Chapter 55: Spying

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The sun beamed through the cracks in the walls as I led against his beating chest. His arm was wrapped around me with his head nestled into the top of my head. I buried my head deeper into his chest and took in his sweet scent. Most smelt like sea salt but there was still of Hiccup there. The night was eventful and magical. I leant my head up to face him as he still led there peacefully asleep. I nudged him first for him to wake up but he made no movement. Next I lifted my finger and poked his cheek whispering his name. Still no moment – this guy was out cold. I pushed myself up further up the bed and let my lips touch his before pulling away laughing. I slipped out to the side of the bed and began pulling each of my clothes back on. I stood and walked to the mirror and began fixing my side braid before I headed to the Great Hall and meet the others for breakfast. I wasn't in the mood for Jack's. I looked into the corner of the mirror to see Hiccup gazing towards me, I turned around placing my hands on my hips "Now he decides to wake up," I joked. I waltzed back over to him taking my place back on the bed where he wrapped his arms back round me pulling me close so we were back to cuddling "I love you," I whispered gazing to admire him. His emerald eyes clashed back towards me answering "I love you too," we shared one last kiss before I let him get ready so we could head up to the Great Hall together. His fingers intertwined with mine while I lased my back and we entered the Great Hall. We made our way over to the others after receiving our breakfast and listened to their conversation.

From the corner of my eye I could see Hayley's eye begin to twitch between me and Hiccup but her most focused gaze was on me. She didn't look nervous she looked as if she was calculating. Calculating what, that would be something I would never know. I stared down at my bowl of breakfast and started playing with the food. Whenever I lifted a spoonful to my mouth I would just place in back in the bowl. This carried on for about two-three minutes before I finally just pushed the bowl away from me. "What's wrong?" Hiccup asked watching my disappear in front of me; shaking my head I answered "Not hungry that's all," he shrugged his shoulders and we carried on listening to more stories the twins had on offer. But as hard as I would try and listen to their conversation my eyes would only focus on the girl staring towards me. Once my eyes clashed with hers she automatically turned me down. This was awkward. I pushed myself away from the table and made my exit of the Great Hall. Voices were calling my name but I couldn't focus on them, I was more focused on the Hayley and her fascination at looking at me and right now I knew I had to get away from it before I exploded into anger. Immediately stepping outside I jumped on Stormfly and she automatically took against the clouds away from Berk. I lifted my arms so my hands touched the fluffy texture of the clouds before Stormfly began flying vertical. She twisted in and out of trees once reaching an island below us. I jumped onto the tree's branches before grabbing hold of one of the vines and flew in the air meeting back up with Stormfly.

Soon we landed down on a nearby beach. She nestled down into the sand letting me rest up against her. I soaked in the sun and rested in peace. The rattle with the bushes behind me caught me off guard away from peace. I grabbed hold of my axe with no hesitation and stood in my stance ready for any attack that was about to come my way. I waited and waited as the rattle got louder and louder. Then the figure emerged "Dear Astrid, there will be no need for weapons this moment in time," I stood frozen in place as Viggo emerged in front of my eyes. "Viggo?" my voice questioned his name but my grip tightened against my axe. "What are you doing here?" I finally questioned him "I could as you the same thing," he spoke ever so calmly "I asked first," I stated. "Of course, of course, I was looking for someone, a girl actually I was wondering if you have seen her?" A girl, why in the world would Viggo be looking for a girl; I shook my head at him "I haven't I'm sorry," this was weird. I was having a conversation with Viggo Grimborn, the guy who sought out his mission to kill all of us multiple times and he has manipulated me into thinking my friends were killers and now were acting as we are buddies. "What does she look like?" I asked him intrigued carrying on this wildly odd conversation. "She's around your height actually Astrid, she has wavy brown hair with blonde highlight wearing emerald eyes and she," but I stopped him which caught him off guard "Is she called Hayley by any chance?" our eyes met mine with pure anger but his with pure curiosity "As a matter of fact yes, she is, do you know her?" he asked me raising his eyebrow "As a matter of fact I do she was in the cove on Berk but treated her until she was able to leave to go back to wherever she came from," I had to lie to him but what if she was working for him and I saved her stupid ass.

"Hmm I see, well thank you for this information Astrid, I guess I should be going, I'm sure we will be meeting again soon," and with that he disappeared before I could even say 'wait'. I ran my fingers through my hair in confusion. What the hell just happened? Nothing made sense to me right now. I looked back around to the spot that he just stood in. Further inside the bush I saw something that again caught me off guard. I stepped closer and closer towards what I was looking for. With each step a knot was turned in my stomach. They became more clear to me, the something was a pair of eyes, emerald eyes gazing back at me, not dragon eyes but human eyes as soon as I got closer and closer to them they ran. But before they left the flock of brown hair with blonde highlights did not escape my eye. Was Hayley spying on me? 

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