I gasped in surprise, and he took the opportunity to let his tongue dart tentatively past my lips. My whole body seemed to sing out; tingles cascading over every inch of my surface. His hand went to the back of my head, tangling his fingers through my hair, deepening the kiss.

I found myself responding almost greedily; my tongue dancing furtively with his. My heart felt as though it was going to burst out of my chest and desire coursed maddeningly through my veins.

I couldn't help but emit a longing blissful sigh, causing Draco to respond by wrapping his other arm around my waist and sliding me closer to him, practically pulling me onto his lap just as a heated guttural groan rumbled in the back of his throat.

"Draco," I panted, breathlessly breaking away. As much as I was enjoying it, this urgency took me by surprise.

"I'm sorry," he murmured heavily, the silver in his dilated eyes swirling as they gazed yearningly back at me. "You're just so beautiful."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, and I quickly slid off his lap back onto my chair as I turned back to my blank parchment, praying he wouldn't notice my bashfulness.

Luckily, Trevor chose that moment to hop across the desk to Draco and start croaking up at him until he was finally offered a couple of beans.

After that, Draco continued to help me write my essay, brushing his arm against mine more times than was necessary... not that I was complaining.

When my essay was complete, we tided the desks away and hovered hesitantly by the door.

"Thank you," I whispered, allowing my eyes to linger up into his. "I- I had a nice time."

"We could do this again... if you want?" Draco asked, inching slightly closer to me. "Studying, I mean..."

His eyes lingered on mine as he bit his lower lip. I didn't miss the quick glance to my own lips.

"I'd like that," I smiled shyly, not making any attempt to move away from him.

He lifted a hand to my face and I closed my eyes as his fingertips delicately grazed my cheek.

Lips brushed against mine and I sighed into his kiss, longing swirling in my stomach as his arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me up against his taut firm chest.

"I better go," I panted, reluctantly pulling away, as I remembered the DA meeting I had to attend after dinner. "I'm sorry."

Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he instantly recovered from it, instead offering me a small smile before patting Trevor's head which was sticking out of the top of my school satchel.

Trevor croaked appreciatively as Draco delved into his pocket for a couple more beans and - giving my hand a gentle, tender squeeze - we parted ways after agreeing to meet the following Sunday.

My heart was singing with joy by the time I reached Gryffindor Tower.

"Ah, there you are," Harry said, looking up from an old yellowed piece of blank parchment, which he began to fold up. "Been anywhere nice?"

"Just studying," I mumbled, making to head straight for the dormitory to dump my things before going down to dinner.

"On your own? Or were you with anyone in particular?" Harry asked, his tone carrying a hint of accusation.

I paused halfway up the stairs, looking down at him, perplexed. "Why are you suddenly so interested in who I hang around with?" I asked.

"Because if you're going to be my girlfriend, Neve, then I expect a certain amount of loyalty from you. Hanging around with Malfoy in the dungeons all day long just makes me question your commitment to me."

My mouth dropped open in complete disbelief.

"How did you-?" I spluttered before angrily composing myself, "Not that it's any of your business Harry, but Draco was just helping me with my Potions essay."

"ALL DAY?!" Harry bellowed, his face turning red. "He's a Slytherin, Neve!"

"Oh, and there I was thinking someone had just sneezed all over him!"

"He's my enemy! He's in league with the bad guys! His father laughed as I was tortured on a grave!"

"Yes, and his aunt is the reason I'll never get to know my parents!" I spat, feeling a rare kind of anger boil my blood. "But he is not his father, and he is not his aunt!"

"So it's true then?!" Harry gasped, his eyes bulging out behind his glasses. "You and Malfoy are together?!"

"No! Draco and I are not 'together', and neither, by the way, are you and I!" I cried, continuing my way up the steps before he could respond.

That evening I channeled my fury into my fighting and managed to Stun Harry five times.

However, I still struggled with my Patronus; my wand only issuing feeble wisps of silver smoke.

"You've got to think of something happy," Harry sighed condescendingly as his Stag cantered smugly round and round us, and quite frankly putting me off.

"I'm trying!" I cried miserably. I didn't add that his presence was making that hard for me to achieve.

Even Harry couldn't deny though, that I was coming a long way.

Which was probably just as well, because little did we know, Dumbledore's Army was soon going to be no more thanks to my new 'study' partner.


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