Hungry Babies & Missing Family

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      24 year old Annabeth Chase woke up with a start as she realized it was just a dream. Percy did love her, but he wasn't alive. The wails of her two month old son, Luke Ethan Jackson, got her up and out of bed. She fingered her silver and sea green wedding ring, and choked up at the fact that Luke would grow up not knowing who his father was.

 "Mommy, I'm hungry." came the voice of her three year old daughter, Charlotte 'Charlie' Zoe Jackson.

 "Coming, my little Seashell!" Annabeth called, scooping up tiny blonde Luke into her arms. "Shh, Lukey, Mommy's here," she said softly, and Luke hiccuped with laughter. 

"MOMMY!" Charlie shrieked from the other room. Luke's stormy sea green eyes looked at Annabeth in confusion. 

 "Your sister is hungry, and I bet you are too" Annabeth whispered, laughing. 

That didn't clear things up in Luke's mind, but he closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep. 

       "Edward said that we're not feeding his feesh friends enough" Charlie stated proudly, standing on a stool overlooking the fish tank, and pronouncing 'fish' as 'feeesh'. 

        "His...his name is Edward?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow and tried to stop herself from chuckling.

"Yup." Charlie nodded, her adorable sea green eyes staring intensely at Annabeth, who stated, "Well then, we can feed them a bit more now." 

   "Oh, and let's fix your hair" Annabeth tried to tame the jet black mess, but sighed as Charlie closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue. She was Percy's child, after all. She took after him completely, personality and everything. After breastfeeding Luke, who was fast asleep, Charlie's stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry," she whined. 

 "I'll make you some pancakes" Annabeth smiled, and she was about to grab the pancake mix when Charlie pulled on her shirt. "You're forgetting something, Mommy" she said.

 "Right. Blue." Annabeth smiled, and she grabbed the blue food coloring from the shelf. All that was in her mind was one word. One name. 



      Tony Stark spent every waking moment trying to locate his missing niece. Her S.H.I.E.L.D file was no help, as it was full of lies. According to the file, she was twenty four now, and Tony didn't know what twenty four year old supposed 'terrorists' did. Tony knew that Annabeth had run away from home at age seven, and had gone through a lot of stuff. None of the things on her file were true. His hair was a mess and there were bags under his eyes. 

      "Tony," Pepper whispered from the doorway. He quickly shut down the files he had opened and rested his chin on his hands.

 "Huh?" He asked, nonchalantly.

"What were you doing?" She gave him a knowing look and smiled.

"Wedding planning, you know, Pep, I mean-"

"You were not wedding planning, Tony. I know you miss them, and so do I. And I will do anything that I can to help you with whatever it is you need, but you need to possibly, maybe, let go?" Pepper's blue eyes gazed into Tony's brown ones.

"You know me so well" Tony whispered, and Pepper gave him a light kiss. "I'm looking for my niece." He explained, and Pepper looked stunned.

"You have a niece?" She asked. 

   "She's twenty four right now, and I found out about her a year or two ago, but I didn't pay much attention to her. My cousin, Frederick Chase, his wife, and his two sons got dusted, leaving Annabeth with no living family except- gasp- me!" Tony threw his hands up and sighed. "She's off the map. The satellites can't find her, FRIDAY can't find her, it's like she's-" he stopped in his tracks.

     "She can't be dead." Tony said hollowly. 

"We'll find her, Tony. We won't give up until we do." Pepper gave him a comforting smile and Tony reopened the file he was reading, when a beep sounded.

    "Sir, Annabeth Chase was just spotted leaving a house in San Francisco, California, somewhere near the Caldecott Tunnel." FRIDAY's voice came over the speakers.

 "I need coordinates," Tony muttered instantly. 

"Sir, the location is off the map. We will have to scout it manually." 

"Pepper, you should stay here, it could be dangerous." Tony said, getting up.

"Hell no, Tony. I get you out of trouble more than you get yourself into, which is saying a lot. I'm coming with you." Pepper said. 

Can't argue with that. Tony thought. "Suit up, Pep. We're going to California."

Word count: 743

Whoa, okay, sorry about the short starter chapter, but hopefully you liked it. Here's some stuff to know in case you're confused. Takes place after Infinity War, and after Carol (Captain Marvel) saved Nebula and Tony from dying in space.

Annabeth is 24, Percy got dusted three months ago, and their two kids are Luke Ethan Jackson and Charlotte (Charlie) Zoe Jackson.

Don't worry, this is Solangelo, we'll get to that later. Theyna is one of my OTPs but IDK how to add that in, any ideas, please message me.

Vote, add to reading list, comment, and keep reading!


Oh, almost forgot, there's still that cover contest up! It should include something about Annabeth, Percy, the Avengers, the title (Never Again.), and Wolf_dreamcatcher. Thanks! Winner gets a dedicated chapter, and you get tagged 😁 You're welcome 😇 


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