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A young man sat in the backseat of a luxurious car, and relaxed as he stretched out on the smooth, new, black leather seats. Through the tinted windows he could see his numerous fans all gathered at the side of the road. They were screaming his name and squealing in delight as his car passed by. Hundreds of camera flashes went off every second, though they were dimmed by the shaded windows. The paparazzi taking them obviously hoped to get a glimpse of him, not caring for his privacy in the least.

"David? Are you alright?"

David turned his head from the monstrous crowd to see his beautiful girlfriend sitting across from him. Her dark blue eyes matched her long, straight blond hair perfectly. Her figure was lovely. She wore bright pink high heels, which expertly matched her bright pink designer dress. She had a look of confidence to match her outgoing outfit, but in reality, she was a delicate thing. She didn't really like dirty work, or any work in general. 

He smiled. "Just thinking about how pretty you are," he said, reaching for her dainty hand with his own. But before he could take it, the door opened to reveal a long, red carpet, which was surrounded by screaming fans. David turned to see blinding flashes of light, no doubt from the cameras, as they were no longer dimmed by the tint of the expensive windows. He turned back to the beauty and grabbed her hand. They both got out of the shiny white car, hand in hand, and walked into the grand arena.

The walk to their room started out as ear splitting, with people screaming their names at every turn. Only when they entered the private hallways did the noise finally cease.

"David," she began to say as soon as the doors closed behind them, leaving them completely alone in their private room.

"Yes, Jasmine?" he said with a small smile.

"Are you nervous?" she asked as she looked into his eyes with her dark blue ones. He smiled even wider, and she gave a slight smile back.

"Me, nervous? Never," David replied as his small smile turned into a toothy grin. The smile immediately dropped from Jasmine's face, though.

"You know I hate that smile if yours," she said with an exasperated tone. David immediately stopped smiling, ashamed of upsetting his girl. He turned towards the door, since the conversation was obviously over.

"Wish me luck," he mumbled under his breath when he placed his hand on the doorknob. He inhaled deeply, confidently turned the knob, and opened it. His face held a determined expression, one that could give people a chill up their spine.

He started down the hallway, thankful that no one else occupied it. He had made sure this would be the case when he first agreed to make his appearance. After all, his exhibition match would most certainly draw a larger crowd, making it rain, as they say, for the company that was hosting it. And, in return, he would also get some cash.

David stepped out into a tunnel, which was bright on the other end. He started towards the blinding light. Through the tunnel, he could hear the announcer introducing his opponents.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! The exhibition match is about to begin! On one end we see Pokémon Champions Diantha and Cynthia!"

Divid stopped as he neared the end of the tunnel, the light nearly blinding him. He smirked as the cheers of the crowd literally shook the ground he was on. But those cheers were nothing compared to what came afterwards.

"And on the other we have our current Pokémon Master: David!"

David would have rather heard and atomic bomb go off than the roar of the crowd that followed that statement. His eardrums felt like they were going to burst, and his head began to feel numb. But he was used to it by now.

He walked onto the platform with a smile on his face, and stepped up to his trainer box as the referee stated the rules.

"This will be a ten minute one-round battle between the two champions and the current Pokémon Master. The champions will each have one Pokémon while the Pokémon Master will have only one Pokémon. The battle will be over when all of the Pokémon on either side are unable to continue. Trainers ready? Battle, begin!"

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