Chapter 1 🥶

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POV key in case you forgot,
😥 means Violet's POV
😡 means Karma's POV
🥶 means Frost's POV
😇 means Thorn's POV
😅 means Lucy's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked around my small living quarters. It had a small desk a bed and a bathroom. There was a cafeteria in the complex anyways so it wasn't like I needed a kitchen. I got up off of my bed as I thought about the nightmare I had. I got up and went to take a shower. Getting out of my frosty blue with snowflakes pajamas as I took my long blonde hair out of it's ponytail. I prefer to keep my hair long. Despite the fact that it is annoying to clean blood out of it after a battle. I took a warm shower and got on a towel. I brushed my blonde hair out of my face revealing my icey blue eyes. I got dressed in my uniform which was a black button up shirt with some black jeans. It is the one we wear when there isn't a fight going on. When there is we tend to wear diffrent types of camoe to make us less likely to be spotted.

Once I was dressed I grabbed my keys and headed out of my room. I locked the door behind me and saw Ice walking by. He is known for being as cold as Ice nothing like his sister Snowflake who is very kind and caring for others. Most tend to avoid him as much as possible. His hair was dyed white and he was wearing a flower crown and the uniform. My guess is that his sister made him the flower crown. Thats the only times I've seen him wear any. Once I locked my door I started to head to the cafeteria for my breakfast. Though for some reason Ice stopped me. I wondered why as I looked over at him. He asked me, "have you seen Polar?" I shook my head and said, "I was just heading to the cafeteria. Polar might be in his room or on his way to the cafeteria." Ice nodded a bit and headed off towards Polar's room. I wonder what Polar did this time. He was known to bully Snowflake which resulted in him being constantly beat up by Ice. The heads have even had to seperate the two before while they were fighting.

I headed down to the first floor. On the broken apart stairs. I would of preferred not to but of course the elevator was broken by another army last week and still hasn't been fixed. Once I got down the stairs I headed north to the cafeteria. I saw Polar on the way looking smug. He always had that look after he does anything to Snowflake. As I walked passed I heard him bragging about what he did to Snowflake. Honestly what he said was so bad to the point where I was tempted to beat him up. I grabbed out my phone and texted Ice that Polar was on the first floor near room 107. I figured that the heads would have to get involved again. I honestly wonder how Polar is still here. He has so many complaints about him that he should of been fired ages ago. At least according to some of the heads.

I went to the bathroom nearby not to actually use it. But, to pretend I did so that when Ice came to fight Polar I could be there to watch without Polar knowing that I told Ice where he was. I went into one of the stalls and crumbled up some toilet paper to ask like I was using the bathroom. I dropped them in and once I was done I wiped and got up pulling up my pants as I flushed the toilet. I walked out of the stall and walked over to the sink. It was a nice sink. Or at least it would be if it wasn't so run down. I washed my hands with soap as I heard Ice yell, "Polar why is my sister crying?!"

Polar tried to say, "i-it wasn't me." Only for him to reply, "oh really?! So she is just crying for no reason?! She doesn't just cry for no reason Polar! For fridge sake you can't even lie about not doing it! The only thing she has said was that you came into her room last night! That's it nothing else!" I walked out of the bathroom and could see the fear in Polar's eyes. I wondered how badly he was gonna get hurt this time. Depends on what he did. I saw Ice raise his fist and soon after him and Polar started to fight. I'm surprised neither have been put in diffrent locations or fired still. I mean Ice used to cuss a storm until he got to deal with the heads about it. Now he is the one of us to cuss the least. I watched as they fought seeing the floor get more and more bloody. Until after about 5 minutes one of the higher up came we all called him dad due to how much he acted like an overprotective parent. I don't even remember what his real name is. He has gray hair, and a lot of scars the most noticeable one being on the side of his face over his left eye.

No one knows if he can see out of that eye other than himself. He cleared his throat but the two kept fighting, not seeming to hear him. Dad decided to grab them both and pull them apart forcefully. He glared at the two and said, "can you two explain why your causing so much noise?" I heard Polar say, "I don't know, Ice just came up and started to fight me." Ice replied to him, "you know exactly what you did to Snowflake." Dad sighed and took them both off probably to look for Snowflake.

I started to head off to get my breakfast as everyone went back to what they has been doing. As I got to the cafeteria I saw Snowflake she seems to have gotten beaten up by Polar pretty badly. She probably won't be able to fight in wars with us for at least a week by the look of it. It's strange how Polar keeps doing this to her. Snowflake is one of the best fighters that we have. Yet she doesn't even stand up for herself against him. It makes no sense to me or really anybody who had seen them fighting.

As I went in line the alarm started. I could tell that we were being attacked pretty quickly. The alarms are diffrent for every occasion.

Words 1139

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