Chapter 6: First Meet

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Mr. Choi called us out and asked us to stand right infront of the board and say what we were talking bout.

That's when I said...

"Me and Taehyung were planning for Mr. Choi's birthday which is in upcoming Wednesday. We both decided to-"

"Stop stop stop! It's true that I have the best students! You both care soo muchh for me🤧🤧 I was about to make you both stand outside the classroom but now I won't🤧❤ Sorry but you guys will still need to attend detention" Mr. Choi said while wiping away his tears.

Me and TaeTae were happy cause we don't need to stand outside the classroom infront of our juniors but were sad cause we still have to attend detention🥲

I guess it's better than nothing.

"Why are you both still standing? Go and please take your seats🤧" Mr. Choi said still being emotional lol

We both went and sat down in our places as the class continued.

After a few minutes the bell rang and everyone ran towards the Cafeteria while me and Tae were slowly going while talking and laughing.

"I can't belive we guessed his bday right lmao-" Taehyung said while laughing.

"Me too lol but still we got detention🥲🥲" I said.

"Yeahh but detention will be fun too!" Tae said and winked. Lol

Then we walked to  Cafeteria to have our lunch~

-Time Skips to Detention-

I got to know that me, Taehyung and some more students were assigned to clean an old classroom as punishment.

As we entered the classroom, the first thing which we saw was a few students laughing and fooling around eachother but when we entered, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and looked at us as if we were some sort of aliens- 💀

There was an awkward silence until Tae spoke.

"Hello everyone! I'm Taehyung!"

"Ohh Hi Taehyung! I'm Hoseok" one of the boys smiled and said.

"I'm Park Jimin" I said while showing my mochi smile.

"I'm Jennie and she is Rosè" One of the girls said while pointing towards the girl beside her. I guess her name is Rosè?

"Nice to meet you both!" Rosè said while smiling.

[Listen to 'Butter' by BTS while reading for better experience]

"Hello all! Ladies and Gentlemens! I'm Kim Seokjin😎" I heard a voice speak behind from me which made flinch.

"AAAAA!! GHOSTTT!!" Taehyung screamed which made Hoseok flinch.

"GHOSSTTTTTTTTT" Hoseok shouted and tried to hide behind one of the boys.

With that everyone started screaming thinking that some ghost is here while I turned around and saw Seokjin.

Oh my god- his faceu😂

"For real? Does my handsome face looks like some ghost?" Jin I mean Seokjin said with disgust clearly visible in his face.

Finally everyone looked at him and sighed.

"Seriously Taehyung-ah? Ghost and me huh" Jin said and started chasing Taehyung while Tae made a fake crying face and started running away from Jin.

"EOMMAA!!! Sorryyy Jinn Hyungggg"

"Youuuuuu little bratt!!! How dare ya call me a Ghost?!?!"

Oh my god🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing seeing their condition. They look like Tom and Jerry😂

"Leave him Jin hyung leave him😂 Leave that poor alien😂" I said laughing my ass out just like everyone else in here.

"Ok. I will let him go this time because you said so but if he dares to call me ghost again then I will hit him with my slippers" Hyung said and flipped his hair.

"Ahem..okay so this Alien messed my intro last time so lemme introduce myself once again. Hello all I'm Kim Seokjin a.k.a WWH😎" Hyung said with a smile in his face.

"Hey I'm Yoongi! Min Yoongi" The boy near Hoseok said showing his smile. He got a cutee smile!

"Nice drama right Namjoon Hyung?" I heard another voice from behind which made all of us turn around and saw 4 students standing at the doorstep and looking at us as if we are some sort of actors in a theater lol.

"Uhm- don't mind this bunny. Btw..I'm Namjoon and he is Jungkook" the taller boy said with a smile.

"Firstly I'm not a bunny" the guy named Jungkook said.

"Ofc you are a bunny Kook" Jin hyung said while laughing.

"Nevermind this grandpa" Jungkook said.

"Dare to call me grandpa once again and  then you'll see the worst of me🙂" oww- Jin Hyung looks scary.

"We both are alive here too😑" those 2 girls said with a 'so done' look.

"Hellooo all! I'm Lalisa Manoban but you can call me Lisa and she is my favourite Unnie Jisoo Unnie!" One of the girls spoke showing her smile.

"Helloo all! I'm Kim Jisoo!" The other girl said while showing her smile.

With that all of us introduced ourselves to each other and soon we started cleaning while chit chatting.

For some reason, we felt really comfortable. It felt like we knew eachother from before.

There was comfort.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

We shared our thoughts, experiences, sad moments of our lives and also the happy moments.

We laughed together, helped eachother and did many things together but never thought that we would get this close within an hour.

For some reason, I wanted to be with them forever.

Forever just like this, laughing together while holding eachother's hands.

-Flashback Ends-

I miss you all.

Saying this makes me miss you guys even more.

I miss so badly but...even if I want to meet, I can't meet.

I stared at the picture of 11 of us. Back then we were so happy with eachother then why did all these happen?

I sighed and kept the picture aside.

Even if I want you guys back, I can't.

-End of Jimin POV-'s just that the 11 bestfriends met in wrong life in wrong time?

Such situations came up which locked them up and the only thing they could scream out was 'Save Me' .


A/n: ya go! Another update lol.
So from now on there will be long updates~ Btw...the birthday idea is inspired from JianHaoTan. He is amazing! Hope you liked reading it! Take care and babye~


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