Chapter 32: Before I Woke

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I jumped off the stage after the song and from that moment onward all I could feel was this dizziness taking over my body. As I made my way over to Hiccup I knew he was talking to me and asking me questions and I knew that I was answering the, but however at the same time I just couldn't concentrate. Jack asking me whether I'm okay or not, and met just lying and commenting I'm absolutely fine when actually I feel dreadful.

I could feel body wavering slowly, my eyes withering from view and sooner than later I couldn't hold it any longer as my body toppled and my eyes closed shut as I fell into complete darkness. I could hear these voices calling out my name and the last feeling I could feel was the arms of someone picking me up and that's when everything that I used to feel disappeared from me.

My mind was just in complete darkness and I could watch what was happening in the world below me. I felt as if I was just placed in heaven where I could watch the world below me or if I was watching a movie. I watched as Hiccup took me to his place and led me on his bed. This couldn't be happening, what if I am actually dead? I watched as they talked and talked about what happened with me, Hiccup not believing, and I mean why would he? He has no reason to especially since his mind has been manipulated.

But then again, like always, you have to show the proof of what has happened and that is exactly what they did for him but they left Heather behind to look after me. Why though? It's not as if I'm gonna be going anywhere, I've collapsed and my never wake up again. But that's what it feels like now, at this very moment. I feel as if there is this tight string that was keeping my life together is slowly showing me memories and future of my life before its cut.

As they left, that's when all my good memories began to appear before me, every little good I had was just pouring back into my life or wherever I am at this moment. It kept coming and coming and I never wanted it to end because it was just a beautiful sight before my eyes. I didn't want this moment to end in front of me. I wanted it to keep going on and on so I could hold onto it forever.

I never realised how the time flew before me because the scene in front of me changed. I watched as the days went on and on and my body began to weaken and my colour began to get paler by the minute. I'll admit it wasn't a nice sight to see, but I knew that it was my time to go but I never just let myself go I guess I was just waiting for that special moment to make me stay. I knew however that it wasn't going to come.

It wasn't until I could hear what Hiccup was muttering to himself that made me listen. I listened and listened to what he was saying, he was blaming himself for what happened when he shouldn't be doing that. The person to blame for all this is Merida. Merida.... That name, that name is the name that caused all of this to happen and I couldn't just let her get away with it. Someone had to do something about but that someone had to be me. I couldn't also leave the one that I love behind; I can't believe I just said that. But I have to stay, I can't leave when there is one job left for me to complete.

"I'm so sorry," that's the moment that I decided to wake up.

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