Chapter 42: Remember

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"Astrid?" I asked, her body lifted from the bed as she sat up and looked at all of us, "I'm sorry but who are you?" She looked at all of us with a blank gaze upon her eyes. She didn't recognise any of us. "Astrid, don't you know who we are?" she looked at me lost and confused, this wasn't the girl I've come to know. "What do you remember?" Jack stepped up and asked her; her haze fell upon him but she was still lost and confused, I couldn't see any light left within her eyes. She answered him "My name..." was all she said. We all shared glances with each other – worried.

"Guys let me talk with her," they all nodded "Alone," I finished; they all left. "What is happening to me?" she asked burying her head within her hands. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder "There was an explosion in the village and you were right next to it, it blew you backwards knocking you out, your head must have hit the ground harshly causing you to lose your memory...but hopefully it's only temporary," I quickly added the last part. "But I don't even know anything, I don't even know you," she slowly looked at me with tears in her eyes, "I know, I know, but that doesn't matter what matters is that we're gonna help you get it back and everything is gonna be okay..." I stopped what I was saying to just think about what I just said "Oh my Thor what am I saying?"

"I know what you're trying to say...and I appreciate it," she held out her hand for me to hold which I took willingly and come and laid up against me. I felt her warmth wrap around me and I wanted it to last forever but this wasn't true, it didn't feel true because it didn't feel like it was really her and I felt guilty feeling this way about her. "Hey, why don't I show you around the village, so you can get a feel for the place?" I suggested to her, she nodded against my chest and stood up. She still held onto my hand and we walked outside. As soon as we exited outside loads of people started to surround her pushing me away from her.

"Hey! Stop it! All of you stop it!" I was shouting for them to stop what they were doing. They were throwing millions of questions towards her making her feel uncomfortable. Suddenly a thrust of ice hit the ground covering below us toppling some Vikings to the ground clearing space for Astrid. I turned to my side to see Jack with the others – that's where the ice came from. I walked over to Astrid "Are you okay?" I asked with concern. She shook her head frantically "No, no I am not okay? This isn't right, look I'm sorry I can't remember anything but I can't deal with this," she pushed me away from her and took off running "Astrid wait!" but Jack stopped me from running after her "Let her be." I nodded and we let her go.



My feet were running as far away as they could carry me. I had no idea where I was heading, I didn't know this place the only thing I knew and understood was I needed to get out of this place, and it was driving my brain completely insane. I know that boy was trying to help, but as soon as my foot touched the outside ground I was just completely bombarded, that's not what I need. My feet stopped its running and I found I was at the water's edge. Why was I here? I didn't question it just stood in the water and let myself relax.

It was as if I knew to come here. They want to retrieve my memories but what if there is no way to retrieve them, I know I must try but what if I don't like the life I led, I have a chance to start a new one, like someone gave me a second chance and I might as well take it. I kept thinking about this until I heard something behind me. I spun around to see this man come out from the trees. He looked a bit intimidating, he had dark hair and eyes but I don't think that meant anything. "Who are you?" I asked them staying cautious. "You don't remember me dear Astrid?" he asked me stopping in his tracks keeping his distance probably a sign he wasn't going to harm me.

"There was an incident, it caused me to lose my memory, I don't remember anything," I told him, he sighed and shook his head "I'm very sorry to hear that," he seemed caring as if he knew what I've been through "If you're here to say that you can help me you can forget it because I wanna figure it out myself, or decide if I even want them back," I told him, he raised his hands and answered "I'm not here to do that Astrid, that's is entirely your choice but I'm curious, why don't you want them back?" I sat down in the sand and answered him "Because what if my past was bad and someone has given me a second chance," I heard him come closer me "That is very true."

"Or I don't have to choose, they can just come back in their own time and I won't have to do anything about it, but I don't wanna be one of those people who are weak and defenceless because they've lost their memory and I feel like that is how I am going to be treated," I turned to face him and stood up "I don't wanna be treated that way." He nodded at every word I referring to him "Then why don't you come with me, you want to start fresh you can do that with me and my men, you'll be treated as equals, you are free to do as you wish where no one orders you what to do, a fresh start," he told me. I turned away from him slowly and thought about his offer.

I looked up at the village and then back at him and nodded "I'd like to come with you on one condition," he nodded "What's your name?" he laughed "My name is Viggo Grimborn and you and I Astrid Hofferson will make an excellent team."

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