44 - Potter's Warning

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Christmas was a sombre affair; Gran looked smaller and frailer than I'd ever seen her which frightened me so much.

"It's this blinking war," she sighed when I asked tentatively about her health; almost terrified of her answer. "Once was bad enough... but again? I'm getting too old for all of this Neve, dear. My old heart just can't take it anymore."

The idea of losing Gran made me feel a kind of terror that I couldn't quite put into words.

"It'll be okay, Gran," I reassured her as she clasped a withered hand to my cheek, almost as if she was afraid that I'd suddenly 'leave' like my parents had. "I've learnt so much in Dumbledore's Army, I'm ready to fight for us Gran; for you, me and Trevor."

And for Draco, I added silently.

"Oh, you and that silly toad," Gran chortled not unkindly; her eyes glistening, "you are my funny girl Neve, my funny, strong brave girl."

I hugged her extra hard before I boarded back on the train at the end of the holidays; my emotions a mixed bag of anxiety about leaving Gran and anticipation of seeing Draco again.

But before the train could finish its journey, I had an unexpected visitor to my lonely compartment.

"Hello, Harry," I said wearily, clocking the sober expression on his face as he uninvitedly took a seat opposite me. "Did you um... have a good Christmas?"

"I was wondering if I could have a private word with you about something?" he said, choosing to completely ignore my greeting as he nervously adjusted his glasses.

"Um... yeah, okay," I said hesitantly, knowing I probably wouldn't like what he had to say.

"It's about Malfoy," he started, and my heart immediately sank; I somehow doubted he was here to congratulate me on scoring with the Slytherin Prince. "I'm here to warn you that I think he's very dangerous, Neve, and to get involv-"

"Harry, please," I implored, cutting him off. "I really don't think it's any of your business."

"Actually," Harry said with emphasis, "it is when I consider you a friend. Now... I shouldn't really be telling you this, but on the night of Slughorn's party I accidentally stumbled across a private conversation between Malfoy and Snape." He paused here and looked at me as if trying to gauge my reaction.

"Harry, if it was private then maybe you shouldn't be telling me." I said, suddenly feeling panicked. I didn't want to discuss Draco with Harry in the slightest.

"From what I heard, Malfoy is clearly working for Voldemort, and I know you wouldn't do anything stupid like knowingly take up with a Death Eater." Harry paused again, looking intently at me without blinking. "Especially after what they did to your parents."

I closed my eyes as a wave of pain washed over me. "Harry, please don't-"

"Tell me Neve, how are your parents? Did you visit them again this Christmas? Did you have a nice chat about how your year at Hogwarts is going? Did you talk about any potential boyfriends you are going to bring home to meet them in the future?"

I didn't answer, but instead looked out towards the window, blinking back my tears.

Harry stood up sighing. "Look Neve, I don't mean to sound cruel, but sometimes I think you need reminding of just how disgusting and vile these people that work for Voldemort are." He paused at the door just as he was about to open it. "We're at war, Neve. And you need to remember whose side you are on. Now, when you're ready to tell me more about what Malfoy is up to, then you know where to find me."

And without waiting for a response he slid open the door and disappeared.

Trevor gave a weak croak and I looked down at him in surprise, realising that I had been holding him so tight that I had almost strangled the life out of him.

"Oh! Trevor! Sorry," I gasped, immediately releasing my grip.

Giving me a disgruntled look, he hopped off my lap and went to sit in the far corner of the compartment at a safe distance away from me.

I suddenly felt horrendously lonely and sad. And not to mention; frightened.

Because I hated to admit it, but Harry was right about Draco. Even though Draco had been forced into becoming a Death Eater - being associated with him was still dangerous; especially as he was in the process of plotting a murder.

But I loved him. I loved him with all my heart and I couldn't just abandon him.

Then there were my parents; parents that were denied ever being parents thanks to the barbaric practices of Death Eaters.

And my poor, dear Gran; my poor, frail Gran who could take no more loss or heartache after having endured too much already from one war.

I curled up in a ball, hugging my legs tightly to my chest as the train continued its journey back up to the bleak north.

And I cried.

I cried for my parents, and I cried for my Gran; but most of all I cried for Draco.

I cried for the boy who not only had his choices stripped away from him - but his future too.


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