Chapter 74: Unexpected Once Again

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We exited the cave to walk back into the daylight, the blinding sun made it feel like we were stuck in that cave forever when really it may have only been over an hour. I wrapped Hiccup's arm over my shoulder as we took each step outwards before we were both tackled to the ground by an ebony dragon, he licked his tongue all over his best friend before doing the same to me as a thank you for getting him back. We pushed ourselves up before getting into the saddle and flying our way home. I made sure I was the one in the front seat on Toothless because Hiccup seemed exhausted and damaged from head to toe; before we even got halfway back to Berk I could feel his head rested upon my back along with his peaceful breathing of finally being calm once more; his hands were wrapped around my waist so he safe and secure which I didn't mind at all. I watched as the sun started to set so the sky turned from its sunny sky blue to its creamy orange sunset before finally fading into twilight with the stars glittering up the sky along with the moon kissing the water's edge.

I felt like my whole life was finally coming back together, I finally got my boyfriend back and we gonna have a family and Viggo and Hayley were gone for good, it didn't seem like we were gonna have more trouble with frizz head, so everything seemed finally perfect. The snowy mountain peak of Berk finally came into view which sent a flood of relief through me knowing we were finally back home. "I'm gonna take Hiccup to Gothi!" I called out to the others; they all nodded in agreement before sped quickly to her hut at the top of the village. I didn't hesitate to jump off immediately as Gothi came dawdling out of the hut; I pulled Hiccup off Toothless carefully and carried him over to her, she gestured her staff into her hut which I followed immediately and I laid him down on his front and ripped open his tunic just as Gothi instructed with a number of hand signals before indicating to me to get out. I retaliated numerously but she won and forced me out.

As I left I stood by the door and looked down upon the man I love. His back was scorched with whip marks after whip marks, stained blood covering every inch of his back, the scarlet slowly turning into a decayed look of black as it hadn't been cleaned and if I was any doctor I would say that it was probably infected. It didn't take me long before I also noticed the scarlet bandage around his left hand, surprisingly I didn't see that before but I did now and it made me wonder even more what happened to him while he was there, it made my heart tear in two knowing I didn't get there in time to help him. I shook my head and finally did what Gothi instructed me to do and that was to leave and let her get on with her attending to her patient. I gave Toothless a small scratch underneath his chin before I walked down the steps of the hut slowly with pain hitting my chest. The next step I knew I had to take was to tell the chief that his son was back and he was safe from harm but not in the best condition. I strolled up to the house levelling my hand ready to knock but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door, I waited and waited until I heard heavy footsteps come to the door; once it opened I was staring upon a bulky man with a luminous red beard, beady eyes looking down at me but with a hint of sadness upon them. "Astrid, what brings you here so late?" I placed my hands behind my back and tried to force a smile, it should be a happy moment so I wasn't understanding why I felt the opposite "Sir, I came to tell you that your son has returned home and he is with Gothi right now," I watched as his eyes got rid of the sadness which lived within them but exploded with joy. "Thank you Astrid, thank you for bringing him home!" he wrapped his arms around me with no hesitation and squeezing me tight so I could hardly breathe "No problem sir," he finally let me down filling my lungs back up with air before running towards Gothi's hut to see his son. I finally did let a genuine smile upon my face seeing how happy the chief was before I headed back to my own house to get some rest before seeing Hiccup in the morning.


The sun blazed through the window lighting my room up like I'd never seen it before, I'll admit it has been a while since I last slept in here. I stretched my arms up, redid my braid before heading downstairs to see a normal setting. Jack sat the table with breakfast already made and with me always coming down late. It was nice and that's when I knew everything would turn back to normal. "I'm going to check on Hiccup," I told him walking past the table and out the door before he could even reply to my statement. I walked through the village with people smiling and nodding at me making me feel like centre of attention which I hated so I took a kick in my step and walked faster to Gothi's hut. I strutted up the stairs in a heartbeat and when I peered through the door I could see the chief sat on a stool next to his son with his hand clasped within. I coughed ever so slightly which caught the man's attention "I'll watch him for you chief while you go get some rest," he looked to his son before looking back on me with a nod. His knelt close and kissed his son on the forehead before making an exit. I waltzed over to Hiccup's bedside taking a seat where the chief just sat and took Hiccup's hand through my own.

I watched as his chestnut hair fell against his face and his breathing was calm as anything. I leant in and kissed his forehead before moving a strand of hair from his face but it just fell back down into place. His eyes flickered at the movement as he opened his eyes and I was gazing into sparkling emerald "Hey, how you feeling?" I asked him staring at him deeply "Sore," he tried raising a smile but failed miserably making me laugh "Gothi's patched you up so you're gonna be fine," he raised a genuine smile at that point but it faded just as quickly as it was made "What's wrong?" I asked him looking deep and feeling the misery he felt "Astrid I am so sorry I didn't listen to you, this all happened because I never trusted you," the crack in his voice made me feel terrible because it was the truth but it was also my fault because I yelled and left him alone in my anger "Hiccup shut up, it was both our faults, true you didn't listen but I yelled and couldn't help, so we're both to blame, don't put all this on yourself please don't," I watched as a small tear escaped his eye; I lifted my hand to wipe it away as the tears made his eyes glisten. "Astrid I love you so much," he cried through his pain "And I love you just the same if not more," I leant back in and kissed his lips to regain the sweet scent from his lips and knowing this time it can last for longer.

But I was wrong. I heard the slamming of Gothi's staff enter the room as she walked over to us. But then her gaze fixed on me and I stared at her confused and shrugged my shoulders "What?" I looked at Hiccup but he just shook his head "She wants to check if your child is okay," my head diverted to look at the entrance of the hut to see Gobber walking into the hut and taking a seat next to me and Hiccup. I created an 'oh' shape with my mouth and let Gothi inspect me. I felt like it took forever until she started writing in the dirt again and we both looked at Gobber "She's says both of them are okay and healthy," I felt my eyes pop out of my head as I looked from Hiccup whose eyes were wide also before looking back at Gobber "Both are okay?" I questioned his words as he laughed answering "Astrid you are carrying twins, congrats lass," he patted me on the shoulder before making an exit with Gothi leaving me alone once more with Hiccup. "Twins?" I still questioned the news "Twins," he replied calm as anything "Well that was unexpected," I stated the obvious, I seemed baffled by the news as Hiccup just laughed at me "Astrid, we're gonna be fine, we can handle twins it's not the end of the world," I looked at him "I know that I am just shocked that's all you mutton head," he lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek releasing a smile.

I smiled back as he twisted his body onto his side and pulling me down with me him. I leant on my side and gazed into his forest eyes, they looked at me with dazzling effect, he leant in close and pressed a soft kiss back onto my lips, I kissed back with no hesitation before twisting to lean on my other side. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close against him as I rested my head against his chest, he kissed me one last time before we both closed our eyes and fell back to sleep. 

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