Never Ending Dream

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"Let me show you around my majestic place."

I quietly followed this man, whose name is Jake De Ville, as he gave me a tour of this amusing castle of his. Everything seems unfamiliar to me, after all I had never been to the outside world of the Laurette Mansion in my whole entire life, and this castle was the first place that I visited after being allowed to go outside.

My parents were overprotective, they trapped me inside the mansion from "the dangerous world." I never knew why they thought of that, from all the books and pictures I've seen, the world seems like a wonderful place, way completely different from their views.

"I heard that you have never been to the outside world before, and this is your first time, so why did you decide to choose to visit here? Was it the castle that caught your attention?"

It wasn't the castle that caught my attention, but the dark atmosphere around it. Usually in stories, dark, towering and sinister castles have something interesting, I would love to find out what interesting thing this castle has.

This mysterious man who I just met gave me a tour of his castle, it was unexpectedly to be just a regular castle like those in the fairytale stories where they usually describe the castles as enormous, wonderful, and magnificent looking. It is usually the place where everyone wishes to live. Though I expected this castle to have cracked walls, broken furniture, everything that was covered with dull color, but everything just seems to be brand new.

"Are you the only person who lives here? I don't see any other people, including maids, in this castle," I asked once I noticed that I haven't seen any other person yet. De Ville replied, "Indeed, I'm the only one who live in the De Ville Castle, Lady Laurette."

"How are you able to clean up the whole castle this big?"

"I have my ways, with lots of free time I have, I can clean up as long as I want."

"Why don't you hire a maid or a butler, it doesn't seem that you can't hire one."

"I love to clean, or you could say cleaning is a hobby of mine, does that answer your question, Lady Laurette?"

"I see, that was much unexpected especially from someone like Sir De Ville, I never knew cleaning would be a hobby of yours." Though I was a little suspicious. Cleaning is indeed a rare hobby, but anyone who is rich enough and with a hobby of cleaning would still hire a servant, not to mention this castle needed around 10 servants to be cleaned. I doubt that he alone is able to clean this whole castle until spotless in just a week. I soon realized that the castle was extremely clean, that got me confused, did all his servants leave not long ago?

Well he must be that desperate I guess. Soon we passed by a strange door, I questioned the black haired man about that door. I could tell he was hesitating to tell me, but at last he finally told me, "This house has belonged to my ancestors for nearly a thousand years, it was constructed and remained like this for centuries, so I never knew the reason why this door was built completely different."

"Woah, I knew that castle could last for a long time but not a thousand years, that's pretty remarkable." I was amazed. "Indeed, my ancestors had taken good care of this castle for years," he continued.

"Are we allowed to enter this room?"

"It's always locked ever since I was born into this world, even though the key had passed down to me, I would rather not open this door. It's best if we ignore it."

I signed, but nodded telling him that I respected his option. "Shall we continue touring?" De Ville asked.

After about an hour of touring, De Ville brought me to the garden, it was covered with different kinds of flowers, like lavender, rose, lily flowers, and many more. "Wine? I ordered the best one just for you." Sir De Ville offered. "I prefer tea, any type of tea." I declined. "I see, you're not a wine person, I'll go prepare the best one around the castle then, you won't mind right?" I shook my head.

While the kind man went prepared the tea, I was in deep thoughts. Was he or his ancestors a royalty? With such a fancy castle he owned, there's no doubt he is one, but I've never heard of the De Ville family as a royalty in my whole life. Could they be hidden this whole time? Or Sir Jack faked his family name? Now that I've thought of it, I don't think I've seen this castle on the map before. Despite how I spent my entire life in the Laurette Mansion, I always studied about the outside world, I'm crystal clear that this castle was never on any of the maps I've seen. Or could it be that Sir De Ville is a vampire, usually vampires live in a castle, but vampires are only myth, though that's the only possible question I could come up with. The more I think of it, the messier it gets.

"...Laurette, Lady Laurette?"

Soon I got knocked out from my deep thoughts. "Ah, sorry Sir De Ville, I didn't notice you were there." How long has he been there? Now that I've looked at his warm smile and his kind silver eyes, he looks like an ordinary kind man, I must have overthought about everything.

"You had been staring at that white rose, perhaps you like it?"

