Chapter 16: Spilling the Legumes

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Her skirt was too short, and her blonde wig leaned too far to the left on her head. Rowena smoothed her hands over the grey schoolgirl skirt before tightening the knot of the white dress shirt she wore.

"Remind me again why we're dressed like Britney Spears in her heyday?" Rowena hissed at Abby, who was frowning at her thighs. The orange pleather bodysuit she wore made a squealing sound similar to flatulence.

"You said you wanted a disguise while we were at Little Mikey's," Abby reminded her. "Be grateful you're not wearing a pleather bodysuit. My thighs are chafing right now!" She stepped out of the van, causing another squeak from our outfit.

"Oops, she did it again," Warning, the troll Cross agreed to pay in order to get information from Little Mikey, said. She turned her head to Liam and Matt, waiting for them to laugh. "You get it? She's dressed like Britney Spears in that video?" When they didn't respond, she cleared her throat. "Never mind."

Cross stepped behind Rowena. "I really like the braids." He tugged on one of her pigtails.

She rolled her eyes. "So, what's the plan? We pretend to be customers while Warning flirts with Little Mikey?"

"I don't know if this is going to work," Matt cautioned. "He's dating Gina. What if he doesn't fall for it?"

"He was flirting with Karen while he was dating Gina," Abby reminded him. "Once a cheater, always a cheater."

"You don't know if he was flirting," Liam reminded them. "All you know is that he talked to Karen. That doesn't mean he was flirting."

"It doesn't mean he wasn't," Rowena muttered. Abby lifted her hand and Rowena gave her a high-five. "This isn't rocket science. How hard is it to cut someone out of your life?"

"That's right," Abby agreed. "Little Mikey consciously made a choice to maintain a relationship with a woman he had an intimate relationship with."

"That doesn't mean he cheated," Liam argued. "Gina should've trusted him."

Rowena's mouth tilted downward. "So, if you stab me in the back, I should ignore that and still think you're not a danger? Get real, Liam. You don't have to put your hand in the fire to know it's going to burn. Little Mikey betrayed Gina the moment he started his secret conversations with Karen."

"If he really respected Gina, he would never have talked to his ex behind Gina's back," Cross said, staring at Rowena. "That kind of behavior makes your partner insecure and suspicious."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Did you forget about how you ignored me when Angelina came to town?"

"You're beautiful," Cross answered. Abby chuckled.

Warning adjusted her red leather bustier "Are we going to stand here arguing about a relationship none of us are in or are we going to get info from this pawnshop owner?"

"I still don't understand why Abby and Rowena are in Britney Spears costumes," Matt mumbled. It's not like Little Mikey won't recognize us."

"Because it's fun, Mr. Killjoy," Rowena snapped. "Warning should go in first. Then he won't know we're with her."

"That sounds like a plan," Liam agreed. He turned to Warning. "Do you remember what you're supposed to do?"

She nodded. "I've got this. Your alpha better be ready to pay me."

"You'll get your money. Just get us the information we need," Cross said.

Warning smirked. "This will be an easy payday." She winked at Rowena before sauntering to the pawnshop's entrance.

"Do you think she'll be successful?" Abby asked as Warning entered the building.

"Not really," Rowena answered. "It's still better than not trying anything to help Gina get out of jail."

"I'm surprised Selig wasn't able to get her out on bond," Cross said before glancing down at his watch. He tilted his head and flicked his hand, ordering them to get closer to the building.

"He said she had too many prior arrests. You wouldn't know it, but Gina has a seedy history," Rowena said, stepping towards the pawnshop's door.

"Have we waited long enough?" Matt asked. "I've never trusted trolls. They antagonize others for no reason."

Cross opened his mouth to speak when the sounds of a man screaming.

Rowena rushed in. Warning had Sal, one of Little Mikey's employees, in a chokehold. She pressed his face against her chest.

"Tell me what I want to know old man, or I'll put out every hair on that ugly beard you have, one by one!" Warning tightened her hold and he gave a strangled cry.

"You're crazy!" Sal gasped. "You can't rob the pawnshop."

"Warning, let him go!" Rowena ordered.

The troll's blue eyes landed on her. She pouted. "I thought you wanted me to get the information out of him about Karen. Did you change your mind?"

"That's not Little Mikey," Rowena said, pointing at the thin man who was struggling to stay conscious. "Besides, if we wanted to use brute force, I could've done that myself."

Warning groaned. "Fine," she muttered, pushing Sal away from her.

He landed on the floor and rubbed his neck, squinting up at Warning. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" She took a threatening step forward.

"N-nothing," Sal said, hands up in front of him in surrender. "I just meant you're unpredictable. I like that."

Abby made a disgusted noise. "Are you flirting with her? She just tried to kill you?"

Sal shrugged. "Just a normal Tuesday around here."

"You people are nuts," Abby said, shaking her head.

Sal's eyes widened. "You think we're nuts? You and fake blondie over there," he said, pointing at Rowena who was adjusting her wig, "dress like a pop star who hasn't made a record in years."

Abby took a step forward. Her outfit squeaked.

"Did you just fart?" Sal asked with a look of disgust on his face. "We have a no farting rule in the pawnshop," he said, pointing to a sign behind him that read, "No gas, no pass." Below the words was a picture of a man with a puff of smoke behind him.

Abby's cheeks turned pink. "No, it was my outfit. It makes weird noises."

Sal nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, if you say so. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Flatulence is a bodily function."

"I am not farting!" Abby insisted. The three male wolves laughed.

"Why would Little Mikey make it a rule to not pass gas?" Rowena asked.

"I used to eat a lot of beans," Sal explained. "Pinto, black, garbanzo... the list goes on. Anyway, they don't call them the musical fruit for no reason."

