36 - The Sad Slytherin

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Harry turned up to the feast looking in a worse state than he had ever done after his many end of year adventures.

"What happened to you?!" Ginny gasped as he took his seat and started shovelling apple pie straight into his bloodied face.

"Muffoi's s' Desths Eshter," Harry mumbled incomprehensibly through a mouthful of food.

"Say that again?" Hermione asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"He said 'Malfoy's a Death Eater'," Ron answered without missing a beat.

I looked up in alarm. "Don't be ridiculous! He's only sixteen!"

But I couldn't help but glance up towards the Slytherin table as I said this, and I found that I had to stifle a little gasp because there sat Draco, looking sadder and more forlorn than I'd ever seen anyone before, as he morosely pushed his untouched food across his plate with his fork.

It broke my heart. I just wanted to get up from my seat, stride across the hall and throw my arms around him.

Without warning, silver eyes suddenly pierced mine, making my pulse race like crazy. I didn't look away, but looked sadly back at him, trying to convey with a look that, despite everything, I still cared.

"Yep, definitely a Death Eater," Harry said matter-of-factly, drawing my attention back to our table.

His gaze had followed mine, and for some reason, seeing Draco looking depressed just confirmed this fact for Harry.

"Why?" I asked, feeling irritated and even slightly protective, "Just because he's not touching his food, it doesn't mean he's suddenly a follower of You-Know-Who."

"Well, why not?" Harry shrugged. "You should have seen what he did to me just now on the train. Stamped on my face after ridiculing me for having a dead mother! Wouldn't be surprised if he's feeling guilty about the cruel way he treated me!"

"He did what?" I gasped. But then I paused and frowned. "Hang on a minute, what were you doing in the Slytherin compartment?!"

"Spying on him under my cloak," Harry shrugged as if this was no big deal. "You should have seen Pansy fawning all over him - it was sickening."

I felt my stomach squeeze unpleasantly. I had to remind myself what Draco had said about it just being a show.

"Harry you can't go around spying on people like that!" Hermione reprimanded him. "No wonder he was upset with you!"

"Oh! I didn't realise this was the 'We Love Draco Malfoy Club'!" Harry bellowed loudly so that students at the surrounding tables looked up at him, startled.

"Blimey, chill out, Harry," Ron said, lifting an eyebrow. "All Neve and Hermione are saying is don't go jumping to conclusions. There could be all sorts of reasons why Malfoy is off his food."

"Like what?!" Harry spat, helping himself to seconds of apple pie and drowning it in custard.

"Like maybe he ate a dodgy pumpkin pasty on the train?" Ron suggested.

We were all told to shut up at that point by Professor Dumbledore whilst he made the start of year announcements.

I switched off, thinking that Hermione could tell me anything important later and, instead, used the opportunity to continue to glance over at Draco.

I couldn't help but fear what sort of hell he had had to endure over the summer. He seemed genuine in the carriage when he said he missed me, but he was still adamant that I should stay away from him, which told me he was still expecting further punishment.

When our eyes met once again, I could almost feel the electricity in the air, it felt so thick that I was surprised it wasn't noticed by anyone else.

"Slughorn? The Potions Master?"

I was pulled out of my daze by Ron's horrified voice. "So where does that leave Snape?"

Oh no... oh no, oh no.


Draco watched as her face dropped in horror at the announcement that Snape would be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He didn't know what she got for her Defence O.W.L. but he knew she would be hoping to take it at N.E.W.T. level. And Snape was infamous for only ever taking on Outstanding students.

He wondered if he should have a word him about it; try and convince him to let Neve take Defence. Draco had, after all, secretly been looking forward to sharing that class together, especially if she was dropping Potions.

Everytime he looked across the hall at her he had to fight the urge to stride over and take her in his arms.

He'd wanted to so much in the carriage - the desire to hold her and kiss her was overwhelming. He didn't know how he was going to get through this year keeping away from her.

But all he had to do was remember what lay beneath the left sleeve of his shirt and it would remind him why he was no good for Neve.

Neve; a Gryffindor who believed in fighting for the 'good' side - Potter's side.

He closed his eyes as he felt that familiar wave of pain wash over him. He wished so much he could have had the choice to fight alongside her.

But that choice was cruelly taken away from him, just like she had been; the girl he had fallen so hopelessly completely in love with.

The girl who could never be his to have.


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