"Ah yes, I've never seen such a beautiful rose, specifically a white rose." I panicked and told a half lie.

"Would you like to bring some home? I think they suit you perfectly, especially with that beautiful blonde hair of yours."

"If you insist, I would be honored."

"Anyways I've prepared Twinings Earl Grey tea, it's my personal favorite, and I hope that you'll enjoy it too."

"Thank you Sir De Ville."

"You may call me Jack, it is ok if I call you by your first name also, Lady Laurette?"

I nodded. Jack soon proceeded to cut off some white roses and put them in a vase for me to bring home. The vase has a colorful flower pattern, I couldn't tell what flowers were painted on it, but it was really eye-catching. Jack and I had a peaceful conversation with each other while we're sipping tea.

Until I heard a scream.

I shuddered and turned my head towards the direction of the scream. "What's wrong Lady Jane?" Jack questioned. Looking at Jack's expression, it seems that he didn't hear that scream, it must be my imagination. I tried to forget about the scream that I heard, and shook my head, telling him it was nothing.

Soon I noticed the sun was no longer hanging on the sky, so I asked, "Sir Jack, do you know what the time right now is?"

"It's 19 o'clock, it's been 5 hours since you've arrived Lady Jane."

"I see, I think it's about time for me to return to my mansion."

"The sun is no longer within our sight, and it's pretty dangerous outside considering the recent events. I think you should stay here."

"True, after all I had to pass through the Transylvania forests to get here."

"Shall I show you to your room now?"

I followed him to the guest room, abandoning the tea set that we used before. That was kind and considering of him of letting me stay at his place while it's probably dangerous to be in the forest at night, though it's not that late yet, but it took hours to get here or go back, even though I brought my servant with me, he must be bored and tired waiting for me. Maybe I should leave the first thing in the morning.

Jack lent me some of his sister's clothes, who apparently got married and moved out already. The room was surprisingly already well prepared and cleaned when we arrived, it was as if Jack had already prepared this room before my arrival, considering he didn't hire any servant, and had always been with me these past 5 hours.

Jack told me I can use the bathtub to bathe and to clean up if I want to, so I did. It was relaxing, and helped to clear out my mind, I almost fell asleep though. After that, I returned to the guest room. I haven't seen Jack ever since, I assumed that he must be busy with his own business.

Until now, I still haven't gotten over the scream I heard in the garden. With all the suspicions and also the sudden scream, I don't know if I'm out of my mind or not. Jack is a kind gentleman, why do I keep thinking he's not what he seems. Probably I'm still not used to this outside world yet. I thought that maybe sleeping would help to stop these weird suspicions and feelings, after all I always felt better after sleeping and waking up. Not long, I finally fell asleep...


I awoke by that scream. I definitely heard another scream. I'm getting chills, fears have covered all over my body.

There are whispers.


Why are there whispers?


Where are these whispers coming from?


Is this a dream?

"the truth..."

My body suddenly moved on its own, I walked out of the room, I don't know where I am going. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. I wanted to call out Jack, but I'm too scared to say anything. I kept on walking...

"...lies in here..."

...Until I stopped at the strange door.

W...Why did I stop at this door? Even if there's a reason for me to stop by at this door, this door won't open, after all Jack said it was locked this whole time. Soon I tried opening the door without my conscious.

It opened...

I never feared so much in my whole life, I was so close to shed a tear. I entered the room, when I'm not supposed to. For some reason, the room was lighten up.

And I've never seen something so horrifying.

I saw dead bodies lying around. I'm fine with a dead body alone, but this is far way disgusting...  The limbs of the victims were ripped off; organs such small intestine, large intestine, heart, lungs, kidneys, all are lying around. I could also see heads of the victims being hung on the walls, but they're eyeless. Their eyeballs? Each pair of eyeballs are being kept in different jars, including their ears and tongues. I even noticed there are nails and teeth lying around of the table, then that's when I noticed there's a torture chair and some tools.

I don't want to assume Jack, a kind gentleman, is a murderer, but I clearly smelled blood. Not to mention, these bloods look fresh, it means that these victims were killed not long ago. What's worse is that he tortured them. He clearly tortured them! Their nails and teeth must have been pulled out first, then their eyeballs, ears and tongues, ripped off their limbs, ripped out their organs, and chopped off their heads to hang them on the wall. He must have done it slowly for his own entertainment. I doubt that his sister even got the chance to get married and move out. All of these victims must be all his servants and his families! No wonder, he doesn't have any servants in the first place.

