Chapter 23: And the Winner is

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The stampede of people rushing to exit the auditorium reminded Rowena of the time she went to a bullfight and the bull got loose.

To be fair, Rowena accidentally let the bull free, but the result was the same--people running for their lives.

"Run!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Cross pulled Rowena close. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said, nodding frantically. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He pulled her along as he made his way to the opposite side of the people rushing to get out. "I don't think the building will collapse but we don't know if there are other bombs set to blow."

"Who would do this?" Abby asked, coughing. The smoke and dust from the explosion permeated the air.

Next to her, Selig slapped her back. She scowled at him before coughing some more.

"The humans are just about done leaving the building. Your Father and I are going to make sure everyone makes it out safely," Winona told her son. "Matt and Liam, you keep the alpha safe."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Abby muttered.

Cross rolled his eyes. "Selig and I will keep you safe. Don't worry."

"Now!" Queen Daisy shouted. She was standing a few feet from the stage.

King Giles turned to his wife in surprise. "What is going on here?"

"I didn't know they came to the pageant," Matt said. "Are they here to support Bubbles and Raven?"

Bubbles and Raven ran to the camera recording the pageant for the live broadcast.

"Humans of this planet," Bubbles said frantically. "It's time for you to know the truth."

Raven laughed maniacally beside her.

"You are not alone. There are para--"

"Noooo!" Rowena shouting, pushing herself out of Cross' arms and sprinting to the two fairies. She dove forward knocking Bubbles to the ground. Raven laughed before looking at the stunned queen.

"Turn off the cameras!" Cross shouted. Liam tackled Raven while Abby sat on a crying Bubbles.

"No!" Queen Daisy ran and jumped to the camera at the same time as Matt. She held it in front of her.

"Let it go, Queen Daisy!" Matt pulled the camera away from her.

"Not a chance. It's time the humans knew they're at the bottom of the food chain." Facing the camera, the fairy queen opened her mouth to speak.

"Woman, I warned you!" King Giles lifted his hand and a rush of rainbow glitter filled the air.

Queen Daisy's eyes widened and she grabbed her throat making a choking sound.

Sylvia dashed forward. She grabbed the camera and slammed it to the ground, breaking it into several pieces.

"The jig is up, Daisy!" Sylvia grabbed Queen Daisy and gave her a rough shake.

"Sylvia, is this like a citizen's arrest?" Rowena asked. She gasped. "Are you arresting her as the assistant store manager of Sweeter Homes? I didn't know we could do that!"

Sylvia ignored Rowena and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a pair of glowing handcuffs. She snapped them around the gasping queen's wrists.

"Ooh those are pretty," Rowena whispered, staring at the glowing handcuffs. "I want a pair. They'd be great to use at night. Did you get them at Kinky Box? I heard they also sell edible straight jackets. Not that I've Googled them or anything."

Selig frowned at Rowena. "Edible straight jackets? Even I don't have a response to that."

"And he's a pervert," Liam muttered.

"Fine! It was something I read in a book. I was curious. Dont judge me," Rowena snapped.

Cross helped her up from the ground and placed an arm around Rowena's shoulders with a smirk. "Are you saying you want me to cuff you, Baby?"

"Get your head out of the gutter, Cross. A bomb just went off and you're thinking about naked times." Rowena narrowed her eyes at him and lowered her voice. "But let's talk about the possibilities later."

"Would you two please stop grossing us out?" Abby muttered. She slapped Bubbles on the side of the head. "Stop crying! You almost outed all of us to the humans."

"Abby!" Rowena jerked her head in Sylvia's direction.

"Indeed," King Giles strode to his wife and placed a finger on her throat.

Daisy immediately pulled in a strangled breath before glaring at him. "You could have killed me!"

"There's still time," the fairy King snapped. "You know I don't want humans to know of our existance."

"Do you honestly think I care about what you want?" Daisy spat. "You killed my brother and blamed the humans. All I wanted to do was remove you from the throne. If our kind was revealed to humans, all the other paranormal races would come for you!"

"Did you ever stop to think they'd kill you too?" King Giles asked her.

Daisy gave a sad smile and shook her head. "I'm already dead. I died the day you killed my only brother. The last of my family."

"Oh, please. You also have a daughter. Or did you forget about her?"

"The Princess?" Daisy asked. "She's a part of you and I despise you. Do you honestly think I care about her? She's but a replica of you. Selfish. Uncaring. Evil."

"Shes not lying," Selig muttered.

"One day, I'm going to find out what really happened between Selig and the fairy princess," Rowena whispered to herself.

"You speak as if you're not any of those things. How deluded was I to choose you as my queen? How dare you try to defy me. I should sentence all of you to death!" King Giles glared at Bubbles and Raven.

"She made us do it, Your Majesty," Bubbles bawled. "Please don't kill us!"

