Never - Ending

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It was 5 at morning
I woke up and glancing the road with a cup of coffee in porch
And I wish to take a walk in that road
Then I started walking, the cold breeze put me in ease
And I felt like I was reborn once again
The road looked beautiful with large big trees
All flies were starting their routine work
While walking I had many thoughts
For sometime I was happy thinking about the past
For sometime I got sad and felt alone

"I'm falling again for you
I miss the way you see me
I miss the way you talked to me
I miss the way you played with me
I miss you alot
I'm falling ,falling and falling again
I wished for an happy ending but it's not what I expected
Where are you?
I'm here waiting for you
I'm walking on the same road where I walked with you
I felt better when I was with you
Where are you?
Could you able to hear me"

I was shouting my thoughts on the road
No one listened to me
No one where with me
I left alone in a dark hole
I couldn't escape from it because I got betrayed by my love
I thought she was my everything but she made me like a mad person
I cried the hell out
After sometime I realised I was walking
The life goes on
As Never-Ending Road

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