I want to scream. I want to cry. But I'm scared he will hear me. I must get out of this horrifying place, as fast as possible. I turned around and ran towards the door.

He's there.

He's standing right behind me.

This whole time.

I couldn't move a single cell.

He pushed towards the torture chair and locked me up. I could not escape, I can't even move at all.

"You know Lady Jane... I'm really into you. Your beauty, your hair, your eyes, your story... ALL OF THEM!! They all made me want to marry you so much. I was planning to propose to you. I love you so much Lady Jane! You know that right? I know you love me too. We were meant for each other!"

"..." He paused for awhile

"Too bad, you found out my little secret..."

The next thing I knew, he was holding a bloody plier. He slowly pulled each of my nails carefully. I screamed so loud, telling him to stop. He grinned at me instead, I was right, he was doing this for his own entertainment. This maniac even had the guts to say, "Since you're so special, I promise I'll displace each of your parts wonderfully in my room, what do you say my lady?"

He continued torturing me, each and every step that I predicted. I kept screaming and crying, he won't stop, and he didn't even hesitate. Right before he stabbed out my eyeballs, the last thing I saw were his silver eyes, his disgusting silver eyes. My eyeballs and ears are now gone, even though I couldn't see or hear, I'm pretty sure he's going to rip out my organs next, I'll even bet he's going to say he loves me with that psychopathic mouth of his. Why did I even decide to visit the castle in the first place? I wanted to regret my decisions now, but it's too late to turn back, now that my life will end here...

And I woke up. I was shocked. I can see now. This is clearly the guest room. What happened before must be a nightmare. But for some reason, I'm not relieved. It felt so real, the pains were real. Even though that was a nightmare, I had to get out now. It's still night time, I still got time to get out before it's too late, I don't care if it's dangerous outside right now, but my situation is even more dangerous.

"it's too late..."

I can hear the whispers again.


I didn't have the time to change my clothes, so I quickly grabbed my coat, and ran quietly towards the gates. I kept turning my head back to make sure Jack didn't follow me. I ran into my coach, telling my servant to send me back to the mansion as soon as possible.

Now that we're getting further from this terrorizing castle, I felt safer.

"My Lady, why are you in such a hurry?"

That... That isn't my servant voice at all! His voice is way deeper. T... This is Jack De Ville's voice! Why is he here? Where's my servant? Did he kill him? He must have killed him! As soon as the coach stopped, I immediately jumped off the coach, running as far as possible, even though I had no idea where I was going. I decided to hide for a while to catch a breath. I saw Jack run pass by, so I decided to wait a little more to come out.

"There you are Lady Jane..."

I heard him right after I came out. Before I could run away, I got hit by a rock, and got pinned down.

"Why are you running? Don't you love this place? Do you hate it? Do you hate me?"

He kept hitting me with the rock while laughing like a maniac, while I kept screaming and struggling, trying to break out. But I got unconscious, I assumed I'm dead already. And the last thing I saw are those silver blood-thirsted eyes again.

And I woke up again.

This is the second time I woke after getting killed by Jack De Ville. I was really confused. What in the world is going on? Should I really trust this man? Are those really dreams?

Soon I remembered something.

"she's too late..."

I've read a book that once you step upon the De Ville Castle, you'll be in an eternal curse, where you can never break free. It never mentioned what kind of curse it will be. It was also a myth, or so I thought.


Everything makes sense now. Is that the reason why the De Ville Castle was not located on the maps? Is that why I'm getting nightmares about Jack De Ville killing me? So this is the curse? What had I gotten myself into? Are there other victims other than me? I'm scared what will happen next. It's impossible to be prepared to be torture and kill by the same person over and over again.

"she's cursed..."

The door soon slowly opened, I could see a grin behind it.

"we're sorry..."


And that's all folks B)
Hope you enjoy this nonsense story I made lmao
Tbh this was my English assignment XD
I was proud this so I decided to upload cuz y not XDDDDDDD

Btw Happy late Halloween!! hihi

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