Blue Meanie and an Explanation

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Look who finally updated? Me! Sorry for the wait, I hope it's worth it!

"I'M SORRY, WHAT?!" Tony screamed for the millionth time, after everyone had cleaned up. Bruce looked totally lost. Natasha chuckled at this.

"I'm a demigod daughter of Ares- or Mars," Natasha stated plainly.

"Not a very powerful one," Steve cut in. Nat glared at him.

"What do you mean?" Bruce frowned.

"Strong demigods have a scent, meaning they can't use technology."

Bruce nodded, processing this.

"Don't tell me you're actually thinking about this!" Tony spluttered.

"I am," Bruce said, matter of factly.

"What does it mean to have a scent?" Tony asked Steve, Nat, Thor, and Clint after he'd let out a groan loud enough for Missouri to hear.

"Well, monsters can-"


Bruce had turned slightly green. "...Like me?"

"No, Bruce, and Tony, YES, monsters," Clint sighed. "You know, hydras, hell-hounds, dracaena..."

"Those are real?!" Tony caterwauled.

"If gods and their childrens are, of course monsters aren't," Natasha grumbled, sarcasm dripping from the statement.


"So, are you going to explain to me who those people were back there?" Tony turned to Clint, referring to Will, Nico, and Bianca.

"Will's my brother, Nico's my brother in law, and Bianca's my niece," Clint said plainly.

"Oh. W-wait, what? BROTHER?! He's like twenty years younger than you or something!" Bruce's eyes widened as he said this.

"Well, technically he's my HALF brother - Apollo's our dad and he doesn't care about time - so we have different moms." Clint clarified.

"Your dad's Apollo-" Tony squeaked.

"Didn't you wonder how I was so gifted at archery?" Clint laughed.

"You got that on your own," Steve reassured him.

"He didn't." Natasha smirked.

Clint huffed. "Thanks a lot."

"YOU'RE SAYING GREEK GODS ARE REAL AS WELL AS THE NORSE IDIOTS?" came a yell from a room across the hall.

"Uh oh," Tony gulped.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"Blue Meanie was listening."



"Explain," Nebula demanded after she'd come out of her room, pushed Tony down into a chair and glared at him.

Tony swallowed the lump in his throat and pointed at Thor, Clint, Natasha, and Steve. "Ask them!" he yelled, and bolted towards the elevator.

Nebula scowled at Tony pressing the button repeatedly and scrambling inside before turning to Natasha and the others, not bothering to ask about the Greek pantheon.

"How're you holding up?" Steve asked gently.

"What do you mean?" Nebula scoffed.

"Peter..." Natasha trailed off, remembering how much she'd cried after hearing the news. She'd only met him a few times but she'd gotten attached.

"He was a good spider," Nebula forced a smile and Thor looked down.

"It's only been a few days since Thanos wiped out half the population," Steve spoke up suddenly.

"Your point?" Natasha snapped.

"Salt in the wounds, bro," Clint grumbled.

Steve and Nebula didn't bother asking what a "bro" was.

"My point is, he's got to still have the stones, right?" Steve asked. He turned his gaze towards Nebula who stared back.

"Yes," she said.

"Well, they can't be gone. We can use the stones. We can bring everyone back."

Natasha whipped out her phone and started to dial a number.

"Who're you calling?" asked Clint.

"Carol," Natasha answered.

"I like that woman," Thor smiled.

Everyone looked at him weirdly.

"Not- not in that way, I just meant I admired her for- you know, oh... forget it."


A glowing fiery blonde appeared in the tower a few hours later. Natasha smiled at her and Nebula gave her an approving look.

"How's it going?" Carol asked everyone.

"I'm going to kill Thanos," Nebula said cheerily.

"Good idea. I'm coming too," Natasha nodded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Clint frowned. "Shouldn't we take Tony and Pepper and Rhodey and-"

"Come on, Barton. We'll leave at sunset."

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