Christmas special

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~Christmas special~

~Miku's POV~

I was lying on my bed thinking about the holidays. Only three days till Christmas mum and dad still are not here, it's probably going to be like every year they always have an excuse like they had a meeting or something like that.

I wish that this Christmas was special and not just me by the table opening gifts that my mum and dad send me, as much as this is stupid I'm actually sick of all the presents.

My mum always sends me makeup and girly clothes that I almost never wear only if it a special occasion but for nothing else.

Dad sends me new jerseys and hoodies, sometimes a new phone or laptop, but they always go overboard with it all.

Spending Christmas all alone is boring, I don't have any friends to celebrate. I guess I'll visit the orphanage.

A knock could be heard "Miss Miku something came for you in the mail" one of the maids opened the door revealing a small box in her hands.

The box was wrapped in glittery red paper with a black ribbon you could already tell it was from my mum since she always send something in glitter.

"Just leave it on the table," I said, I don't care what she got me since it's always something like a gold necklace or diamond earrings.

The maid left my room when she left the box on my writing table, after a few minutes looking at it I got up and made my way to it.

I picked the little box in my hands and took the wrapping paper off, there was a black box with the writing Swarovski with gold letters.

Of course something that cost a lot of money, opening the box revealed a red heart crystal with silver wiring holding it, it was a beautiful necklace but I don't want to keep it.

~Three days later~

It's Christmas and as I guessed mum and dad had an excuse mum had a concert and dad had a meeting, but I ordered something from my father I hope he will like it.

"Hey, Miku where will you celebrate Christmas," Endou asked me while blocking one of my shots he still had practice, but I didn't mind it's not like I have anything to do.

I already sold the necklace and spent the money on toys for the orphans, "Alone home like every year" I said hitting the ball hard.

Endou blocked it while I just sighed "Why don't you celebrate with us the team will all rent a place to celebrate tonight."

He said walking over to me with the ball in his hand "Sure but we can celebrate at my house, come tonight at 6" that was the last thing I had said before I left.

~Time skips till 6 pm~

Almost everyone came, but Kazemaru, he said he will be running late, even Shi came, she wanted to see Gouenji.

But there is something I prepared for them, they are just adorable together, the door bell rang the maid went to open it.

I got everyone a present even Pinky, it's Christmas so I thought maybe I'll be nice to him just for today. The maids made a lot of food so, as a thanks I bought every one of them a necklace.

I don't mind selling the presents mum and dad got me to buy gifts for others, a lot of things I got were stuff I don't need like a new laptop.

Like the last one I got was a few months ago, I left to the balcony, to go far away from everyone.

Gouenji and Shi had to kiss since they were under the mistletoe, and I took a picture of it I'll be getting it printed tomorrow.

My blond hair was dancing around in the wind; the night sky was full of stars it is gorgeous you could see plane far away flying you could barely see the light.

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night, sky are like shooting stars?

I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky

Are like shooting stars?

I could really use a wish right now

Wish right now

Wish right now

Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish

To go back to a place much simpler than this

'Cause, after all, the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'

And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion

And all the pandemonium and all the madness

There comes a time where you fade to the blackness

And when you starin' at that phone in your lap

And you're hopin' but them people never call you back

But that's just how the story unfolds

You get another hand soon after you fold

And when your plans unravel in the sand

What would you wish for if you had one chance?

So airplane, airplane, sorry I'm late

I'm on my way so don't close that gate

If I don't make that, then I'll switch my flight

And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night, sky are like shooting stars? (Shooting stars)

I could use a wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky

Are like shooting stars? (Shooting Stars)

I could use a wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Yeah, yeah, somebody take me back to the days

Before this was a job before I got paid

Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank

Yeah, back when I was tryin' to get a tip at Subway

And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it

But nowadays we rappin' to stay relevant

I'm guessin' that if we can make some wishes outta' airplanes

Then maybe yo maybe I'll go back to the days

Before the politics that we call the rap game

And back when ain't nobody listen to my mixtape

And back before I tried to cover up my slang

But this is for the hater, what's up Bobby Ray?

So can I get a wish

To end the politics

And get back to the music

That started this shit?

So here I stand and then again I say

I'm hopin' we can make some wishes outta' airplanes

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night, sky are like shooting stars? (Shooting stars)

I could really use a wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Can we pretend that airplanes

In the night sky

Are like shooting stars? (Shooting stars)

I could really use a wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

Wish right now (Wish right now)

I could really use a wish right now {oh, oh-oh oh}

I-I-I could really use a wish right now

Like, like, like shootin' stars {oh, oh... oh}

I-I-I-I could really use a wish right now

A wish, a wish right now

{A wish right now}

I sang the last lines of the song just to feel someone hug me from behind, I jumped a little tuning around to see a well-known aqua head.

"Don't sneak up to me like that Kaze" I said with an annoyed voice "Sorry I'm late I had to pick this up" he said giving me a small box.

The box was wrapped in red paper with a silver ribbon, I was looking at it for a few minutes before opening it.

There was a black box inside a beautiful silver soccer ball necklace, "I know it's not much like the present you get but..." I cut him off with a hug "It's perfect, I don't care about the presents I get from others and I don't care about the price"

Tears of happiness were forming in the corner of my eyes "Uh Miku, look up" I looked up to see a mistletoe hanging above us, god damn those maids.

"Well, it's tradition so uhh" I was cut off my a pair of warm lips crashing onto my cold ones, at first I was surprised, but I kissed back.

It was a short but sweet kiss, but I got ruined by a flash of light "Revenge is so sweet" Shi and Gouenji standing at the door with a camera.

"What's with all of you, taking pictures of me and Kazemaru" I yelled at them and they ran away laughing.

I didn't care if they took a picture I was actually sad because I could kiss Kaze anymore.

"Here is your present"I said while blushing, he took the box which was wrapped in blue wrapping paper and a gold ribbon.

He took the wrapping paper off and the ribbon too, he opened the box with wide eyes, inside was new jersey with his name and number on it and a scarf I knitted myself.

"Miku, you really didn't have too," he said with a beautiful smile that made me blush more "It was nothing. He took off his blue scarf and put on the one I gave him, then he wrapped his old one around my neck.

He lined in and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

~Third person veiw~

It was the best Christmas for Miku she got a kiss from Kazemaru and the best gift she ever could wish for, a gift from the heart. The night was great everyone was laughing and having fun they even toke a group picture, but they didn't know that when they wake up the next day they won't REMEMBER A THING like it never happened

~End of the Christmas special~

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