Chapter 37: Me and You

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"Is there any point in hiding Astrid, I know that your there," her icy voiced echoed through the trees. My feet made their way out to face her as she turned around to face me; my heads clenched hard onto my axe standing ready. "You seriously believe that you can beat me?" She smirked examining me up and down "Worthless Viking, no strength, no muscle, with only an axe to guide your way," she was aiming to raise my temper, not that I cared in the slightest, that just gave me more strength that I already contain.

"You took everything from me, everything. Now I'm going to take everything away from you," I glared at her and told her harsh tone, "Then bring it," she charged at me with everything that she had. She raised her sword ready to slash me down but I quickly dodged her aim; spinning around I kicked her down to the ground slashing my axe down ready to hit her in the shoulder but she blocked me with her sword kicking me in the back making me topple down onto the ground.

She threw her sword to the ground and retrieved her bow and arrow instead and starting firing at me. I kept dodging each one that came my way until she finally ran out; I finally took my chance, I cart-wheeled towards her kicking her up against one of the trees. I thrust my axe up against her neck as she smirks down at me evilly. "Is that all you got Viking?" she laughed at me as I glared at her. She banged her head against mine, I stumble backwards and I feel her grab my arm and throw my down to the ground.

She went to go at me again; I released my dagger from the inside of my boot and dug it into her side as she came down towards me. Since my head hit the ground so hard my vision wasn't much clear to me anymore but I could still make her out because of that stupid curly hair. I slowly got back up and retrieved my axe as she aimed her sword down towards me, I blocked her away with my axe as she pushed down against it, I clung onto all the anger I felt inside and pushed back away with me and started aiming for her again and again but she would just keep dodging.

She immediately grabbed her bow and wrapped it around my neck and held me close to her choking me until no breath would be taken from throat again. "Why did you ever think that he would love you, a worthless brat who never belonged in this world, and a brat who is never accepted and appreciated?" I clung onto her tightly and choked "Because I know to care, I know how to love properly, I know how to protect my friends," I flung her over my head down to the ground and held the axe up against her throat and finished "Because I'm not a killer."

I got up off the ground and ended "And this has to end, this feud between us, it stops right here right now," and I began walking away. Suddenly my body weight was knocked to the ground and landing on top of me I was facing Hiccup; I was breathing healthily, I looked to my side and noticed one of Merida's arrows had been fired..."You saved my life...?" I questioned panting in shock "That's what we do." He answered me. But Merida was long gone. 

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