Chapter 63: Plan A

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We rode all the way to the Edge which took us around a few hours and just as we started the twins and Snotlout started moaning asking how long it was until we were there. It frustrated me a lot, it didn't help that my boyfriend was missing, that I was pregnant, so I didn't need them on my case as well. As we landed I felt terribly tired and exhausted "Hey Astrid, I think you should go and rest," I felt and icy breeze wash over me as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head "I will later, first we need to figure out how to get Hiccup back," I went to walk up to the clubhouse but he pulled me back "Later, your exhausted now go rest," I couldn't refuse his demand so I trudged my way towards our huts. I didn't enter my own, instead I entered Hiccup's. I traced my hand over his things admiring each on tow. But as I did so I felt a pang of guilt and sadness rush through me. I felt like this was all my fault, I let this happen. My body was pushed towards the stairs unexpectedly as I looked behind to see Toothless pushing me with his muzzle. I smiled at me scratching under his chin as we both walked upstairs.

Toothless went straight towards his rock bed, collapsing into sleep as I laughed at him. I wandered over to his bed and took my seat. It felt strange, his presence nowhere to be found and I couldn't stand it, I needed him back and I would do anything to make that happen. Eventually, I laid my head down on his pillow pulling the blanket tightly over me as all I could smell was his sweet scent taking over me from his belongings. It pierced my heart like a million needles knowing it was his things enveloping me instead of him himself. My eyes withered me into darkness as I let sleep take over my body but as I did so flashes of him just passed through my mind like a black and white movie. I wanted him back, I needed him back so much, I knew so because I didn't want our child growing without a father but that was the only thought that ran through my brain, I needed hope to understand that he was coming back no matter what was about to happen. What was about to happen? I took a deep sigh and eventually fell into the darkness of sleep.


How long was it? A few hours at least my mind has disappeared into sleep and now did I decide to wake. The room was dark as it was covered by the twilight sky. It was night. How long had I been asleep for? I'm sure it was no longer a few hours but possibly more and time has been wasted. I've wasted time sleeping instead of conducting a plan to regain my boyfriend. I sat up slowly and clutched my stomach lightly looking down, I knew it would start showing soon so I had to tell him before he found out the hard way, meaning we had to get him back. I stood up and headed to the clubhouse with Toothless at my lead. I ran my hand over his head as he cooed at me. "I'm okay Toothless, we'll get him back I promise," he gave one of his gummy smiles at me before we finally entered. "Astrid, you're awake," I looked around to see everyone still awake "You guys are still up?" I asked raising an eyebrow. They all nodded in unison. "So have you found out any information on Hiccup?" I asked them taking a place round the table. They all shook their heads "I was thinking that maybe we could send some people over there to have a look, grab some information on what is happening and then figure out what we should do because at least then we won't be walking into a mine field." Jack suggested to all of us.

I nodded "Sounds like a plan, so who would be willing to go with me and search?" I asked looking at each other "Whoa hold on a second Astrid you aren't going anywhere, I'll go with Heather and Snotlout, we'll see what we can find out, you stay here with Rapunzel and Fishlegs, ignore the twins if you must be you aren't going anywhere you understand me, we'll send word to you about what's happening alright," Jack charged through his speech. I couldn't argue with him because I knew I would not win but I did not enjoy the fact of sitting behind doing nothing all the time especially in this moment in time. Before I could say no all three of them were gone. I leant back into the chair sighing heavily feeling Toothless rest his head against my lap. "Astrid if you don't like sitting around waiting why don't we have fun," my head perked up as I looked over at the twins "Fun?" I questioned their motives. They just nodded answering "Yea, like we could blow up Snotlout's hut," I couldn't help but laugh so did Rapunzel, I did admit in my head that would be funny even if he did get made so I agreed to it which surprised them a lot.

I watched as they set everything in place waiting for me to ignite the spark. Why we were doing this I'll never know but it was fun to annoy Snotlout. "Okay ready, spark it up," so I did, the spark travelled through into the hut before it burst into flame glowing immensely. The twins were cracking up as was Rapunzel. I'm not sure where Fishlegs went but he was missing out on something cool. "Hey Astrid come here a second," I spun round and there he was, I walked over to Fishlegs asking what was wrong. He pulled me inside Hiccup's hut and pushed towards me paper and charcoal "What do you expect me to do, write Hiccup a love letter of some sort?" he laughed at me holding in his tears "Of course not why not write to someone else, I know we have the other people spying but maybe you could get a guy on the inside so keep feeding us information which then will help to retrieve Hiccup back," I thought for a long second before going upstairs to sit at Hiccup's desk.

Immediately did the charcoal hit the paper.


You would never have expected to receive a letter from me absolutely never. But I would never have done it if I didn't have good reason to. You may not know but then you may do because news travels fast. I want to help him but my friends believe that I am not able – for personal reasons. Hiccup has been kidnapped and we need a man on the inside to feed us information to be able to get him back and the only person I believe we can trust is you. Will you be able to help us? I don't who else we can turn to.


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