Chapter 61: Am I Alive?

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I screamed in pain clutching my side as hard as I could. People screaming out my name as their feet came running in my direction. But my eyes were pierced on the area my love was taken away from me. I wanted to run and get him back but my body felt paralyzed as all I could feel with the pain plunging through my body as I clutched my stomach. Blue eyes soon were held in front of my eyes as he deepened his gaze and ran his icy hand through my hair. "Astrid it's okay, we can fix it just put pressure on the wound alright," his voice was tight and thick filled with worry; I shook my head at him "That's not what I'm worried about," I curled up in pain once more as I held my stomach close to myself. "Jack get her to Gothi now," Heather's tone was concerning and her eyes were demanding "Why?" Jack questioned her motives "JACK DO IT NOW!" he wrapped his icy hands around my body. The temperature meant nothing to me as the pain was overwhelming for me bear. Before I knew it my eyes were weary and my hands were loosening from my stomach, the last thing I picture is a hut reaching in the distance.

"And then they stopped, the letters completely stopped I never got one back from you, I was worried sick I was being rude to everyone my whole life completely shut down and it was all because of you!" he flung his arms up in the air "That wasn't my fault, my life got so caught up in a complete mess. Once that mess was over I couldn't wait to come back and see everyone again, I couldn't wait to come back to see you because I love you and that never changed-." He stopped talking as I pressed my lips against his and his arms caressed around my body. I collapsed against him and he held me against him...

I looked down at the food and the drink and gaped. "Hiccup what is all this?" I was amazed at the effort he put in "I wanted it to sort of be our first date, I didn't overdo it did I?" I asked nervously running his fingers through his hair. I pulled him close to me pressing my lips against his pulling away looking into his emerald eyes and spoke "It's perfect," a smile crept on his face and we began enjoying the food and drink. The sun was beginning to set in the distance and we both watched as it kissed the sea. It was beautiful. Hiccup had his arm wrapped around me as I lay against him as we were both led down on the blanket; I never thought I would be in this moment since all the chaos that we have all been through. I thought that it would have been a dream and stayed a dream but here I am right now, led in the arms of the man that I love and have always loved. "What you thinking about?" he asked me gazing down upon me "Nothing...just that this is perfect," he smiled but the look in his eye looked mischievous "You know what would make it more fun?" he said, I shook my head at him "If we had a little fun," I was confused not until he grabbed my up by the waist, picked me up and headed for the water, my scream was like a laughter towards him as I kicked him playfully before he dropped me in.

I had to urge to push him down onto my bed – so I did. His hands travelled down my back as I ravelled my fingers through his hair no matter what texture it was. I grasped hold of the hem of his hair pulling him closer towards me and he pulled me closer towards his body so we sank into the bed deeper. My hand fell down behind his back wrapping them around his neck then trailing itself down to his chest. I reached where each hook of his armour was so I could unlatch it. He lifted up his arms so I could remove the armour and the shoulder blades; I chucked all on the floor next removing his tunic where my palms lay across his naked chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist turning us over so he lay on top of me. The kiss thickened as he travelled his hand up my chest untying my fur hood along with my own metal pads on my shoulders ready to pull my shirt over my head. We pulled apart gazing into each other's eyes. I was mesmerized by him.

Each loving memory I had with him came flooding back in scraping away all the bad that we've ever had together because I knew that our love was strong. But now he was gone, Hayley took him away from me and I was too weak to stop it from happening because I was too focused on him trying to believe me – at least now he did – but he is gone. I could still feel the pain of the dagger that pierced my side directing itself into my stomach. Wait. Oh no. I had to wake up. I felt my eyes start to flutter open so I could let the light pour through. Ice cold hands were intertwined with my own as I felt more people in my presence. "Astrid," his cold ice voice called my name "Jack..." I fully opened my eyes to see him by my side along with the others. "How are you feeling?" he asked me, I just shrugged "Sore," he laughed at me, "Yea I'm sure you are but you're gonna be okay." I soon felt a prod on my shoulder, I tilted my head to look in that direction and see Gothi writing in the sand next to the bed. I looked up to Gobber standing next to her ready to translate. "You'll be glad to know Astrid that they are okay." I sighed in relief.

"Wait who is they?" I spun my head around to see Snotlout step forward with a few of the others nodding. "Astrid..." Jack looked at me raising his eyebrow. I took a deep breath, sighing before answering "I'm...I'm pregnant..." everyone in the room gasped clasping their hand against their mouths – all except Heather assuming she already knew. "Astrid, why didn't you tell us?" Jack spoke holding my hand tightly "At first I wasn't sure and then I didn't know how you would react...and how he...he would react," I lowered my head holding my stomach "Wait, you haven't told him?" Tuff surprisingly stepped up and spoke "No Tuff I haven't. He was gone before I could say something." Everyone sighed in the room "How long have you been...?" I looked over at Ruff answering her question "About two months," everyone gasped again. "Okay guys come on let's leave her to rest, well both of them," Heather suggested moving everyone out the room. Now I was left alone. I looked down at my stomach and held it protectively. "I think it's time we go get your daddy back wouldn't you agree?" I knew I was talking to myself because I would get no reply but I couldn't leave him alone, not now that this has happened.

I needed to tell him the truth we agreed no more secrets and now he's gone. I need to get him back before they did something to him and I lost him forever. Everything started falling into place now though. Hayley works with the Outcast's and possibly Viggo too, they took Hiccup away for some reason and who knows why. I need to get my love back otherwise I'll be lost without him. We'll be lost without him. Our child needs his father and I need my love otherwise we'll be broken. I grabbed my belongings from the side and started changing back into them. I stepped outside where the others were placed, their eyes widened when they saw me standing in the doorway. "What are you doing you need to be resting?" Jack complained. I shook my head "No we need to get to the Edge and devise a plan to get Hiccup back and work out what they are planning, then I will rest," They all looked at each exchanging the same look before nodding.

We all headed outside to our dragons and took course for the Edge. 

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