Chapter 10: Agony

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-Jisoo POV-

"Unnie ? What are you thinking ?"

The moment I heard Jieun's voice, I realized what I was doing.

I looked at her with nervous eyes and said; "Oh...nothing baby". She nodded and started going through the picture album I was showing her.

I had named that album 'Sweet Dreams'.

Every picture in that album says a whole new story and I was telling those stories to Jieun.

All my most precious memories were stored in that album.

Those memories which were nothing less than a dream.

As Jieun continued to go through the album, she reached a certain page where she couldn't recognize the person with me in the picture.

"Who is that girl with you in that picture Unnie?" She asks pointing her small fingers towards a particular picture.

"Oh...well she is my sister" I said giving Jieun a small smile while she looked at me with her big doe eyes.

To be honest, her doe eyes reminds me of my mom at times. Actually she is my mom.

Whenever I'm sick and I will be working, she would call me and scold me just like how my mom used to scold me.

"Then why didn't you say me about her" Jieun said while pouting.

"Awwe! Well...I didn't tell you because we haven't talked or met since soooo long.." I said.

"Why?" She asks tilting her head.

To be honest, I don't know what I should say to her.

"We both were busy and didn't have time so we didn't meet eachother" I said while she made a 'O' face and flipped the next page.

The moment she flipped, my mind went blank and heart started beating fast.

It was them.

"Unnie! Unnie! Who are they?" Jieun asks pointing at a group picture of 10-11 people.

She looked at me waiting for an answer but I sat there silently. I wanted to speak but no words came out of my mouth.

"Unnie" She tapped on my shoulder slowly when I slightly flinched at the sudden cold touch.

Jieun's hands were so cold.

"Y-yeah?" I managed to speak.

"Who are they?" She asks once again.

"My Friends"

"Ohhhhooo. You have so many friends" She said with the brightest smile while I somehow managed to smile and nod.

Thats when i heard someone ring the bell of my house. I stood up and went to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Jieun's mom. I bowed and welcomed her.

"Mommyyyyy" Jieun ran straight into her mom's arm.

"Did you miss me soo much?" Mrs. Kang said with a smile while Jieun responded by saying "Yess mommy! But I wasn't bored because I played a lot with Jisoo Unnie and had so much fun!"

"Is that so?"

"Yess mom! And you know Jisoo unnie has sooooo many friends!"

"Wow!" Mrs. Kang said and looked at me with a smile before thanking me and making Jieun get ready to go back to home.

I gave Jieun a hug which she gladly accepted.

"Byeee unniee!" She said waving her hands.

"Byeee Jieunie and take caree!" I waved back my hands and she smiled cutely.

I stared at both Mrs. Kang and Jieun's figure until they disappeared from my sight.

I slowly closed the door and went to couch where the album was kept.

' • • Like a butterfly • • '

That was the heading of the page.

It's been a while since I came across this page. I caressed the pictures.

I miss those days.

I miss the old us.

I trusted them and i belive that they trusted me too then why did this happen?

At a moment in my life I belived that happiness is a thing which was never meant for me but when they entered my life, I was proved wrong.

They might have entered my life in the weirdest way in the weirdest place but became the reason of my happiness.

They were that dream which I was running around in search of.

'Stop for a moment,
Let this heart get stable
How should I stop you.

Every sorrow coming towards me
would slip away.

I’ll fill you in my eyes
I’ll talk to you without speaking,
If you are with me'

-Hoseok POV-

"Thank you" I said and took the packet of strawberries from the shopkeeper and made my way towards Jimin's house.

It's been so long since I last met so I thought of visit him. It would be a lie if I said that I didn't miss him.

He changed my life without even trying, and I don't think I could ever tell him how much he meant to me.

I can't even imagine what things would be like without him.

Days when I used to walk back home alone changed when I met him.

Even though our houses were in different directions and i had to walk to his home to drop him off before I returned to mine, still I had someone whom I could talk about my day to.

I didn't care if I had to walk more just to be with him.

My thoughts got interrupted when I heard a honk. I looked around and saw that I was standing right infront of a bike.

I apologized, stood aside and let the biker go.

Soon i started walking towards Jimin's house. He didn't live far away from here.

After walking for a while, I could see the street to his house. As I was still walking, I saw a cute girl playing with ball. She had 2 ponytails which looked exactly like coconut tree. I smiled to myself and continued walking.

After a few more minutes of walking there was I, standing infront of his house.

I rang the bell waiting for someone to come and open the door but no one came.

I waited waited and waited but yet no one came.

I knocked a few times on the door too but got no response.

I think they are not home.

It's ok. Afterall it was me who suddenly thought of visiting even without informing.

Some other day. I'll meet Jimin some other day.


Is there even some other day ?

I shrugged off my thoughts and smiled to myself and made my way back to my home.

I went back to walking and soon was out of that street. As I continued to walk, I suddenly saw that cute little girl going towards the middle of the street to get her ball.

I ran to her as fast as I could but...I was too late. She was already in the middle of the street crying, feeling scared everytime a car crossed.

I made a step ahead to get her while she kept on trembling with fear.

"Don't worry cutie. It's okay. I'll get you away from there..." I said to her while she looked at me with doe eyes which was filled with fear.

I was so close to her when suddenly a car came rushing towards both of us.

I didn't hesitate to push her away as hard as I could and tried to escape as well but I was too late.

The car hit me and my body collapsed on the rough road.

My body was wounded badly and the next moment I felt something warm roll down my head.

The only thing I could hear was footsteps and shouts just like how I heard in my childhood.

So...this is the end.

I was glad that I was able to save the little girl atleast.

I felt my clothes getting wet and my body feeling lighter.

That was the last thing I felt before everything blacked out.

'Your dreams are there in your eyes,
And because of your dreams there is anger (in you)

I feel the talks of heart
Are all deception.

Whether you are there with me or not,
What is the difference,
The life was merciless, and is merciless'



A/n: Hope you guys liked this chapter! I can't belive that I wrote all of this just in a day! Anyways, do tell me what you feel about this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Byee ♥︎

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