"Beans are a fruit?" Rowena asked. "That's impossible. I've never seen them in a fruit salad before."

"Beans are legumes," Cross pointed out.

"That's a weird word," Rowena said. "I wonder who came up with that?"

Warning clapped her hands. "Can we focus on why we're here? I swear all of you have the attention span of a young child."

"Did you just say we're all young?" Rowena asked.

Warning growled.

Rowena laughed.

"Listen, if you aren't buying anything, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Sal warned before pointing at Warning. "Except you. I want your number."

"Did he forget she just had him in a chokehold?" Matt asked.

"Maybe he lost the oxygen to his brain," Liam suggested.

"Nah, Sal has always seemed a little slow," Cross added.

Sal frowned. "Not all of us like women who dress up like school girls or women with gas problems." He pointed at Rowena and Abby. "Some of us like a little roughness."

"Eww," Rowena groaned. "Sal, we did not need to know that about you.

"I do not have a gas problem," Abby insisted. Her brother laughed. She glared at him. "I don't! It's this outfit." She moved, and it made another squealing sound.

"Sal, where is Little Mikey?" Rowena asked. "We need to talk to him about Gina."

Sal shook his head. "He will not give you any information. The man is a vault. He's torn about Gina being in jail and Karen being dead."

"We need to talk to him, Sal," Rowena insisted.

"I need to talk to him," Warning said, running a finger down Sal's arm. "Can't you get him for me? I'll make it worth your while."

"Are you a prostitute?" Sal whispered. "I can't get caught for that again."

Rowena grimaced. "Sal, are you hiring prostitutes? Isn't that kind of dangerous?"

"There's nothing dangerous about a woman who knows what she wants," Sal answered.

"Unless she wants your wallet and will stab you in your sleep for it," Matt argued.

Rowena smirked. "You sound bitter. That happened to you, didn't it? I never took you as the type to hire a prostitute, Matt."

His cheeks turned red. "I did not. It was an ex-girlfriend."

"He uses that term lightly," Abby added. "She was a grifter."

"Been there," Sal said, nodding.

"Again, can we get back on track?" Warning huffed. "If you're not Little Mikey, where is he?"

"What is all the racket out here?"

They all turned in unison to see Little Mikey dressed in an Easter Bunny onesie.

"Did we accidentally do drugs before coming here?" Rowena asked. "Or did the Easter Bunny eat Little Mikey?"

"Boss!" Sal cried, stepping in front of him. "You have a rep to protect."

Little Mikey shrugged. "Not with Karen dead and Gina in jail. I have nothing to live for."

Rowena leaned into Cross. "He hasn't shaved in days and looks like a genuine mess."

"I can hear you," Little Mikey snapped.

Rowena shrugged. "And?"

Little Mikey eyed Warning. "Who are you?"

"A sort-of friend. I was supposed to seduce you to get information on whatever it was Karen claimed to see," Warning admitted. "These people think you're hiding something."

"Is that so?" Little Mikey's eyes narrowed on the group.

"It's true," Rowena admitted.

"I call dibs," Sal said to Little Mikey, pointing at Warning.

"I'm faithful to Gina."
Rowena made a scoffing sound.

"I am!"

"Then tell us what Karen told you," Cross demanded.

"And get me her phone number," Sal jerked this thumb at the troll. Little Mikey frowned. Sal shrugged. "What can I say? I like thick women with sass."

"It could help us get Gine out of jail," Rowena reminded him. "I thought you didn't care about her at all, but you look like you need a shower and a shave and maybe some therapy."

"Fine, I'll tell you, but I want it known it hurts me to do this. Karen trusted me."

"Karen is dead," Rowena reminded him. Little Mikey paled at her words, and she exhaled deeply. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so insensitive. I'm just really worried about Gina and, from my experience with her, Karen wasn't kind or loyal. Gina deserves your loyalty, not Karen."

"You're right," Little Mikey agreed. "Did you know Karen married my ex-best friend? She cheated on me with him. They were married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator."

"Karen was married?" Rowena asked, not recalling her ever talking about a husband.

"Only for a week, but it still happened," Little Mikey answered.

"That's another reason for you to tell us what you know," Liam said.

Little Mikey nodded. "You're right. Karen called me in a panic one day because she saw something she shouldn't. Rolando had just told her about the beauty pageant at Sweeter Homes. He said the winner would get a trip to Hawaii and some money. Karen knew she had to be a judge, but she thought if she got someone to compete on her behalf, she could get the money and the other person could get the trip."

"She was going to cheat by recruiting a competitor?" Rowena gasped. "Why didn't she ask me?"

"That same day, she said she went out back to smoke a cigarette. She wanted to think about whom she was going to ask to help her win this competition," Little Mikey continued. "That's when she saw them."

"Saw who?" Abby asked.

"I don't know. She said she saw three women using magic. She said they made a few rocks turn into money!"

"The woman was clearly on drugs," Sal muttered.

"It all sounded crazy," Little Mikey admitted. "She said one woman was going to use the money to expose the truth. She said it was a long time coming. They were going to use the pageant at Sweeter Homes to do it."

"I wonder what they were trying to expose?" Rowena asked, hoping Little Mikey knew the answer.

He scratched his chin. "It's embarrassing to admit. It's not real. She must've smoked a funny cigarette that day or those women did."

"What did she say they wanted to expose via the pageant?" Cross asked.

"Fairies," Little Mikey answered. "Magical fairies."

NOTE FROM SHEHOPES: I am so sorry for the delay in updates. I've had too much going on and could not Wattpad. I'm going to catch up on chapters though because I am determined to finish this story by the end of the month. Please make sure you aren't skipping chapters or the story may not make sense. Please keep an eye out for a second update later tonight. The goal is to have another one up this evening or early tomorrow morning. Thank you!

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