Time to leave

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The guards moved faster than I had ever seen them mobilize before.

I directed them to where they would find the cabin, and their prince's body within, knowing well entering Loramar's territory without prior agreement could be viewed as an act of war.

I no longer cared.

As I lay in bed, staring at the canopied ceiling while my handmaidens attended me, i considered the events that occurred and what would need to be done next.

My husband was dead.

The Prince was murdered.

Thespan was to blame.

And soon he'd be after me.

There was only one thing I could consider as I glanced to the other side of the bed, cold and empty forevermore.

"Fetch me my daughter," I said out loud.

The handmaiden closest to the door did not hesitate and excused herself with a bow as she disappeared into the darkened hallway to find what remained of Leopol's bloodline.

A gentle hand went to my stomach where I knew our son remained innocent and carefree of the horrors of the world.

A son who would never know his father.

A son who would never know his kingdom.

There would be no crowns for him. No palaces. No parties. Not as I decided my next steps as my firstborn walked into the room with her hand grasped in the handmaid's.

"Where's Dada?" she asked, her voice ripe with concern.

Children are too observant.

I slowly rolled to my side to better see her, giving her a reassuring smile.

"My darling," I said softly. "How would you like to take a trip to see your grandparents?"

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