Chapter 26: What Are These Things?

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We all glanced at each other once we had entered through that magical bush shall we call it. "So what now?" Snotlout asked, being dumb like he always is in these situations, "Now we find Astrid and anything else that seems unusual," I told them, they all nodded and we began our search, such a big cave I'll give Merida that, she couldn't have picked any other better place to do this. Or really my question is why do this in the first place, such a petty thing to be doing.

The twins, being the twins started messing around again by making echoes and messing around with something that looked sharp in their hands. I didn't bother looking at it first until they pushed it down and something popped out at me. I walked over to them and pulled it out of their hands, "Hey that's our sharp, pointy thingy," they moaned trying to get it back, Rapunzel came over to me and pulled it out my hands and examined it as well.

The others soon came over and looked at it confused, "What is that? I've never seen anything like it before," Heather explained taking it out of Rapunzel's hands. "That's because it's not from this world, you all already know that me, Rapunzel and Merida and Hiccup, come from different realms-"

"But you stay with us, well Astrid, so aren't you from our realm," Snotlout asked confused, "Not really, I only stay here with you guys because it's more interesting than the realm I used to live in, but in that realm I used to live in they had different inventions as you call them and this is a needle, they can either take blood from the body or inject blood or something else into the body, but by the looks of these, she's been taking blood."

I finished making everyone exchange glances of we need to hurry up and find Astrid, in case something terrible has happened to her. "Alright, I guess that we had better keep looking and find her fast before she comes back as well," they all nodded and split up looking for her. Everyone started shouting her name creating echoes all the way throughout the cave making my brain feel like it was about to explode.

That's when I heard something that wasn't an echo of a sort. "Everyone shut up a minute!" I shouted at them, they all looked at me and listened out for what I could hear, I wasn't just imagining it, I could hear something like a rattle, a chain rattle of a sort which clashes with the cave grounds making a different sort of noise.

But then I heard a moan, or some sort of cry, I looked at the others "Did you hear that?" they all nodded and we followed the noise down the cave. Led down at the far end lay a figure looking weak and frail, "Astrid?" I questioned "Jack..." I heard the weak cry, "ASTRID!!" I shouted and flew down the cave and held onto her. "You came?" I shook my head "Shh, don't speak okay." 

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