Chapter 18: Phase One

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I was walking through the village and found Stormfly to take her on her morning flight while I bumped into the redhead herself. "Urgh, what do you want?" I argued at her. "You've been acting weird lately."

"Right back at you."

"What are you up to?"

"What makes you think that I am up to something and besides even if I was doing something its none of your business so stay away from me okay?"

"Why don't you just be kind to me?"

"You don't deserve my kindness." And with that I barged past her forcefully. "ASTRID!" I turned around slowly and saw Merida acting hurt on the ground and Hiccup at her aid. Oh great, just great. "What?" I asked casual. "You just pushed Merida," he sounded hurt by it. "I didn't barge past her that hard, not hard enough to make her fall over," he scoffed at me "Oh so you do admit it then," I was taken aback. "Now you're just twisting my words." Anger was flooding through my veins.

"She was up late last night with nightmares she just tired Hiccup not looking where she was going," these hands held my shoulders and said in my defence. I looked up to see that it was Jack. Hiccup nodded at Jack while he did the same. Hiccup walked away with Merida gently while Jack did the same with me. "What did you think you were doing knocking her over like that?"

"I didn't knock her over okay! I barged past her lightly okay there is a difference, if you want real barging past someone, here!" I screamed at him and barged past him hard actually making him fall over. I heard him sigh and headed towards the twins house. I walked in without knocking and saw them at a table with this weird looking liquid.

"Hey you could at least knock you know, instead of just barging into someone's house," I laughed at Tuff "Looks like that's my movement of the day and what in Thor's name is that?" I pointed at what they were holding. "That my dear Astrid is yak saliva," they said seeming pretty proud of themselves. "Urgh that is disgusting, why is it all sticky?" I asked prodding it with my finger.

Ruff shrugged her shoulders, "Dunno, left for a while and it kinda got all sticky and gross, figured it would have dried up," I looked at it and it was nasty. "Well why did you keep it in the first place?" They both looked at each other and shrugged "Not sure, but we do have a meaning for it now?" Tuff snickered. He then pulled out a nice shaped bow and a few arrows. "Isn't that Merida's bow and arrow?" I asked impressed. They both nodded evilly.

"Meaning it's my turn to destroy something she loves..."

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