Raven snorted before hiccupping. "Queen Daisy told us to host the pageant and blow up the building."

"Thats what I don't understand," Rowena said, shaking her head. "Why blow up the back of the auditorium?"

"She said the news would definitely go viral if there was a bomb at the pageant," Raven answered before laughing again. "More views meant more people would know fairies exist."

Rowena coughed loudly, jerking her head at Sylvia.

"Are you having a seizure?" Selig asked. "Should I give you mouth to mouth?"

Cross kicked him into an empty auditorium seat.

"Could you please stop using the term human in front of a human?" Rowena hissed, again jerking her head at Sylvia. "Humans don't do that."

The Sweeter Homes assistant manager rolled her eyes and pulled a badge out of her back pocket. "My name isn't Sylvia and I'm not a human. I work for PUN as a special agent. I can't tell you my name because it's top secret."

"You work for PUN?" Rowena said in disbelief. "Did you know Queen Daisy was going to reveal the existance of fairies? This is why you kept following me around!" She leaned forward. "I thought you had a crush on me."

"I did not follow you around!" The agent not known as Sylvia growled. "And I definitely don't have a crush on you."

"Admit it," Rowena said, grinning. "Thats why you didn't turn my friend into the police for poisoning most of the contestants. You like me. Sorry, but I'm taken." She jerked a thumb at a nodding Cross.

"I admit nothing and it's a good thing almost all of the contestants came down with food poisoning," Sylvia said. "Or they'd be dead right now."

Rowena gasped, suddenly remembering her friends' safety. "Jeremiah, Wendy, and Carmen!"

"They're safe!" Winona and Bruce called out. Winona was holding a soot-covered Wendy around her waist. The Sweeter Homes employee's hair stood on end as though she'd been electrocuted.

Bruce had both Carmen and Jeremiah in his arms.

"Is the pageant over? Did I win?" Wendy asked.

Sylvia sighed. "By default you did win since Rowena was disqualified, Carmen gave up her spot and Angelina didn't complete her talent portion."

Wendy turned to Liam. She smiled but two of her teeth were missing. "Want to go to Hawaii with me?"

Liam smiled. "No."

Wendy nodded before turning back to Winona. "Why are there so many stars? I think I'm going to pass out."

"Wait," Queen Daisy shouted. "Human, I have something to tell you. I'm not human. I'm a--"

A blast of rainbow glitter slapped her in the face, knocking her unconscious.

The not-Sylvia agent stepped to Wendy, dragging a limp Daisy with her. "You are officially the Sweeter Homes Pageant Winner. Congratulations."

Wendy smiled again before her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Winona lifted her up. "I'll take her to the hospital or an ambulance. Anywhere but here."

Emergency sirens wailed outside. Bruce placed Jeremiah in a seat and Carmen woke up while he was settling her next to him.

"Who are you?" Carmen asked Bruce.

"I'm Cross' father."

"Do you want my number?" Carmen smiled. She had lipstick on her teeth.

"No!" Liam cried. He lowered his voice. "She texts inappropriate things. Trust me, sir."

"You blocked me!" Carmen accussed, pointing at Liam. She looked around the auditorium and her mouth fell open. "What happened?"

"Someone blew up the pageant," Rowena answered.

Carmen shot her a dirty look. "Was it your fault? I swear you're nothing but bad luck!"

"Aaaand she's back," Rowena said, referring to Carmen's personality before she hexed her.

"Unfortunately," Abby muttered.

"I think I'll take these two outside and join Winona," Bruce said, picking up Jeremiah and herding an irate Carmen out of the auditorium.

Selig's phone dinged and he jumped up from his seat. "I just got word. Gina's been released. Apparently, they found prints to a criminal kingpin, Carlos Cabrera, on the drugs they found in her home and in Karen's system. The cops think Karen was involved in some shady business and got on the wrong side of Cabrera."

Rowena gave a shriek of happiness. She kissed Cross and hugged him to her. "Even if I didn't catch the murderer, I knew Gina was innocent."

Cross nodded. "You did. Luckily, everyone is okay and Gina will be free. Everything has been solved and we get to live happily ever after."

"I want to punish the queen myself," Giles demanded.

Not-Sylvia shook her head. "PUN trumps your kingdom and you know it."

Giles lifted his fingers readying himself to use his magic when Rowena gasped. "Wait!"

Everyone froze.

Rowena pushed herself off Cross. "There's no way this Cabrera guy killed Karen. I know I saw their rainbow glitter in the toilet when Karen was killed! This can't be over!"

A clicking noise had them all turning around. With her hair a mess, a red welt on her forehead, and her clothes covered in dust, Angelina stumbled forward holding a gun.

Angelina pointed the gun at Rowena. "No, there's no way this story is over."

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