Chapter 47: When You Get Something Back You Should Hold Onto It Tight

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"So kill me...if that's your last dying wish," I felt the warm liquid race down my face, the agony was unbearable but I was pulling through for her, I was doing all of this...for her. I couldn't see her face through the tears swelling up in my eyes and the pain pulsing through me as I felt her punches attack my face again. I did notice that each one was slowly down with each hit she threw. "Yes that is my last dying wish," her voice was cold and sharp, the girl I loved was not there, manipulated into something evil. "Then finish it...but never forget I love you...Astrid Hofferson," my voice fading as if I was about to lose my consciousness. The fist kept coming and coming just at a slower pace until I no longer felt any grip against me. My head fell down against the deck, my eyes blinked a couple of times, my head turning to my side weakly as I noticed Astrid had stumbled upon the deck clutching her head, eyes clasped shut tightly. I pushed myself up weakly off the ground onto my knees the best that my strength could go.

"Astrid...?" I questioned her name with uncertainty, her head lifted and she looked me in the eyes, she copied my question "Hiccup...?" a fire ignited within me as I felt enough adrenaline to run over to her and hold her within my grasp. Her body weight fell against me willingly. Her head fell into my chest as she cried hard and mumbled "I'm so so sorry..." I shook my head and answered her still holding her tightly against me lovingly "It's okay...your okay." I took her hands and linked them within my own. We stood up as the others came over towards us. I let go of Astrid's hand as she embraced everyone and kept apologising. Suddenly blackness started to seep in through the corner of my eyes and my balance started to waver. "Hiccup?" Someone looked at me, I couldn't place who, my vision blurred my surroundings and I felt my weight crash down to the bottom of the deck. I couldn't feel the pain in my head hitting the wood all I could hear was my heart beating rapidly and the noise of the hunters and Viggo's yelling and Astrid...Astrid calling out my eyes were filled with darkness.

"Be careful with that dragon," I heard the sweet voice say behind me "It's not the dragon I'm worried about?" I told Astrid "What are you gonna do?" She questioned me "Put an end to this...I have to try," I turned around to face those amazing sapphire eyes of hers and asked her "Astrid if anything goes wrong, promise me they won't find Toothless," she looked at me worried and scared and nodded "I will...just promise me it won't go wrong?" her voice sort of wavered for her concern of my life. I was about to answer but got cut off by the scene changing before me.

"It's a've lost everything, your father, your tribe, your best friend," Astrid summed it all up for me "Thank you for summing that up," I took a deep sigh and told her "Why couldn't I of killed that dragon in the woods, would have been better for everyone," she nodded and agreed "Yep the rest of us would have done it...but why didn't you?" she looked at me and repeated "Why didn't you?" I shook my head, turning away from her "I couldn't," I tried convincing her "That's not an answer," she demanded "Why is this so important to you all of a sudden!" I screamed at her "Because I wanna remember what you say, right now," she stood in front of me "I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!" I told her straight "You said wouldn't that time," she caught me out "Whatever! 300 years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon." The scene before me faded and I was left in darkness.

"He's going to be alright isn't he?"

"He needs rest Astrid as do you."

"I can't leave him, I just can't."


"I did this Jack, don't you get it?! He could have died because of me."

"But he didn't did he! Astrid you've been through a lot he'll understand why you're not here when he wakes up now go and get rest I'll tell him where you are when he wakes up."

"Just make sure he's okay."

"I will now go rest." A door slammed shut and I heard a chair pull up by the side of me. The darkness was comforting something I thought I could stay in forever. I wish that I could but people needed me and I needed them, I couldn't stay in the darkness forever. I felt my eyes twitch every now and again along with my fingers. "Hiccup?" my name was questioned. "Jack?" I asked, "Hey how you feeling?" he asked me helping me sit up as my eyes began to open fully. "Sore and my head is killing me," I told him clutching it lightly "Yea Gothi said you might be like this for a few days but it will wear off eventually," Jack told me "Great," I said sarcastically. I looked around the room and asked "Where's Astrid?"

"I sent her back home to rest, she's been freaking out since we brought you back, blaming herself for everything that's happened with you," Jack told me lowering his head with his tone sad as it could ever be. "I need to go and see her," I was about to jump out of bed but Jack pushed me back down onto my bed "No, you aren't going anywhere, I'm telling you what I told Astrid, get some rest you can see each other tomorrow you understand your father agrees with me," he growled at Jack and that's when it hit me "Jack, how long have I been out for?" he shook his head "Two days, now get some rest," I sighed giving in as I laid my head down onto the soft material and closed my eyes. I heard Jack blow out the candle by the side of the bed and walked downstairs. Once he was out of earshot, I jumped out of my bed through the hatch in the roof in my room. I walked within the shadows of the night and went into Astrid's house.

I closed the door silently and made my way upstairs. I saw as she was fast asleep on her bed, her golden hair fell across her face and her breathing was steady and calm. I walked over silently and creped in beside her. She moaned a little bit turning to face me her eyes slowly opening. "H-Hiccup?" I pushed her fringe out of her face and it lit up when she noticed I was in front of her. Her arms flung themselves around me and she held onto my tightly as I did the same back. "You're okay," she exclaimed and I nodded "I wasn't planning on leaving you anytime soon," she laughed at me. I kissed her forehead before we both laid back down on her bed. Her body laid up against mine willingly as I placed my arm around her as we both feel asleep peacefully. 

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