Chapter 14: Threatened In My Home Town....You Got Another Thing Coming

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Threatened in my home town that girl has another thing coming. Threatening me because of You got one jealous girlfriend there Hiccup, wonder if he even knows? What's it to me anyway? None of my business. Who does she think she is? Me and Hiccup have known each other since we were kids, I think I have every right to talk to him since he is my friend and because.....because....urgh it doesn't matter not as if it would ever work anyway right.

Stay away geez girl go get your jealously issues sorted because there is no way in Odin's name that I am going to stop talking to him and besides whatever she thinks that she can do I could probably do way worse. I mean look at her all she has is a bow and arrow possibly a pro otherwise she wouldn't be in that group Jack told me about where they had gone and all. But little does she know that I am also a pro and I can also control the handy weapon of my axe. More lethal I can say.

Besides that hair has got to get in the way a bit, I mean it's too frizzy and way too springy, gets tangled in every way possible, gosh how the hell can she even handle it? Not my problem of course, her threats don't harm me, she is just another girl like me with a great power of the strongest, now threats on the other hand is not her. Just by looking at her you would know that she not capable of such a thing.

"Hey Astrid wanna go do something...." someone said to me, not paying attention to them much at all to be honest, "Hey Astrid you still there?" I looked up to see Hiccup staring down at me. Suddenly I got all flustered and jumped up from my seat and stuttered "Yeah, yeah I'm here what's up?" clearly stating that I didn't hear his question. "Were you okay then?" he asked concerned and I nodded. "Yeah course I was," I replied back confidently as if I was lying.

"Really I mean you were just staring at Merida for at least 10 to 15 minutes sure your okay," he commented back. "I wasn't looking at her, I believe that I was day dreaming it' a bit of a habit of mine since you were gone now what did you ask me while I was daydreaming?" I emphasized on the 'daydreaming' hoping he would understand. Even though I wasn't daydreaming at all, I was figuring Merida out. Still think there is something off about her.

"I said that maybe we could hang out for a bit you know since we haven't spent time together since I've been back and all," he ran his fingers through that auburn hair of his and his emerald eyes fell to the ground completing the equation that he was nervous about asking me. I lifted his chin up to look at me and said "I'd love to," he smiled and we took off on our dragons. I looked back because before I took off I pretty sure that I could see Merida glaring at me again. She was indeed.

But this time I didn't even question it because it was now that I knew she definitely had a problem and this time I smirked back at her and flew off even faster into the wind catching up with Hiccup. The things we like to do is race to certain locations and stare into the surroundings and be mesmerised by the sight and just, well you know relax. But this time I think that he wanted to talk about something much more.

Surprisingly we made our way to the Edge. The last place that I ever saw him before he took off against the wind. We don't ever come back here that often any more, we use it as our backup place, but I come her sometimes to clear my mind and all. "What brings us here?" I asked as we both hoped off our dragons who suddenly ran to each other and started playing.

"This was the last place that you ever saw me before I was gone," I knew where this was going and I didn't need to hear it but more importantly I didn't want to hear it. "Hiccup I don't wanna hear this," I looked away from him. I couldn't look at him knowing that something was going break inside of me. Knowing that I would admit on how I felt about him and how it crushed me to pieces how he's with Merida when he said that he loved me and how I broke down in front of him and his friends because of that and how I didn't go crazy inside I'm just crazy over him.

"You may not want to hear it Astrid but I need to say it and I don't care if you don't listen to me about it but it's not going to stop me okay," he pleaded at me. I still didn't look at him when he said and I still didn't even when he carried on "I made a mistake okay, I shouldn't have left but the reason in which I did was because I figured that I was doing the right thing and by doing the right thing I believed that I would be able to find myself and who I want to be.

But then when I was gone I couldn't stop thinking....thinking.....thinking about everything you said to me and that's when it hit me even when Jack came to find me even though I sent him off trail he still caught me and with what he said as well I knew that coming back was the best option for me and that's when everything else happened and I'm sorry," and he finished. I looked up at the sun I was boiling was things I needed to say until he mumbled "It's getting dark we should probably leave," and with that took off back into the sky, back to Berk.


Later that night something happened that has never happened before. None of us saw it coming; none of us were expecting it. Why would we expect something that has never happened to us before? It made us scared, it made us frightened into what could happen to us next. At first no one is questioning it, except me.

I'm questioning this because this may have been my fault......

Okay I hope that you liked this chapter anyway just wanted to say I posted a new story called Fallen Angel and wondered if you would like to read it and thanks for reading this one!!!!

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